二十笔实用成语 997

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二十笔实用成语 997

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 16, 2021 12:45 am

二十笔实用成语 997

01. sob one's heart out, to
定义: 号啕大哭.
例句: Poor Janet really sobbed her heart out during the funeral service. (可怜的珍妮特在葬礼上号啕大哭)

02. sob out, to
定义: 哭诉.
例句: After getting caught stealing, the poor child sobbed out a sad story about how he couldn't afford to pay for the food. (偷东西被抓之后, 这个可怜小孩哭诉他如何没钱买食物的悲惨故事)

03. sob sister, a
定义: 撰写给予受问题困扰读者劝导的专栏作家; 情感性, 戏剧性或情感性文章作家; 悲天悯人, 不切实际的行善者; 爱哭的女人.
例句: Collins worked as a sob sister for her local newspaper for several years before moving on to a permanent position with the New York Times. (在她更换生涯跑道转任纽约时报永久职位之前, 科林斯在她当地报社担任一名劝导受问题困扰读者的专栏作家有数年之久)

04. sob story, a
定义: 取人同情的悲惨故事.
例句: Don't come in tomorrow without your final project report. I don't want to hear any sob stories about how you forgot it at home. (你要明天是没带你的学年末研究报告你就别来. 我不想听任何你如何把它放在家里忘了带来的悲惨故事)

05. sober as a judge, be (as)
定义: 冷漠, 不显露情绪; 冷静, 思路清晰; 神智清醒, 没有醉.
例句: We need someone who can consider these issues without their emotions interfering. You'll need to be as sober as a judge from beginning to end! (我们需要一个能够在不受情绪干扰的情况下考虑这些问题的人. 你需要从头到尾都保持冷静和思路清晰!)

06. sober up, to
定义: 酒醒, 清醒.
例句: Give him a few hours to sober up. He'll be okay after he has a rest. (给他几个小时去醒酒吧. 他睡一觉之后就没事了)

07. so-called
定义: 所谓的, 普遍所称的, 怀疑此名称是否适当的.
例句: Oh, now my so-called best friend calls me. Where was she three weeks ago when I was in the hospital? (啊, 我这个所谓的好友现在才打电话给我. 三个礼拜前, 当我躺在医院的时候她在哪呀?)

08. social call on an old friend, a
定义: 拜访一下老友.
例句: I paid a brief social call on an old friend, Jack. (我短暂地拜访了一位老友, 杰克)

09. social climber, a
定义: 想挤入高级社交圈或成为名流的人.
例句: Based on his circle of friends, it's obvious that he is nothing more than a social climber. (依据他的朋友圈, 他很显然是个不折不扣的想挤入高级社交圈的人)

10. sock away, to
定义: 存钱或其他东西以备未来之需.
例句: If you can sock away even $100 each month, it will go a long way toward our vacation at the end of the year. (如果你能够存钱那怕是一个月省下一百块钱, 它都对我们年底的度假开销大有帮助)

11. sock in, to
定义: 由于恶劣天气造成设施关闭, 陆空交通暂停或工程无法施工.
例句: We were totally socked in by the pouring rain, so no planes were allowed to depart. (我们被这场倾盆大雨完全困在机场里, 因此所有飞机都不准许起飞)

12. sock it to someone, to
定义: [俚语]痛殴; 精神上的严重打击; 严厉抨击某人.
例句: Wow, Jim really socked it to that guy. I didn't know he was that tough! (哇, 吉姆把那个家伙痛打了一顿. 我还不知道他是那么凶猛!)

13. sod it
定义: [英国诅咒语]该死的! 唉好吧! (注: 意指表达恼火, 挫折感或认命无奈)
例句: Oh, sod it! I deleted the file by mistake! (哇, 惨了! 我不小心删除了那个文件!)

14. sod off
定义: [英国粗俗语]离开, 逃离; 走开! 别烦我!
例句: Listen, I don't want to buy any, so why don't you just sod off and leave me alone! (听着, 我不想买任何东西, 所以你为什么不干脆走开, 别烦我!)

15. soda pop
定义: [美国俚语]汽水统称.
例句: I stopped drinking soda pop years ago. So glad I did! (我有多年没喝汽水了. 很高兴我戒掉了汽水!)
soda pop跟soft drink都是汽水的统称

16. a soft answer turneth away wrath
定义: [谚语]一句温和委婉的回应可以令人怒气消退.
例句: It won't do any good for you to yell at Tom because he yelled back at you. Remember that a soft answer turneth away wrath. (你对汤姆怒吼大叫完全没用因为他也对着你吼回来. 记得, 一句温和委婉的回应可以令人怒气消退)

17. soft in the head, be
定义: 弱智, 愚蠢.
例句: If you quit this high-paying cushy job, you're soft in the head. (如果你辞去了这个高薪又轻松工作的话, 你是个傻子)

18. soft job, a
定义: 轻松容易的工作.
例句: The foreman's sure got a soft job, don't you think? We're the one's breaking our backs, he just tells us what to do! (这个工头的工作真还轻松, 你不觉得吗? 我们才是这批干死干活的苦工, 而他只是发号施令告诉我们该怎么做!)

19. soft on, be
定义: 钟情于, 暗恋, 偏爱, 不够严厉, 纵容, 溺爱.
例句: Tom's always nicer to Kate than anyone else. I think he's soft on her. (汤姆总是对凯特比对别人都好. 我想他在暗恋她)

20. soft option, a
定义: 省事省力的选择.
例句: I think he decided to stay in his job because it was the soft option – it was safe, secure, and he knew how to do it, even if he was bored stiff. (我想他决定留在他的工作岗位上是因为这是个省事省力的选择 – 工作安全, 有保障, 他熟悉这个工作虽然对他来说他已经做得索然无味)



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