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周五 8月 06, 2010 3:41 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词out, outside
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3855

详解介词out, outside

详解介词out, outside out 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/out 1. 主要在美国; 向外看: She looked out [=out of] the window. (她看窗外) 2. 向外移动: He ran out [=out of] the door. (他跑到门外) outside 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/outsid...
周五 8月 06, 2010 2:28 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词off, onto
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3952

详解介词off, onto

详解介词off, onto off 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/off 1. 分离, 距离, 剔除: She cut a slice off the loaf. (她把面包切去一片) The ball bounced off the wall. (球从墙壁弹回) She stepped off the train and looked around. (她走下火车, 四处观望) There are many paths off the main trail around...
周四 8月 05, 2010 7:21 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词of
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3847


详解介词of 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/of 1. 属于, 关于: He is a coworker of mine. (他是我的同事) I threw out that old shirt of yours. (我把你的旧衬衫扔掉) She's a friend of my mother's. (她是我母亲的朋友) He had the support of his family to help him. (他得到他家庭的支持来帮助他) the plays of W...
周三 8月 04, 2010 1:48 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词like, near
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3963

详解介词like, near

详解介词like, near like 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/like 1. 像, 有如…一样: The house looks like a barn. (这栋房子看起来像农仓) Real life isn't at all like life in the movies. = Real life isn't at all like the movies. (真实生活并不都像电影里描述的生活) It's like when we were kids. (这像我们...
周二 8月 03, 2010 1:13 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词inside, into
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 4060

详解介词inside, into

详解介词inside, into inside 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/inside 1. 位于或进入内部: We waited inside the store. (我们在店里等候) Several people were trapped inside the burning building. (几个人陷在燃烧建筑物内) She kept her hands inside her pockets. (她把手放在口袋里) His feelings were bui...
周一 8月 02, 2010 9:54 pm
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词except, from
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3917

详解介词except, from

详解介词except, from except 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/except 除了: The stores will be open daily except Sundays. (除了星期天之外, 店家每天都开) Excepting [=with the exception of] one student, no one could answer the questions correctly. (除了一个学生, 没有人能正确地回答问题) Everyone ...
周一 8月 02, 2010 1:21 pm
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词despite, down, during
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3884

详解介词despite, down, during

详解介词despite, down, during despite 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/despite 不顾, 尽管: Despite [=in spite of] our objections, he insisted on driving. (不顾我们的反对, 他坚持要驾车) She ran the race despite an injury. (尽管受伤, 她跑完赛程) Despite our best efforts to save him, the ...
周一 8月 02, 2010 2:06 am
版面: 英语学习
主题: 详解介词but, by
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3756

详解介词but, by

详解介词but, by but 本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/but 除了之外: We had nothing but rain all week. [=it rained for the entire week] (一整个星期都在下雨) There was no one there but him. (这里除了他之外没别人) I didn't tell anyone but my sister. (我除了告诉我姊/妹之外没告诉别人) Who but you would ...
周日 8月 01, 2010 9:57 pm
版面: 英语学习
主题: 活化英语 (haiwailaohua网友提供)
回复总数: 0
阅读次数: 3813

活化英语 (haiwailaohua网友提供)

活化英语 (haiwailaohua网友提供) 【自由席】 庄慧良 (2010-07-24) 暑假一到,我的一位朋友就迫不及待地带着两个孩子赴英国游学去,为了这趟英国行,她已计划了整整一年。   “没办法,孩子的英文太烂,只要看到英文单字就跳过去,非常排斥。”她跟我说:“以前我特地带他们去基隆港看外国商船,他们想吃冰淇淋,我强迫他们自己去买,他们终于学会了icecream(冰淇淋),好贵的代价。”   孩子会这么厌恶英语,她将责任归咎于自己。她说,过去上班忙碌,跟随社会潮流,让孩子去上双语幼儿园,为了加强他们的英语能力,她还得额外缴交一些费用。   有一天,她的儿子早上睡过头,到了10点才起床...
周日 8月 01, 2010 9:26 pm
版面: 英语学习
主题: 高二英文考试有道题请网友帮忙
回复总数: 1
阅读次数: 4643

Re: 高二英文考试有道题请网友帮忙

跟网友讨论高二这题考试的文法 Dr. Lee (______) abroad for many years, but he has never regretted his decision to come back to China to serve the motherland. A. lived and worked B. had lived and worked C. has lived and worked D. is living and working 这题答案是A, 我们先讨论B, C, D这三个选择为什么不能用: Past perfect tense is used to in...