二十笔实用成语 925

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二十笔实用成语 925

帖子 royl » 周三 11月 04, 2020 9:52 pm

二十笔实用成语 925

01. regular as clockwork, be (as)
定义: 一贯准时的, 定时发生的.
例句: One thing I loved about living in Germany was that the trains were always regular as clockwork. (让我喜爱住在德国的一件事便是他们的火车总是一贯准时到达和开离)

02. regular contributor to a magazine, a
定义: 某个杂志的固定投稿人或供稿人.
例句: She is a regular contributor to New York Times and a columnist for Newsweek, and has appeared in other newspapers and national magazines. (她是纽约时报的一名固定供稿人, 新闻周刊的专栏作家, 她的作品也出现于其他报纸及全国性杂志)

03. regular guy, a
定义: 正常人, 普通人, 好人.
例句: David? Well, he's honest and easy to live with – a regular guy. (大卫? 让我想想, 他为人真诚也容易相处– 是一个好人. 注: 这里的well乃是一个惊叹词不是副词也不是形容词, 它是用来表达你要想一下才能回答问题的拖延之辞)

04. regular habit, a
定义: 固定习惯.
例句: The best way for you to conserve water is to make it a regular habit. When it comes to conserving water, small improvements can have a big impact. (对你来说, 节约用水最好的方法便是把省水养成一个固定习惯. 谈到节约用水这个问题上, 累积小幅度的改进可以形成一股巨大的影响)

05. regular-time pay
定义: 正常工资率. (注: 美国时薪工资分三种: 正常工资即一周40小时之内工资, 超时工资率=正常工资率乘1.5即超过一周40小时之后工资, 双倍工资率=正常工资率乘2, 双倍工资很少使用)
例句: If Carolyn's regular-time pay rate is $10.75 per hour and she worked 40 hours last week, what gross wages did she earn last week? (如果卡洛琳的正常工资率是十元七十五分一小时, 她上个星期工作了40个小时, 那么她上星期赚取的总工资是多少钱?)

06. rehash the old stuff, to
定义: 炒冷饭, 旧事重提.
例句: I think the writers have all forgotten how to write so instead they just rehash the old stuff. (我认为这些作家都忘了如何创新撰写作品所以他们便改为炒冷饭和重提旧话来凑数)

07. reign supreme, to
定义: 占绝对优势, 主宰, 称雄, 享有无上权威.
例句: In America, football reigns supreme. (在美国, 美式足球运动主宰全国的主流运动. 注: 依据维基百科, 美国现今最受欢迎的前三名运动的第一名是美式足球, 受欢迎比率是37%; 第二名篮球, 受欢迎比率11%; 第三名是棒球, 受欢迎比率是9%)

08. reign vs. rein
定义: [易混淆字或片语]reign(动词)君临, 支配, 统治, 盛行, 占优势; rein(动词)勒住, 控制, 统治, 驾驭. (注: 容易分辨两者之间的差异: reign是君王的统治, rein是你对...控制, 驾驭)

09. rein in, to
定义: 管好, 勒住, 驾驭, 控制住.
例句: These amazing cheap dinner ideas are exactly what you need to rein in your food spending. (这些惊人的廉价晚餐主意正是你所需要的用来控制你饮食花费的解决妙方)

10. reinvent the wheel, to
定义: 新瓶装旧酒, 浪费时间去做别人已经做好的工作, 在旧事或物上重新发掘新创意.
例句: If you've already done the homework, there's no need to reinvent the wheel, just email me a copy of yours. (如果你已经做过这份功课, 那就没必要再做一遍, 只要把你的功课拷贝一份再发电邮寄给我就好了)

11. reject out of hand, to
定义: 断然或毫不迟疑地拒绝; 拒绝承认或接受.
例句: They rejected our proposal out of hand and left us no alternative but to sue them. (他们断然拒绝了我们的提议, 使得我们别无选择, 只好对他们提告)

12. can relate to something/someone
定义: 可以了解或理解; 曾经也亲历过某事.
例句: I can relate to how you feel while I can never say I know how you feel though as no one can but you. (我可以理解你的感受但我不能说我知道你的感受如何, 尽管除了你以外没有别人可以说出你的亲身感受)

13. related by blood or by marriage, be
定义: 有血亲或姻亲关系.
例句: This aunt of mine and I are related by blood not by marriage. (我这位阿姨跟我是有血亲关系的. 注: 英文的aunt/uncle/cousin等有关亲戚的词汇皆具有多种意义, 有些亲戚是血亲有些是姻亲, 所以有必要加以补充解释)

14. related to, be
定义: 与某人有亲属关系; 与某人或某事有关.
例句: The exam questions are directly related to the readings. (此份考卷上的问题与这次阅读作业有直接的关系. 注: 意指你如果把这次的阅读作业都做了那么你这场考试就会考得很轻松)

15. relative to, be
定义: 有关于, 相对于.
例句: Pay in many white-collar jobs has been stagnating relative to inflation. (相较于通货膨胀的增长率, 许多白领工作的薪资一直是停滞不前)

16. relatively unknown, be
定义: 比较不知名.
例句: Even though Annapurna is one of the world's tallest mountains, it is still relatively unknown. (尽管安纳布尔纳峰是一座世界最高的山峰之一, 它还是比较不知名)
安纳布尔纳峰位于喜马拉雅山脉尼泊尔中北部海拔8091米, 是世界第十高峰

17. release its grip on ..., to
定义: 放松对...的控制或束缚.
例句: The summer-like heat is gradually releasing its grip on the southwestern United States into late-October autumn. (炎夏的燥热逐渐放松了其对美国西南各州的压制让它们转入十月底的秋高气爽天气)

18. release the results, to
定义: 发布结果.
例句: Last Friday, the China Enterprise Confederation released the results of another survey assessing the Q1 performance of 299 large manufacturers. (上周五, 中国企业联合会发布了另一份评估两百九十九家大型制造商于第一季营运状况的调查结果)

19. released on one's own recognizance, be
定义: 经由其本人具结获释.
例句: The accused may be released on his own recognizance. A failure to appear as required by such recognizance shall constitute an offense subject to the penalty. (此名被告可以经由其本人具结获释. 未能按照具结所要求的如期出庭将构成一项可以施加处分的犯罪行为)

20. relieve oneself, to
定义: 上厕所大小便.
例句: We'll be pulling into a rest stop soon, if anyone needs to relieve themselves. (如果有人需要上厕所的人请注意, 我们不久就要开进休息站了)



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