二十笔实用成语 622

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二十笔实用成语 622

帖子 royl » 周三 10月 28, 2015 5:19 pm

二十笔实用成语 622

01. in the big leagues
定义: 处于最崇高成就层面.
例句: The coach shouted at us, "You're playing in the big leagues now. Shape up or ship out!" (教练对着我们大喊, "你们现在可是在顶级大联盟比赛了. 你们最好努力操练否则就离开!")

02. in the black
定义: 有盈余, 赚钱的, 财务健康无负债.
例句: The company has been in the black for over three years now. (这家公司已经处于有盈利状况三年多了)

03. in the boondocks/boonies
定义: 在偏僻地区或荒郊野外.
例句: She grew up in the boondocks so city life came as a rea​​l shock to her. (她在偏远地区长大, 因此城市生活对她来说的确是个冲击)

04. in the box seat
定义: [英国纽澳]处于优势. (注: box seat是剧院的包厢座位)
例句: This latest promotion really puts me in the box seat. (这个最新的晋升确实让我居于优越地位)

05. in the business of ..., be
定义: 从事...生意或工作, 以某事为职责.
例句: I'm not in the business of causing trouble. (我才不会惹事生非. 注: 本句原可译为, "制造麻烦可不是我的职责.")

06. in the can
定义: 在厕所或在浴室里; 在监狱服刑; (指电影唱片或DVD)完工或杀青, 准备发行.
例句: He locked himself in the can and wouldn't come out. (他把他自己锁在厕所里, 不肯出来)

07. in the cards
定义: 非常可能会发生; 在预计中, 不可避免的.
例句: It's not in the cards for her to win the election. (她不可能赢得这场选举)

08. in the care of
定义: 由某人照顾, 抚养, 监督或管理.
例句: I placed the house into the care of my friend before I was out of town for a couple of weeks. (在我要出远门两个星期之前, 我把这栋房子交给我朋友照顾)

09. in the cart
定义: 遇到麻烦, 陷入困境.
例句: If he didn't finish the round the whole team would be in the cart. (如果他不能结束这一局的话, 整个球队就会遇到麻烦)

10. in the case of
定义: 有关于, 对于某事, 就某事而论.
例句: In the case of this woman, we'll not permit her to enter our premises. (关于这个女人, 我们不允许她进入我们的营业场所)

11. in the catbird seat
定义: 取得优势, 权势地位, 大权在握.
例句: In the wake of the corporate restructuring, this obscure employee was suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into the catbird seat. (紧随这次公司重组之后, 这个名不见经传的职员突然出人意料地被推举至大权在握的地位)

12. in the cause of
定义: 为了...事业, 志业, 或善举.
例句: I am thankful for his involvement in the cause of helping persons with disabilities achieve independence and dignity. (我感谢他的投入协助残障人们取得独立和自尊的志业)

13. in the charge of
定义: 由某人照顾, 抚养, 监督或管理.
例句: She has been in the charge of her grandmother since her mother and father died. (自从她父母离世之后, 她一直由她的祖母抚养)

14. in the chips
定义: [俚语]富有的, 有钱的.
例句: I'm in the chips this month. Let's stuff ourselves with good food at the finest restaurants! (我这个月兜里有钱. 让我们去最好的餐馆大块朵颐美食吧!)

15. in the clear
定义: 不受限制, 通行无阻; 脱离困境; 无罪, 无辜; 内部宽度; 明码而非密码; 仍有足够的利润.
例句: His innocence has been proven. He is in the clear. (他的清白已经被证实了. 他是无辜的)

16. in the clink
定义: 在监狱或拘留所服刑, 身陷囹圄.
例句: He was arrested for public intoxication and thrown in the clink overnight. (他因为公共场合酗酒罪被逮捕并且在拘留所过夜)

17. in the clouds
定义: 爱幻想, 想入非非, 不实事求是.
例句: He is usually in the clouds so you may have trouble finding out what you want to know from him. (他经常神游太虚, 所以你可能有困难找到你想从他那儿得知的真相)

18. in the club; in the pudding club
定义: [英国俚语]怀孕的.
例句: There are rumors and whispers across the Internet suggesting that Rachel is in the pudding club. (在互联网上到处流传的传言和耳语指出瑞秋怀孕了)

19. in the clutch
定义: 在紧要关头, 在关键时刻中.
例句: In the last night's game, he scored a basket in the clutch. (在昨晚的球赛中, 他在关键时刻投中球得分)

20. in the cold light of day
定义: 冷静思考, 冷静回想, 痛定思痛.
例句: The next morning, in the cold light of day, I realized what a complete and utter idiot I had been! (第二天早上, 经过冷静思考后, 我觉得我当时就像个彻头彻尾的白痴似的!)



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