二十笔实用成语 171

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二十笔实用成语 171

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 28, 2011 10:23 pm

二十笔实用成语 171

01. by night
定义: 在晚上.
例句: Fishes of the open ocean sleep in schools, but predators are able to hunt by night, such as dolphins using sonar, can still locate and attack them. (鱼类在开阔的海洋里成群地栖息, 但捕食动物在晚上能够猎食, 诸如海豚使用声纳依然能够寻找及攻击它们)

02. by no accident
定义: 并非偶然.
例句: It is by no accident that education is underfunded. As an educator, I have witnessed the deliberate dumbing down of our educational system. (教育资金之所以不足并非偶然. 身为一个教育工作者, 我亲身经历蓄意地蠢化我们的教育系统)

03. by no means
定义: 决不, 一点也不, 无论如何都不.
例句: By no means is a car a good investment. It will depreciate. (购买一部车决不是一个良好的投资. 它会贬值)

04. by no stretch of the imagination
定义: 绝对不可能地, 再夸张也不能地, 绝对不会发生地.
例句: I don't see how anyone by any stretch of the imagination could fail to understand what I'm try to say. (我不明白任何人居然会不了解我想要说的话. 注: 这里的"任何人居然会"是两个否定语气: how...could, by no stretch of the imagination, 负负得正, 中和而成的)

"how can/could" is used to express doubt that something will happen, is possible, etc. 也就是怀疑某件事有可能会发生.
"by no stretch of imagination" is used to emphasize that something is not true, does not happen, etc. 也就是强调某件事不可能会发生.

05. by one's action
定义: 经由或由于某人的行为或行动.
例句: Indeed it is, when you take notice that she is fooling around, and you are betrayed by her action then it would really hurt. (确实是如此, 当你注意到她跟其他男人厮混时, 你被她的行为所背叛然后让你心痛不已)

06. by one's own hand
定义: 由自己行为所致; 亲手所为. (注: 例如to die by one's own hand也就是自杀)
例句: The once highly regarded FBI Chief met his demise by his own hand, according to the FBI who investigated his death and reported it was suicide. (这个曾经一时被人尊重的联调局领导经历了他亲手所为的死亡,依照联调局的调查, 他的死亡据报导是自杀)

07. by oneself
定义: 单独地, 靠自己.
例句: This time, my daughter is playing all by herself. (这一次, 我女儿是自己独自一个人在玩. 注: 意指她通常要人陪她玩)

08. by Providence
定义: 老天保佑, 经由神的干预, 天助或奇迹.
例句: Her motorcycle had a head-on collision with another one at 20th Street, and she only survived by Providence. (她的摩托车在二十街跟另一部车正面对撞, 她只因老天保佑才存活下来. 注: 意指如果凭常理判断, 她本应必死; 她之所以存活只有一个解释: 老天保佑)

09. by reason of ...
定义: 因为..., 由于...
例句: He was found not guilty by reason of insanity. (他因为精神错乱而获判无罪)

10. by request of ...
定义: 应...的要求.
例句: An official copy of the scores must be sent from the CLEP office, by request of the student, directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. (应学生的要求, 一份正式成绩单副本必须从大学水平检验计划办公室寄出直接给大学入学办公室)

11. by return (of post)
定义: [英国]立即回信.
例句: If you have been sent the wrong items, please return them to me and I'll replace them by return of post and cover your return postage. (如果你收到错误的货品的话, 请把它们退还给我, 我收到你的退货之后会立即寄出替换货品并且补偿你的退货邮费)

12. by right of
定义: 由于, 凭借.
例句: She spoke first, by right of her position as director. (凭借她的局长身份, 她首先发言)

13. by right of office
定义: 凭借职权. (注: 经常使用在: 某人属于某一委员会成员是因为他执掌另一职务而有权参与此委员会)
例句: The President sat on the committee by right of office. (总统凭借职权参与这个委员会)

14. by rights
定义: 按照道理地, 符合顺序地, 公正合理地.
例句: By rights, you should have been the one to receive the promotion. (按理说, 应该是你接受这个升职)

15. by someone's admission
定义: 由某人承认是事实地, 由某人允许地.
例句: By his own admission, he is a terrible cook. (他自己承认他是个蹩脚厨子. 注: 为了避免翻译出类似翻译机水平的生硬中文, 读者可以先试着把句子梳理一下再翻译. 本句可以重写为: He admits that he is a terrible cook, 再翻译才不会生硬)

16. by storm
定义: 强势, 令人感受强烈, 令人措手不及, 大吃一惊地.
例句: The star took the critics by storm. (这位明星的成功让影评们大吃一惊)

17. by the backdoor
定义: 间接地, 迂回地, 偷偷地; 经由后门, 在后门旁.
例句: No politician will ever again try to raise funds from wealthy donors by the backdoor. (没有一个政客会再尝试迂回地从富有捐款人筹措资金)

18. by the book
定义: 一切照规定来, 不通融.
例句: My boss insists on doing everything by the book. (我的老板坚持一切照规定办事)

19. by the by
定义: 顺便一提, 附带地.
例句: I recently met his wife who, by the by, is a well-known author. (我最近遇到他太太, 顺便一提, 是一位知名作家)

20. by the bye
定义: 顺便一提, 附带地.
例句: Exactly where do you live, by the bye? (顺便问一问你到底住在哪儿?)



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