二十笔实用成语 224

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二十笔实用成语 224

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 03, 2011 6:01 pm

二十笔实用成语 224

01. cold comfort to, be
定义: 无济于事的安慰, 同情或鼓励.
例句: Higher food and energy prices will prove transitory, that offers cold comfort to people who nevertheless must find the money to pay them. (上涨的食物与能源价格将证明是短暂的, 给人们的却是无济于事的安慰因为他们还是必须要筹措钱去支付这些费用)

02. cold day in hell, a
定义: 一丝希望都没有! (注: 西方的地狱也称炼狱是个很热的地方所以决不可能有冷天)
例句: It would be a cold day in hell before I would apologize to Tom; he started the fight and he needs to apologize first. (我决不会跟汤姆道歉; 是他引起这个争吵, 他必须先道歉)

03. cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, be
定义: [不雅语]非常冷.
例句: It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey; even my coffee cup has got goose bumps. (这个天气冷得要命; 连我的咖啡杯都冻出鸡皮疙瘩)

04. cold feet
定义: [名词]瞻前顾后, 裹足不前, 畏首畏尾.
例句: I was planning to go to Europe with my cousin but he got cold feet and decided not to go. (我本来是计划要跟我的表兄去欧洲玩, 但他畏首畏尾, 决定不去了)

05. cold fish, a
定义: 不露感情, 冷冰冰的人.
例句: She may be smart, but she is a cold fish; she lacks the one thing she needs to be a good presidential candidate: a good heart. (她也许是聪明练达, 但她是一个冷冰冰的人; 她缺乏一个成为优秀总统后选人的条件: 一颗善良的心)

06. cold front, a
定义: [气象术语]冷锋.
例句: The coming cold front will really act as more of a dry front, reducing the humidity in the air and increasing the comfort factor considerably. (将要来的冷锋其实更确切地说相当于一个干燥的锋面, 大幅地减少空气中的潮湿以及增加舒适指数)

07. cold hands, warm heart
定义: 手冷代表热情.
例句: I'm not a fan of the cold, probably because I'm almost always cold to begin with—cold hands, warm heart as my grandma always says. (我不喜欢冷, 首先或许是因为我几乎一直是冷体质的关系—手冷代表热情, 就像我祖母常说的)

08. cold shoulder, the
定义: 故意的冷漠或忽视.
例句: The office staff gave me the cold shoulder when I did not go to the going-away party. (在我没参加某同仁的离职餐会之后, 这些办公室职员对我冷淡. 注: 这里的when是"在...之后"的意思. 例如: Call me when you get home, 你回家之后给我打个电话)

09. cold shower, a
定义: 冷水淋浴; (泼)一桶冷水; 冷漠, 冷淡的态度, 反应或接待.
例句: It's a cold shower for all of you. We'll see if that does any good, although I doubt that it will. (这对你们全体来说毋宁是泼一桶冷水. 我们拭目以待看看它有没有带来益处, 虽然我怀疑它会)

10. cold snap, a
定义: 一段反常的冷天气.
例句: One good thing about fall weather is that a cold snap will often be followed by weeks of warmer weather; some people call it Indian summer. (秋天天气有一个好处就是一段反常的冷天气之后经常跟随着几个星期的暖和/高温天气; 有些人称它为秋老虎)

编者注: Indian summer如果发生在纬度较高的地区你会感到暖和, 但在低纬度的地区则会感到高温.

11. cold spell, a
定义: 一段反常的冷天气.
例句: During a cold spell, a palm's ability to absorb water is severely reduced as its own cells function less efficiently at the lower temperatures. (在一段反常冷天气的时期, 由于它自己的细胞在低温下无法有效率地运作, 一棵棕榈树吸收水份能力被严重降低)

12. cold sweat
定义: 冷汗. (注: 由惧怕, 疼痛或惊吓引起)
例句: The blood drained from his face. He broke out in a cold sweat, but he kept his nerve. (他脸色变得惨白. 他顿时吓出了一身冷汗, 不过他仍然保持冷静)

13. cold turkey
定义: [名词]突然完全地(非阶段性的)戒烟, 戒酒, 戒毒.
例句: The government program helped the drug addicts s​​top using heroin cold turkey. (这个政府的计划帮助吸毒者突然完全地戒除海洛因)

14. cold, hard cash, the
定义: 马上可用现金, 现钞.
例句: No checks please, I want cold, hard cash for my time. (拜托我不收支票, 我要现金支付我的服务时间)

15. cold-blooded
定义: 冷血的, 无情的, 残酷的; 基于事实, 不受感情左右的.
例句: It's frightening in its cold blooded assessment of the state of affairs we all find ourselves in with this economy. (这个不受感情左右的情况评估让我们警觉到我们所处的经济状况是多么令人恐惧)

16. coldcock, to
定义: 把别人打晕倒.
例句: Tom coldcocked the pitcher—the ball hit him when he wasn't looking. (汤姆击昏了这个投手—这个投手没注意​​到这支球往他身上打来)

17. colder than a well digger's ass, be
定义: [不雅语]极冷的.
例句: It was colder than a well digger's ass in the desert last weekend. It was difficult to start almost every engine in the camp. (上周末, 这个沙漠冷得要命. 几乎营地里所有的引擎都很难发动)

18. colder than a witch's caress, be
定义: [不雅语]极冷的.
例句: Up where we live, it's been colder than a witch's caress. I brought our cows into the barn just before Christmas. (我们所居住的北部, 天气一直非常冷. 就在圣诞节之前, 我把我们的牛群迁入牛棚)

19. collaborate vs. corroborate
定义: [易混淆字或片语]collaborate(动词)合作, 通敌; corroborate(动词)确证, 协助证明. (注: 请注意co-这个字首, 它代表"联合, 一起, 共同"的意思, 所以这两个单字并不是完全没有类似之处)

20. collapse in a heap, to
定义: 晕倒在地上.
例句: I remember watching old footage of young girls screaming their brains out and then collapsing in a heap as The Beatles performed. (我记得看到一些旧影片在披头四演唱的时候一些年轻女孩竭力嘶叫然后晕倒在地上)



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