二十笔实用成语 624

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二十笔实用成语 624

帖子 royl » 周日 11月 01, 2015 1:46 am

二十笔实用成语 624

01. in the field
定义: 在工作现场; 在实地; 在战地; 在某领域.
例句: She is a leader in the field of genetic research. (她在基因研究这个领域居于领先的地位)

02. in the final/last analysis
定义: 说到底, 归根究底.
例句: In the final analysis, it is usually the children who suffer most in a situation like this. (归根结底, 在这种情况下, 受害最大的通常是儿女)

03. in the firing line; on the firing line
定义: 在火线上, 在前线上, 在战斗激烈情况里, 处于被批评或抨击的劣势.
例句: He found himself in the firing line for his sexist remarks. (由于他大男人主义的言论, 他发现自己正处于被大众抨击的火线上)

04. in the first flush of youth
定义: 在清新, 精力旺盛时期, 处于初期阶段.
例句: You're no longer in the first flush of youth, you know, Dad! (老爸, 你知道吗, 你的体力已经不如从前啦! 注: 意指以前年轻时精力旺盛, 现在体力已经不能跟年轻力壮的时候比了)

05. in the first instance
定义: 起初, 本来, 当初, 首先.
例句: You will be seen in the first instance by your own family doctor who may then send you to a specialist. (你将首先去看你的家庭医生, 然后他会再推荐你去看专科医生)

06. in the first place
定义: 起初, 本来, 当初, 首先.
例句: Why didn't you tell me in the first place that you'd decided to leave? (当初你为什么不告诉我你已经决定要离职?)

07. in the flesh
定义: 本人出现的.
例句: Julia was there in the flesh, standing right in front of me! (茱莉亚本人就在那儿, 她就站在我的面前!)

08. in the flush of
定义: 兴高采烈, 得意洋洋.
例句: In the first flush of victory he decided to take all his friends to dinner. (被胜利激起了欢乐的心情, 他决定请他所有的朋友吃大餐)

09. in the forefront
定义: 在前端, 领先.
例句: The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind. (这个法院案件一直浮现在我的脑前. 注: 意指我一直在想这桩案件并且挥之不去)

10. in the foreseeable future
定义: 在可预见的将来, 一时之内.
例句: I don't see myself leaving this job in the foreseeable future. (一时之内, 我不会离开这个职位)

11. in the frame
定义: 有可能成功, 被选上或被考虑.
例句: Anderson was in the frame for the managerial position, but he decided not to take it. (安德森被选上了这份经理职位, 但他决定不接受它)

12. in the fullness of time
定义: 在成熟, 预定或适当时候.
例句: I expected it would happen in the fullness of time. (我预计它在适当的时候自然会发生)

13. in the grip of
定义: 在...掌握中, 在...控制下, 在...约束下.
例句: If your heart get caught in the grip of sadness, why not banish the gloom and doom by thinking of something positive and bright? (如果心情受到忧伤所困, 为何不想一想一些积极乐观和活泼欢乐的事情来消除阴暗忧郁和厄运失败的想法吗?)

14. in the gutter
定义: 处于极脏乱环境里; 付诸东流, 不幸损失; 穷途末路, 无家可归的状况.
例句: He squandered all his money and wound up in the gutter. (他挥霍光了他所有的财富, 最终步上穷途末路)

15. in the hands of someone
定义: 由某人负责或照料, 落入...之手.
例句: The country then fell in the hands of a dictator who ruled it for decades with an iron fist. (这个国家随后落入了一个独裁者之手, 他以铁腕统治了这个国家数十载)

16. in the heat of
定义: 在最强烈或最活跃的阶段.
例句: Sorry about what I said. I got caught up in the heat of the moment. (抱歉我对你说了不该说的话. 我是情绪一时激动才说出了这些话)

17. in the heat of (the) battle
定义: 在战斗的白热化或最高点.
例句: I might have perished in the heat of the battle, but don't count me out of this fight. (我也许会在战斗炽烈的时刻阵亡, 但千万别把我排除在这场战斗之外)

18. in the heat of passion
定义: 一时激怒或激愤.
例句: The crime was committed in the heat of passion. (这件罪行是由嫌犯一时激愤之下所犯下的)

19. in the height of; at the height of
定义: 在鼎盛时期或最高点.
例句: He was at the height of his fame when he died. (他是在他极负​​盛名之时离世的)

20. in the hole
定义: 负债, 遭遇财务问题; 处于劣势; 手持一张暗牌.
例句: At the beginning of the card game I was in the hole but later I began to do well. (牌局一开始我处于劣势, 但后来我手风却转顺了)



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