二十笔实用成语 634

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二十笔实用成语 634

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 05, 2015 6:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 634

01. inside job, an
定义: 内部人, 内贼或内奸所犯之罪.
例句: The police decided that the crime was an inside job. (警方判断这桩刑案是内贼所为)

02. inside joke, an
定义: 圈内人笑话. (注: 意指只有圈内人才会听得懂的笑话)
例句: What you said must be an inside joke. It makes no sense to me. (你说的肯定是某个圈内人笑话. 我根本听不懂)

03. inside of
定义: 在...之内, 小于.
例句: I did my 30K mile maintenance for inside of $200 and about three hours of my time. (我做了我自己车子的三万英哩维修, 花费不到两百块钱以及大约三个钟头的时间. 注: 这里的30K的K是一千的缩写, 所以30K等于三万)

04. inside out
定义: 将里面翻露在外; 全面地, 彻底地; 天翻地覆地.
例句: She turned her purse inside out in order to look for her lost key. (为了寻找她遗失的钥匙, 她把她的钱包彻底地翻遍了)

05. inside track, the
定义: 有利的竞争地位; 赛场的内侧跑道或车道. (注: 因为内侧跑道距离最短)
例句: I think that he has the inside track on getting the new job at the company. (我觉得他在争取这家公司的新工作上占了有利的地位)

06. insider trading, the
定义: [证券术语]内线交易. (注: 在美国内线交易乃非法行为)
例句: They have chosen to abuse this privilege as an opportunity to make a quick buck through insider trading. (他们选择了滥用这个特权经由内线交易趁机获取容易钱)

07. insist on/upon, to
定义: 坚持.
例句: She insists on doing everything her own way. (她坚持所有的事情都要按照她的办法做)

08. instead of
定义: 代替; 而不是, 宁可要...而不愿要...
例句: I decided to text instead of writing an email to him. (我决定发短信而不是写电子邮件给他)

09. instrumental in something, be
定义: 造成或推动某事的发生起关键作用.
例句: Thank you Vickie, your hard work was instrumental in making my wedding day the best day of my life! (谢谢妳薇琪, 妳的辛勤工作使得我婚礼当日成为我一生最幸福的一天!)

10. insurance claim, an
定义: 保险索赔.
例句: You can hire a public adjuster to help you discover and appraise the fire losses, then file the insurance claim for you. (你可以聘请一名公共理赔精算师来帮助你发掘及评估这场火灾损失, 然后替你提出保险索赔的申请)

11. integral part of, an
定义: 不可缺少一部分.
例句: Ah-Wen, you are an integral part of our team, and the team cannot function without you. (阿文, 你是我们团队不可或缺的一员, 这个团队没有你就没法运转)

12. intellectual property, an
定义: 知识财产.
例句: At the moment, intellectual property rights are one of the most burning issues especially when more and more people are reliant on selling their 'knowledge' to earn a living. (知识财产权是现今最重要的议题之一尤其是当越来越多的人们依靠出售他们的知识来谋生)

13. intent on/upon, be
定义: 完全关注于, 决心要.
例句: She seems intent on destroying our credibility. (看样子她决心要破坏我们的公信力)

14. Interesting indeed.

15. Interesting though!
[成语句型]还是有趣的. (注: 意指某人说话虽不中听但还是有趣的)

16. interestingly enough
定义: 说起来也奇怪. (注: 意指某事看似令人不解, 其实它确实发生)
例句: Interestingly enough, Tom made no attempt to deny the rumor. (说起来也奇怪, 汤姆居然没打算要否认这则谣传)

17. interment vs. internment
定义: [易混淆字或片语]interment(名词)埋葬; internment(名词)拘留.

18. into a state of denial/indifference/panic/etc.
定义: 处于拒绝接受事实/漠不关心/惊慌/等等状态.
例句: The cold reality finally beat him into a state of panic. (这个冷酷的现实终于迫使他惊慌失措)

19. into line
定义: 一致, 同意, 合作.
例句: It was difficult to bring everyone into line. (促使大家意见一致是不容易的)

20. into oblivion
定义: 被忘却, 废弃, 湮没, 晕厥.
例句: The names of the people who lived here long ago have faded into oblivion. (往昔住在这里人们的名字已经被人忘记了)



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