二十笔实用成语 897

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二十笔实用成语 897

帖子 royl » 周四 6月 18, 2020 4:14 am

二十笔实用成语 897

01. pure as the driven snow, be (as)
定义: 纯洁如雪的, 洁身自爱的.
例句: "She must have gone to bed with every man in town." "And I always thought she was as pure as the driven snow." ("她肯定跟镇里每个男人都上过床了." "而我还一直以为她纯洁如雪呢.")

02. pure luck, a
定义: 纯粹碰巧, 瞎猫撞死耗子.
例句: His life was saved due to the pure luck that an ambulance happened to be passing by. (他的性命被救回来纯粹是碰巧因为一部救护车正好从他那儿经过)

03. purposely vs. purposefully
定义: [易混淆字或片语]purposely(副词)故意地; purposefully(副词)有目的地, 决心地.

04. purr like a cat/kitten, to
定义: (引擎)运转得很平稳; 非常舒适, 愉快满意地呻吟.
例句: Once we get this carburetor repaired, this old car is going to purr like a kitten again. (一旦我们把这个化油器修好了, 这部老爷车便会再度运转得很平稳)

05. purse your lips, to
定义: 噘起你的嘴唇作思考表情或不满意表情.
例句: Mary took a glance at her reflection and pursed her lips disgustedly. (玛莉撇了一眼她在镜中的映像, 她噘起嘴唇作出厌烦的样子)

06. pursue a new line of inquiry/investigation, to
定义: 追查新的调查线索.
例句: With the probe in the case going nowhere, police say they want to pursue a new line of investigation. (由于这案件的调查毫无进展, 警方表示他们想要展开另一条新的调查线索)

07. pursue the goal, to
定义: 追求此目标.
例句: Instead of pursuing the goal of "being healthy", you may adopt the goal of "walking at least 30 minutes everyday", which is more concrete and easier to achieve. (与其追求"成为健康"的目标, 你还不如选择"每天至少走路三十分钟"的目标, 因为后者才是更具体并且更容易达成的)

08. purveyor of hatred, the
定义: 散布仇恨者.
例句: This is the purveyor of hatred that makes fun of the disabled, calls women "fat pigs," and brags about grabbing women in the crotch. (就是这个散布仇恨者取笑残疾人, 骂女人是"肥猪,"和吹嘘自己是从她们裤裆处抓住女人)

09. push along, to
定义: 往前推; 进行, 向前行; 离开.
例句: We pushed along through the dense jungle in the hope of finding our campsite before nightfall. (我们在浓密的丛林中向前挺进, 希望在入夜之前找到我们的营地)

10. push and shove, to
定义: 连推带挤, 使劲地向前推挤.
例句: It seemed the whole school was there, pushing and shoving to see the fight. (好像全学校的人都在那儿, 大家连推带挤地看这场打架)

11. push around/about, to
定义: 欺凌威胁, 颐气指使, 欺人太甚; 推来推去.
例句: Don't let Tom push you around like that – stand up for yourself, or report him to HR if you need to. (别让汤姆那样地欺凌你– 你该挺身而出保护自己, 或者有必要的话把他告进人事处)

12. push aside, to
定义: 推开, 推到一旁, 冷漠忽视, 不去想, 搁置不理, 不予以考虑.
例句: I would have been hit by that truck if you hadn't pushed me aside at the last moment. (如果不是你在最后一刻把我推到一旁, 我就可能被那部卡车撞飞了)

13. push back, to
定义: 推回去, 抵制, 抵抗, 反对; 推回原处; 延期, 搁置不理.
例句: Would you help me push the kitchen table back against the wall, please? (你能不能帮我把这张厨桌推回去靠着墙, 拜托拜托?)

14. push forward, to
定义: 挺进, 推进; 向前推; 提前, 提早举行.
例句: Here, let me push your chair forward so you're closer to the table. (来, 让我把你椅子向前推, 这样你离桌子就近了些)

15. push ... prices higher/up, to
定义: 提高某物价格.
例句: The Federal Reserve is still going to cut rates this month and that will weaken the U.S. dollar and push gold prices higher. (联邦储备银行还要在这个月减息, 这样就削弱了美元并且提高了黄金价格)

16. push in, to
定义: 挤入, 挤进去; [英国]插队.
例句: He pushed in at the head of the queue. (他插队进了队伍的前头)

17. push it/things, to
定义: 过份坚持, 过份主动. (注: 意指该知趣停止时仍不停止, 过份坚持超越别人的容忍)
例句: If a student looks like they are struggling, offer help but don't push it – they need to decide for themselves whether they want to avail of it. (如果一名学生看似在功课上有所挣扎, 你可以提议协助他但别过份坚持– 他们需要由自己来决定是否要接受别人的帮助)

18. push off, to
定义: (船只)推离; 离开, 出发; 推开(以避免受伤).
例句: He continued to come at me, but I managed to push him off me and escape. (他继续不断地向我逼近, 但我设法推开他然后逃走)

19. push on, to
定义: 挺进, 推进; 继续进行; 进行另一工作; 向前推.
例句: We pushed on through the snow, hoping to reach the destination before nine o'clock PM. (我们在雪地上继续挺进, 希望在晚上九点之前赶到目的地)

20. push one's luck, to
定义: 得寸进尺; 进一步再碰碰运气.
例句: You've already got a good pay rise. Now don't push your luck by asking for more leave. (你已经得到了一个不错的加薪. 你就别再得寸进尺要求多请一点假)



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