二十笔实用成语 127

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二十笔实用成语 127

帖子 royl » 周四 6月 30, 2011 3:04 am

二十笔实用成语 127

01. boogie-woogie, the
定义: 布基-巫基. (注: 一种蓝调钢琴演奏方式以快速节奏重复的低音旋律与一系列变化的高音即兴演奏为特征)
例句: Boogie-woogie forever changed piano playing, as ham-handed black piano players transformed the instrument into a polyrhythmic railroad train. (布基-巫基永远地改变了钢琴演奏, 笨手笨脚的黑人钢琴演奏者把这个乐器转变成为一个复合节奏的铁路列车)

02. book club, a
定义: 读书俱乐部; 买书俱乐部. 一个定期以折价寄出新书给会员的俱乐部.
例句: It exercises my brain and gives me a chance to socialize with like-minded people, so it only made sense that I start up a book club. (它锻炼我的脑力和给我一个机会跟志趣相投的人们交流,所以组织一个读书俱乐部愈加是个合情合理的主意)

03. book in/into, to
定义: [英国用语]抵达及住进旅馆, 入住旅馆登记.
例句: We booked into our hotel shortly after noon. (我们在紧接中午之后就住进我们的旅馆)

04. book knowledge/learning, the
定义: 从书本学来的知识.
例句: If book knowledge is all that is needed, why do we need experience to secure a job? (如果只需要的是从书本学来的知识, 为什么我们还需要经验来稳住一个工作?)

05. book of matches, a
定义: 一本火柴.
例句: A book of matches inside of a gas dryer is a recipe for disaster, so make sure you are very careful about what you put into your dryer. (一本火柴在天然气烘干机内将会导致灾难, 所以你要确保你仔细地检查你放进烘干机里的衣物)

06. book of stamps, a
定义: 一本邮票.
例句: Hoarding forever stamps to save money is a bad investment, but buying a book of forever stamps so you know you'll be able to use them is probably a good idea. (囤积永久性邮票来省钱并不是个好投资, 但是买一本永久性邮票这样你知道你会用得上它们确是一个好主意)

07. book off, to
定义: [加拿大用语]员工通知雇主(因事或病)不能上工.
例句: I don't have a job but a couple of my friends are booking off work and coming over to watch Super Bowl. (我没有工作但我两个朋友正请假不上班并到我这里看美式足球超级杯决赛)

08. book review, a
定义: 书评.
例句: A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. (一个书评是一个文学形式的评论, 也就是把一本书以内容, 风格, 和价值为依据所做的分析)

09. book someone, to
定义: 逮捕并立案指控.
例句: An 18-year-old man was booked on suspicion of attempted murder Sunday after he allegedly shot at a police helicopter in Van Nuys. (星期天, 据称地于范奈斯地区在他对警察直升机射击之后, 一个十八岁男子被逮捕并立案指控为蓄意谋杀)

10. book token, a
定义: [英国用语]书籍预约券, 购书代价券, 购书券.
例句: If the shop sold you a discounted book and you paid with a book token, then they would be certain to make a loss on the sale and no business can survive like that. (如果这个书店卖给你一本打折的书而你以代价券付钱, 那么他们肯定在这笔交易赔钱, 没有一家店家可以如此生存下去)

11. book value, the
定义: [会计术语]帐面上的资产价值. (注: 请注意帐面价值与市场价值不同)
例句: I paid $4,100 for the car four years ago, but its book value is now under $500. (四年前, 我付了四千一百块钱买这辆车, 但它现在的帐面价值还不到五百块钱)

12. booked solid/fully booked, be
定义: 预订或预购都满了, 被订光了.
例句: As of right now we are booked solid through the 2nd of December. October was a bust month but now we are struggling to keep pace. (从现在起到十二月二号我们房间完全被订光. 十月是个淡季月份但现在我们正努力地提供需要的房间)

13. booked up/out, be
定义: 预订或预购都满了, 被订光了.
例句: There is no room in this hotel – we are booked up. (这家旅馆没有房间了– 我们被订光了)

14. bookie/bookmaker, a
定义: 接受赌注业者(包括地下赌场), 组头, 赌马业者.
例句: It's a tricky business, predicting the outcome of the Academy Awards, but luckily there are bookies who make money doing just that. (这是个棘手的生意, 预测金像奖的结果, 但侥幸的是, 有些赌注业者就是靠这个生意赚钱)

15. bookworm, a
定义: 读书虫, 爱读书的人.
例句: Howard reads twelve books a week. He's a rea​​l bookworm. (荷华德每个星期读十二本书. 他确实是个爱读书的人)

16. boom box, a
定义: 手提(肩扛)音响; 贫民区大喇叭.
例句: We can have music at the beach if you bring your boom box. (我们可以在海滩听音乐如果你带你的手提音响过来)

这是一套稀有但很夸张的Pioneer "Robo Disco" Boom box. 博君一笑尔.

17. boom or bust, a
定义: 不是大赚就是大赔, 大起大落.
例句: In the oil business, it's boom or bust. Some years it's worth more than gold; other years it isn't worth the cost of production! (石油生意, 不是大赚就是大赔. 有些时候它比黄金还贵重; 其他时候它的价值还不够生产成本!)

18. boom-and-bust financial cycle, a
定义: 从繁荣到衰退的金融周期.
例句: In the next boom and bust financial cycle of the next decade, these annuities can provide growth and guarantee safety. (到了下个十年的荣衰金融周期, 这些养老年金可以提供成长和安全保证)

19. boom-bust, a
定义: 繁荣到衰退周期, 大起大落的过程.
例句: Construction is a boom-bust industry with predictable seasonal fluctuations along with expected, but much less predictable, cyclical swings in business. (建筑业是个繁荣到衰退周期的工业, 它具有可预测的季节性波动并伴随着可预料但更低可预测的商业循环性的波动)

20. boomtown, a
定义: 发展快速的城市.
例句: This was blue-collar Arizona, yet five miles farther on was Jerome, a former boomtown perched on the mountainside. (这曾经是个蓝领阶层的亚利桑那州, 然而在五英哩之外是耶利米镇, 一个过去曾经发展快速并座落于山腰的城市)



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