二十笔实用成语 621

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二十笔实用成语 621

帖子 royl » 周一 10月 26, 2015 4:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 621

01. in sync
定义: 同步的, 协同一致的.
例句: Her views are in sync with our own. (她的观点跟我们的是一致的)

02. in tears
定义: 泪流满面, 痛哭流涕.
例句: Tom broke down in tears when he learned that his father had died. (当汤姆得知他父亲过逝的消息, 他痛哭流涕)

03. in terms of
定义: 有关于, 就...而论; 以某种度量衡单位来衡量.
例句: The car is great in terms of gas mileage, but it's not comfortable. (就耗油量来说, 这部车是很好的, 但它开起来并不舒服)

04. in that
定义: 由于, 鉴于, 因为这个原因.
例句: The book is good, in that it's well written, but I didn't actually like reading it. (由于它写得很好, 这本书是不错的, 但事实上我不喜欢读这本书)

05. in that case
定义: 如果是那样的话, 既然是那样.
例句: "I'm free this evening." "In that case, why not have dinner with me?" ("我今晚没事." "如果是那样的话, 为什么不跟我一起吃晚餐?")

06. in that event
定义: 如果是那样的话, 在那种情况下.
例句: Try not to make loud noises inside the tunnel. It could create a cave-in, an avalanche of sand, or a rockslide. In that event, it could bring the whole mountain down on top of us. (在这个隧道里尽量别发出大声音. 它可以造成坍方, 砂石崩塌. 在那样情况下, 它可能致使整座山压垮我们)

07. in that regard
定义: 在那件事上, 有关上述之事.
例句: We will take care of supplying the food, so you have nothing to worry about in that regard. (我们会负责供应食物, 所以你不须要烦恼那件事情)

08. in the 1950's and onwards
定义: 一九五零年代起以及之后. (注: 这里的1950只是一个范例, 你可以用其他年代来取代)
例句: For those of you who were born in the 1980's and onwards, you may not have been familiar with the Vietnam War. (对于你们那些八零年代起以及之后出生的人, 你们可能并不熟悉越南战争)

09. in the abstract
定义: 抽象地, 笼统地, 大致地.
例句: People embrace the concept in the abstract. But they argue, sometimes heatedly, over what the term actually means. (人们笼统地拥抱这个概念. 但他们争论, 有时激烈地, 有关这个字眼真实的意义)

10. in the aggregate
定义: 整体上, 集体地, 整体上说.
例句: The experience only becomes important when considered in the aggregate. (这个经验只有整体上被考虑到才具有重大意义)

11. in the air
定义: 弥漫着, 充满着某种气氛; 感到...将要来到; 还没定案, 还不确定.
例句: In the last several days, we felt a sense of tension in the air. (过去几天来, 我们感觉到一股紧张不安的气氛)

12. in the altogether/buff/nude/raw
定义: 赤裸裸, 一丝不挂; 未加修饰地.
例句: Mary felt a little shy about getting into the nude. (对于赤身裸体, 玛莉表现出一丝害羞)

13. in the arms of another person
定义: 在别人的拥抱下, 投入他人怀抱.
例句: The bizarre case of a woman who went missing while buying dinner was solved after cops found her in the arms of her lover. (当警方寻获她在她的爱人怀抱中, 这桩离奇的女子购买晚餐时失踪的案件被侦破)

14. in the back of beyond
定义: 遥远偏僻; 遥不可及.
例句: Kevin lives by himself in a cabin out in the back of beyond. (凯文单独地住在偏僻遥远的一栋小木屋)

15. in the back of my mind
定义: 似乎记得某人或事但并不清晰; 置于脑后.
例句: You should put this problem in the back of your mind and concentrate on your final exams. (你应该把这个问题抛诸脑后, 专心准备你的期末考试)

16. in the bag
定义: 已确定, 胜利在望, 有如囊中之物.
例句: The new contract will be in the bag if we put in a good proposal. (如果我们提出一份令客户满意的报价书, 这个新合同将如囊中之物)

17. in the balance
定义: 悬于一线, 命运或结果将要被决定.
例句: With his job in the balance, he went to ask his boss for a raise. (他的工作都可能不保了, 他居然要求他的上司给他加薪)

18. in the ballpark
定义: 大致正确, 在可以接受的范围内.
例句: Our estimate is not even in the ballpark, let's try again. (我们的估计居然离可接受的范围都还有差距, 我们再做一次估算吧)

19. in the bargain
定义: 除此之外.
例句: Locally grown food is fresher, and cheaper in the bargain. (本地产的食物更新鲜, 此外还更便宜)

20. in the belief that
定义: 基于(某人)认为或相信...是真的或对的. (注: 意指某人做了某件事情是因为他认为做得是对的, 虽然他所基于的原因不一定是对的)
例句: I called him in the belief that he would help me. (我之所以打电话给他是基于我相信他会帮我忙)



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