二十笔实用成语 402

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二十笔实用成语 402

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 17, 2012 4:31 pm

二十笔实用成语 402

01. for all that
定义: 尽管, 纵使, 即使如此.
例句: I sacrificed several nights to study for the exam, but for all that I still failed. (我牺牲了几个晚上准备这个考试, 但即使如此我仍然没考及格)

02. for all the world
定义: 从各方面来看, 完全地, 精确地, 正好.
例句: For all the world I don't know what he's trying to tell me with the note he wrote. (我完全不明白他写的字条想要告诉我什么)

03. for any length of time
定义: 一段时间, 长久一点. (注: 意指比短暂时间还要长一点的时间)
例句: When standing for any length of time, remember to flex your knees. (当你站了一段时间之后, 别忘了活动一下你的膝部)

04. for any number of reasons
定义: 由于许多不同的/各种原因或理由.
例句: I can give you any number of reasons for my failure but do they matter? (我可以给你各种理由来解释我的失败但这些理由有什么用? 注: 意指失败还是失败, 理由再多也不能改变事实)

05. for as long as I l​​ive
定义: 在有生之年.
例句: I will maintain my innocence without wavering for as long as I l​​ive. (在我有生之年我会毫不动摇地继续坚持我的无辜)

06. for better or for worse
定义: 不论任何(未来的)情况或结局下.
例句: For better or worse he has decided to quit his job and buy a 200-acre spread in M​​ontana. (不论任何情形下, 他已经下定决心辞去工作并在蒙大拿州买下一家两百英亩的牧场)

07. for certain
定义: 毫无疑问地, 确定地, 肯定地.
例句: It is for certain that he will not be here tonight. (他今晚肯定不会来了)

08. For Christ's sake!
定义: [惊叹语]天啊! 表达惊讶或不耐的惊叹语.
例句: It's two in the morning, for Christ sakes! Why are you calling me? (天啊! 现在是凌晨两点钟. 你干嘛打电话给我?)

09. For crying out loud!
定义: [惊叹语]表示惊讶, 不耐或抗议. 老天啊! 别乱来! 你也帮帮忙!
例句: For crying out loud, please turn your radio down a little. (帮帮忙, 请你把收音机音量关小一点)

10. for days on end
定义: 一连好几天.
例句: I had cysts before, I would get awful pain for days on end until they burst. (我以前得过囊肿, 我一连好几天痛得要命直到它们破裂为止)

11. for dear life
定义: 不顾一切地, 拼命地, 抓紧地.
例句: I ran for dear life when I saw the mugger. (当我看到这个抢匪的时候, 我不顾一切地逃命)

12. for effect
定义: 刻意制造某个印象或效果, 营造某个气氛.
例句: Don't lie to your date, even for effect. Don't over exaggerate your income, education or what you do. (即使为了制造良好的印象也别跟你的女友/男友撒谎. 别过份夸张你的收入, 教育程度或你的工作)

13. for ever (and ever)
定义: 永永远远.
例句: That is why many people stepped up and helped us out, and for that I will be grateful for ever and ever. (这就是为什么许多人站出来帮助我们, 为此, 我将会永永远远地感恩)

14. for everything there is a season
定义: 万物皆有时节.
例句: For everything there is a season and that includes what we eat. Try to eat vegetables and fruits in season when possible. (万物皆有时节, 这也包括我们所吃的食物. 如果可能的话, 尽量吃当令的蔬果)

15. for example
定义: 举个例, 例如.
例句: In the heat of the summer, you wear something that keeps you cool; for example, dresses in lightweight cotton or breathable fabrics. (在盛夏的时候, 你应当穿着让你保持凉爽的衣服; 例如, 轻薄的棉布或可通风布料所做的衣服)

16. for fair
定义: 最大限度地, 完全地, 彻底地.
例句: In a few minutes the rain turned to hail and then the storm was on for fair. (几分钟之内这场雨变成了下冰雹随后彻底地变为大风暴)

17. for fear of/that
定义: 以免, 以防万一.
例句: We locked the car doors for fear of being attacked by that vicious dog. (我们把车门锁起来以免被那只恶犬攻击)

18. for fun
定义: 为了乐趣, 为了好玩, 开玩笑地, 闹着玩地.
例句: I'm not looking to get rich or even make a living doing this stuff. I'm doing it just for fun. (我并不是想要发财或什至以此维生才做这些事. 我只是为了乐趣而已)

19. for God's sake(s)!
定义: [惊叹语]天啊! 表达惊讶, 不耐, 愤怒或其他情绪的惊叹语.
例句: For God's sake, what happened to your hair? (天啊, 你的头发怎么弄成这样?)

20. for good
定义: 永久地, 永远地.
例句: But that didn't solve my problem. Is there any way I can fix it for good? (但这并没解决我的问题. 有没有任何办法永久地把它修好?)



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