二十笔实用成语 617

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二十笔实用成语 617

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 16, 2015 11:40 am

二十笔实用成语 617

01. in plain sight/view
定义: 可以清楚看到, 一览无遗.
例句: The trouble has been growing in plain sight for years. (这个问题居然多年来一直在众目睽睽之下越滚越大)

02. in play; into play
定义: [运动术语]合法可以继续比赛的, 球尚未出界; 商业上, 公司将要被并购.
例句: After a news item said the company was in play, the price of its stock began to rise. (一则这家公司将要被并购的新闻被报导了之后, 它的股价便开始上扬)

03. in pocket
定义: 有钱, 有资金; 有利润.
例句: Tom's in pocket this week so let him treat us all to lunch. (汤姆这个星期兜里有的是钱, 所以让他请我们大家吃午餐)

04. in point of
定义: 关于, 就...而言.
例句: The two pianists differ greatly in point of skill. (就演奏手艺而言, 这两位钢琴家的差距甚大)

05. in point of fact
定义: 事实上.
例句: Some people think that all fat is unhealthy to eat when, in point of fact, some types of fat are good for you. (有些人认为所有的脂肪都是吃了对身体健康有害, 事实上, 有些类别的脂肪对健康是有益处的)

06. in police custody
定义: 被警方拘押中.
例句: If you aren't formally in police custody, and you aren't being interrogated, the police don't have to give you a Miranda warning. (如果你不是被警方正式拘押, 而且你也没有被警方审讯的话, 警察没有必要告知你米兰达权利. 注: 米兰达权利, 简言之即刑事嫌犯有"不被强迫自我入罪的权利", 而行使缄默权和要求取得律师协助的权利)

07. in power; into power
定义: 执政, 掌权.
例句: The present regime has been in power for two years. (现今这届政府已经执政两年了)

08. in practice
定义: 实际上, 实际操作上; 不断练习, 熟练.
例句: In actual practice, people sometimes forget to take their medication. (在实际操作上, 人们有时候会忘记服用他们的药物)

09. in press
定义: 付诸印梓, 在印刷中.
例句: My paper is in press now and I started this in 2010. (我的论文现在正在印制中, 我是从2010年开始写这篇论文的)

10. in principle
定义: 原则上, 基本上.
例句: They accepted our offer in principle. (原则上, 他们接受我们所开的价钱)

11. in print
定义: 印刷好的, 可向出版商洽购的, 可以买得到.
例句: Would you check to see if the book is still in print? (你能不能查证一下这本书仍然可以买得到吗?)

12. in private
定义: 私底下, 不公开地.
例句: I would like to speak to you in private. (我想跟你私底下谈一谈)

13. in process
定义: 正在进行中/处理中/工作中/制造中/等等.
例句: If you have submitted your application within the last 90 days, your application is still in process. (如果你在最近九十天之内提交你申请的话, 你的申请仍旧在处理中)

14. in progress
定义: 在进步中, 在改进中, 在进行中.
例句: John's web site is still in progress. He is always adding new information and activities. (约翰网站的改进仍然在进行中. 他总是添加一些新资料和新活动)

15. in proportion to
定义: 成比例, 匀称.
例句: Your share of the profits will be in proportion to the amount of work that you do. (你分享的利润跟你所付出的工作量成正比. 注: 意指你的工作量越高你所分得的盈利越多)

16. in protest
定义: 抗议.
例句: She was so upset by their decision that she resigned in protest. (她对他们所做出的决定相当不满因此她辞职以示抗议)

17. in public
定义: 在公开场合.
例句: Most people act differently in public than they do in private. (大多数的人们在公开场合所表现的行为和私底下所表现的行为不一样)

18. in pursuit of
定义: 从事, 追求, 寻求.
例句: He would do anything in pursuit of wealth and fame. (为了追求名利, 他什么事都做得出来)

19. in quest of
定义: 探索, 寻求, 追求.
例句: He is in quest of the perfect girl that will be the best wife for him. (他在寻求最完美的女子来作为他的最理想妻子)

20. in question
定义: 有争议的, 有问题的, 有疑虑的.
例句: I know you want to go to college. That is not in question. What's in question is whether you can afford to go to college? (我知道你想要上大学. 那是肯定的. 我所疑虑的是你是否负担得起大学的费用?)



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