详解介词except, from

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详解介词except, from

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 02, 2010 9:54 pm

详解介词except, from

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/except

The stores will be open daily except Sundays. (除了星期天之外, 店家每天都开)
Excepting [=with the exception of] one student, no one could answer the questions correctly. (除了一个学生, 没有人能正确地回答问题)
Everyone was invited except [=but] me. (除了我之外每个人都受到邀请)

本文资料取自韦氏学习者字典, 如网友有兴趣阅读英语原文可以点击此连接: http://www.learnersdictionary.com/search/from

1. 移动或行动的起点:
He drove here from the city. (他从城市驾车开到这里)
He set out from town this morning. (他今早从城镇出发)
She took a fall from a horse. (她从马上摔下来)
The cat came out from under the table. (这只猫从桌底走出来)

2. 从某处出来:
He took a dime from [=out of] his pocket. (他从口袋里掏出一毛钱)

3. 身世或出生之处:
My family is/comes originally from Italy. (我家庭原先来自义大利)
Where are you from? = Where do you come from? (你是那里人?)

4. 从某起点或中心:
She looked at me from under her glasses. (她从眼镜之下注视我)
He spoke from the heart. (他说出内心话)
She watched us from across the street. (她从对街之处注视我们)

5. 度量衡的起点:
The meeting is scheduled for a week from today. (这个会议安排为从今天起一个星期之后举行)
It's 20 miles from here to the nearest town. (从这里到最近的城镇是二十英哩)
They were married three years from that day. (我们到今天为止结婚三年整)
From childhood (onward) he displayed unusual musical talent. (从童年起, 他显示出非凡的音乐禀赋)

6. 区隔:
An ocean separates America from Europe. (一片海洋区隔美洲与欧洲)

7. 除去, 释放, 阻碍, 预防:
This lotion provides protection from the sun. (这个防晒液提供日晒保护)
relief from anxiety (焦虑不安的解脱)
They asked him to refrain from interrupting. (他们要求他克制打扰别人)
They have no right to exclude her from membership. (他们无权排除她的会员资格)
The dictator fell from power. (这个独裁者垮台)
subtract 3 from 9 (九减三)

8. 更变至不同状况或情况:
Things have gone from bad to worse. (情况恶化)
They were transformed from raw recruits into trained soldiers. (他们从没经验的新兵转变成训练有素的战士)

9. 制造的原料:
Wine is made from grapes. (酒是葡萄所酿造的)
a doll made from cloth (玩具娃娃是布制的)

10. 来源:
I'm expecting a call from my lawyer. (我在等我的律师电话)
All his problems have come from that one bad decision. (他所有的问题出自于一个错误的决定)
She received a letter from home. (她收到家里的一封信)
reading aloud from a book (高声念书)
He inherited a love of music from his father. (他的钟爱音乐乃传承自他的父亲)
I bought a book from him. [=he sold a book to me] (我从他那儿买了一本书)
The painting was done directly from nature. (这幅画乃直接来自自然的创作)
She drew it from memory. (她从记忆中想出这件事)

11. 事情的基础或原因:
We conclude from this that no changes are necessary. (我们从这件事取得结论, 就是不需要做任何改变)
He's suffering from a bad cold. (他得到严重感冒)
They were weak from hunger. (他们因为饥饿而虚弱)
I could tell she was angry from [=by] the look on her face. (从她的脸色, 我可以看出她是愤怒)

12. 范围的最低点, 最低数额, 等等:
These parts cost (anywhere/anything) from $5 to $10. (这些零件的最低价格从五块到十块钱开始)
It's anywhere from $50,000 on up. [=it is at least $50,000 and could be more] (最低价从五万块钱开始)

13. 从一群人或数字选出:
She was chosen from a large number of competitors. (她是从一大批的竞争者中被选出)



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