論壇規則/论坛规则/Forum Guidelines

1. 本论坛主要目的是鼓励网友们讨论, 交流有关学习英语文. 请网友不要上贴, 交流或争论与学习英语文无关的议题(例如: 政治观点, 政党之争, 地域之争, 私人广告). 如果版主发现有违规的贴子, 讨论, 或争议将会把贴子删除或作其他适当的处理. 请网友合作, 一起维护大家的和谐学习环境.
帖子: 1807
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

論壇規則/论坛规则/Forum Guidelines

帖子 royl » 周三 3月 03, 2010 10:24 pm


1. 本論壇主要目的是鼓勵網友們討論, 交流有關學習英語文. 請網友不要上貼, 交流或爭論與學習英語文無關的議題(例如: 政治觀點, 政黨之爭, 地域之爭, 私人廣告). 如果版主發現有違規的貼子, 討論, 或爭議將會把貼子刪除或作其他適當的處理. 請網友合作, 一起維護大家的和諧學習環境.
2. 請網友們互相尊重, 遵循網路禮儀. 既然大家目標一致, 就應該相互扶持, 切莫互相攻擊, 羞辱, 或罵髒話. 另外, 依據版主自己的長期觀察, 許多英語文初學者比較傾向於使用英語髒話; 在此請大家儘量約束自己不要使用髒話.
3. 持平而論, 大家參與本論壇起碼是為了增強自己的英語文能力. 如果你有特殊心得也請不吝嗇地提出與大家共享並可以激發大家的學習興趣. 你也可以藉此增加你的記憶—因為教學也是一種學習.
4. 當你不確定你是否可以轉貼某些文件或影音資料, 你最安全的選擇就是貼出該資料的網路連接, 讓大家一起尋著連接去閱讀, 觀看之後再回來討論即可.
5. 本論壇是大家的學習園地, 如果有些網友取得了進展, 版主鼓勵他們以純英文發表原創文章來交流. 切記不要拿別人的文章來充數, 如果你只是轉貼別人的文章也請你標示出來源以尊重原文作者的智慧產權.
6. 請對事不要對人, 舉個例子, 網友可以對某議題發表意見, 但切勿攻擊他人, 造成還沒把問題解決就吵成一團的亂局.
7. 版主會不時地發表心得, 推薦書籍, 學習工具或網路上的資料給網友參考以冀拋磚引玉. 也請網友們也一起參與; 如果你有讀後心得也請踴躍發表, 給別的網友作參考.
8. 再度強調本論壇的宗旨是鼓勵網友們(不分地域與政治背景)努力並有效率地學習英語文, 請大家一起維護這個園地, 謝謝.


1. 本论坛主要目的是鼓励网友们讨论, 交流有关学习英语文. 请网友不要上贴, 交流或争论与学习英语文无关的议题(例如: 政治观点, 政党之争, 地域之争, 私人广告). 如果版主发现有违规的贴子, 讨论, 或争议将会把贴子删除或作其他适当的处理. 请网友合作, 一起维护大家的和谐学习环境.
2. 请网友们互相尊重, 遵循网路礼仪. 既然大家目标一致, 就应该相互扶持, 切莫互相攻击, 羞辱, 或骂脏话. 另外, 依据版主自己的长期观察, 许多英语文初学者比较倾向于使用英语脏话; 在此请大家尽量约束自己不要使用脏话.
3. 持平而论, 大家参与本论坛起码是为了增强自己的英语文能力. 如果你有特殊心得也请不吝啬地提出与大家共享并可以激发大家的学习兴趣. 你也可以藉此增加你的记忆因为教学也是一种学习.
4. 当你不确定你是否可以转贴某些文件或影音资料, 你最安全的选择就是贴出该资料的网路连接, 让大家一起寻着连接去阅读, 观看之后再回来讨论即可.
5. 本论坛是大家的学习园地, 如果有些网友取得了进展, 版主鼓励他们以纯英文发表原创文章来交流. 切记不要拿别人的文章来充数, 如果你只是转贴别人的文章也请你标示出来源以尊重原文作者的智慧产权.
6. 请对事不要对人, 举个例子, 网友可以对某议题发表意见, 但切勿攻击他人, 造成还没把问题解决就吵成一团的乱局.
7. 版主会不时地发表心得, 推荐书籍, 学习工具或网路上的资料给网友参考以冀抛砖引玉. 也请网友们也一起参与; 如果你有读后心得也请踊跃发表, 给别的网友作参考.
8. 再度强调本论坛的宗旨是鼓励网友们(不分地域与政治背景)努力并有效率地学习英语文, 请大家一起维护这个园地, 谢谢.

Forum Guidelines

1. The main purpose of this forum is to encourage members participating English-learning related discussions. Members are hereby reminded to avoid posting, discussing, or arguing irrelevant material. Specifically, we do not welcome political viewpoints, cross-strait issues between Mainland China and Taiwan, and personal advertisements. The moderator(s) may delete posts that violate the guidelines, or take other appropriate actions. Members are encouraged to follow the forum guidelines, observe Internet etiquette, and create a harmonious environment for all participants.
2. Mutual respect among members is to be expected here in the forum since we share the same goals. We should help each other, refrain attacking each other, and pass encouragement instead of judgment onto each other. According to my long-time observation, people who cuss a lot are likely the ones who just learned of these bad words not long ago. In other words, a learned person knows better not to use abusive words.
3. One way of avoiding misunderstanding between members is to address your opinions on the subject on hand not toward another member. Think before you speak/write. The last thing you want is to have an argument with another member before you solve a problem.
4. It's fair to say that most members who come to this forum are looking for ways to strengthen their English language proficiency. If you decide you have something that will benefit other members, feel free to share with us. Not only you will stimulate other members' interest in learning, you will also learn more by sharing your knowledge.
5. If you are not sure about posting some material due to the copyright protection, the best way is to post the link or URL. It's OK to do so. It wouldn't bother other members to follow the links, and come back to discuss the material after reading it.
6. This forum is a place for all English learners. You're welcome to introduce your new articles, compositions, themes, or blogs as long as they're original pieces. However, if a piece of writing is not done by you, you need to show the source or link (URL) of original writer in order to give the credit to the person who did it. Be sure to make a copy of your work before you post it here, just in case.
7. The moderator(s) will, from time to time, introduce ways of learning English, learning tools, and helpful information available on the Net for your reference. You are also welcome to do so. The more the better. Please make a copy of your information before you post it.
8. Again, I encourage our members to make the best efforts to learn English by making this forum a fun, rewarding place that everyone can enjoy. Thank you.



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