二十笔实用成语 1013

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二十笔实用成语 1013

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 02, 2021 12:45 am

二十笔实用成语 1013

01. stake out one's claim, to
定义: 宣称对...所拥有权.
例句: Settlers arrived in droves looking to stake out a claim in the fertile new lands. (移民成群结队地来到这里, 希望在这片肥沃新土地上拥有一处属于自己的家园)

02. stake out, to
定义: 标记区域的边界; 宣称或保留某物或某地的所有权; 对...进行监视; 派人监视.
例句: You think it can't happen to you? What about the thief who's been staking out your house? (你认为这种事不可能发生在你身上吗? 那个一直在偷窥你房子的小偷该怎么解释呢?)

03. stalking horse, a
定义: 掩护, 伪装; (为了测试现任者有多少支持的)掩护性候选人; 猎人用的掩护马.
例句: I'm afraid that this deal is just a stalking horse for a more nefarious long-term plan. (恐怕这笔交易只是在替一个更邪恶的长期计划作掩护)

04. stamp out, to
定义: 扑灭(火势); 镇压, 弭平; 彻底摧毁或消灭, 根除.
例句: The government is making a great effort to stamp out smoking among teenagers. (政府正在竭尽全力杜绝青少年吸烟问题)

05. stand a chance, to
定义: 有机会; 有成功的可能.
例句: If that road is closed, we don't stand a chance of making it on time. (如果那条路被关闭的话, 我们则根本不可能准时到达那儿)

06. stand accused of ..., to
定义: 被指控...的罪名.
例句: Tom stands accused of defamation. An obscure law may let him slide. (汤姆被指控诽谤. 一条晦涩的法律可能会让他逃过刑责的追究)

07. stand against, to
定义: 违抗, 反对, 抵抗, 与其竞争, 依靠在...之上.
例句: Please don't stand against the fence, it could topple over! (请不要靠在栅栏上, 它可能会倒塌!)

08. stand around, to
定义: 无所事事, 闲站着, 不闻不问, 逗留厮混.
例句: Why are all these people standing around doing nothing? (为什么所有这些人都闲荡着, 无所事事?)

09. stand aside, to
定义: 让开, 站开, 袖手旁观.
例句: He just stood aside and let his kids behave as they pleased. (他只是袖手旁观, 任由他的孩子胡来)

10. stand back, to
定义: 退后, 站在一旁, 保持距离, 不(要)参与.
例句: Police officers are urging onlookers to stand back as animal control attempts to sedate the mountain lion. (当动物管理处人员试图镇静这头美洲狮的时候, 警察敦促旁观者退后, 保持一定距离)

11. stand behind, to
定义: 站在...的后面, 支持, 鼓励, 同意, 授权, 保证, 保护.
例句: I'm very grateful to my family, who always stood behind me during this trying experience. (我非常感谢我的家人, 在这段艰难的日子里, 他们一直给我支持和鼓励)

12. stand between, to
定义: 居于两者中间, 成为两者之阻碍, 障碍.
例句: It's your own cowardice that stands between you and the success you've always dreamed of. (是你自己的懦弱成为了阻碍在你和你所一直梦寐以求的成功之间的一道障碍)

13. stand by, to
定义: 冷眼旁观; 作后备, 随时接受任务; 保持忠诚, 防护, 防卫; 道义上支持某人.
例句: We've got a fleet of highly skilled engineers standing by should you run into any difficulties. (你要是遇到任何困难的话, 我们这里有一支技术精湛的工程师队伍随时待命)

14. stand by/at someone's side, to
定义: 站在某人身边, 道义上支持某人, 不离不弃某人.
例句: His wife stood by his side throughout the entire trial. (他的妻子在整个诉讼过程中一直守在他身边, 对他不离不弃)

15. stand corrected, to
定义: 承认自己是错的. (注: 用于承认自己的意见或资料是不正确的)
例句: I stand corrected. The square root of 4761 is 69, not 68. (我承认自己是错的. 4761 的平方根是 69, 不是 68)

16. stand down, to
定义: (法庭里)离开证人席; (军人或警察)停止准备作战, 执法或镇压; 下班; 退出竞赛; 卸下领导的职务.
例句: Chief, tell those officers to stand down. I can resolve this issue peacefully. (局长, 叫那些警员退下来. 我可以和平地解决这个问题)

17. stand firm, to
定义: 站稳立场, 拒绝改变主意或退让.
例句: We must stand firm and say no to racially divisive politics. (我们必须坚守立场, 对种族分裂的政治说不)

18. stand for, to
定义: 满足某人的需要; 支持, 象征, 代表, 提倡, 认可; 容忍, 允许.
例句: You've been insulting me all evening long and I will not stand for it any longer! (你整晚都在羞辱我, 我再也不容忍了!)

19. stand guard/watch, to
定义: 站岗, 监视, 守望.
例句: There's a parking space; stand guard while I make a U-turn and get to it. (那边有个停车位; 帮我看住它, 同时我掉个头停进去)

20. stand idly by, to
定义: 袖手旁观, 不闻不问.
例句: I feel so guilty for standing idly by while my son was going through such a difficult time in his life. (在我儿子历经人生如此艰难的时刻我居然没有出手相助, 我感到非常内疚)



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