二十笔实用成语 658

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二十笔实用成语 658

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 21, 2016 11:05 pm

二十笔实用成语 658

01. jump out at, to
定义: 从暗处跳出攻击某人; 突然注意到; 迅速取得某人的注意或留下强烈印象.
例句: I checked his essay for errors, but nothing jumped out at me. (我检查了他的作文看看有什么错误, 但我没看出任何的错误)

02. jump out of one's skin, to
定义: 吓了一大跳; 吓死人了.
例句: Oh! You really scared me. I nearly jumped out of my skin. (啊! 你吓到我了. 你差一点吓死我了)

03. jump out of the frying pan into the fire, to
定义: 每况愈下, 情况越来越糟.
例句: Some people who change their jobs realize they've jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. (有些换了工作的人发现他们的情况不但没有改善而且越来越糟)

04. jump (the) queue, to
定义: 插队(不守秩序).
例句: If somebody jumps queue in front of Dad, he tells them to go to the back of the line. (如果有人跑到老爸前面插队的话, 他会叫他回到队伍的尾端去排队. 注: 这里的they可以使用于性别不知或没有指明的某个人, 并不一定是使用于复数的它们或他们. 例如: Everyone can go if they want to)

05. jump ship, to
定义: 跳槽; 叛逃; 逃生.
例句: The company asked me to sign a form saying I wouldn't jump ship. (这家公司要求我填写一份我保证不跳槽的表格)

06. jump the gun, to
定义: 言行过早, 操之过急, 枪声没响便偷跑. (注: 意指没经深思熟虑或弄清状况就说话或开始动作)
例句: He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologized for jumping the gun. (我还没来得及跟他解释他就对我大吼大叫, 但是后来他为了没弄清情况就发怒跟我道歉)

07. jump the light, to
定义: 闯红灯, 不等绿灯亮就冲出去. (注: 意指在红灯前不耐烦停车久等, 所以在快要绿灯时就冲出去)
例句: If these cyclists jump the light, they should be subject to a fine or at least a stern telling-off from a police officer if they are caught. (如果这些骑脚踏车的人闯红灯的话, 他们应该被罚锾或起码被警官严厉训斥假如他们被抓的话)

08. jump the shark, to
定义: 耍噱头以吸引注意, 重振旗鼓或扭转颓势. (注: 出自电视剧渐渐失去吸引力而必须要以花招例如跳过鲨鱼来吸引观众)
例句: This show used to have some of the wittiest writing in television, but they really jumped the shark when they introduced a contrived alien invasion in the seventh season. (这个节目曾经在编剧上是电视节目中最诙谐的几个节目之一, 但他们居然在第七演播季推出了一出矫揉造作的外星人入侵情节的新花招)

09. jump the track/rails, to
定义: 火车跳轨; 突然从一个思路或活动跳到另一个.
例句: My train of thought jumped the track and left my mind blank. "Now, where were we?" (我的思路跳想到别的事, 我脑中突然一片空白. "我们现在谈到了哪里了?")

10. jump through a hoop, to
定义: 惟命是从, 无条件服从. (注: 意指在取悦某人或达到目的之前所经历的忍辱负重之苦)
例句: Sometimes, to get ahead in the world, one must jump through a hoop or two. (有时候, 为了出人头地, 一个人必须要惟命是从, 忍辱负重)

11. jump through hoops, to
定义: 历尽千辛万苦. (注: 意指在取悦某人或达到目的之前所经历的忍辱负重之苦)
例句: I had to jump through several hoops before I could get a VISA to work overseas. (我历尽千辛万苦才取得去海外的工作签证)

12. jump to a/the conclusion, to
定义: 误以为, 仓促地下结论. (注: 意指未经深思熟虑而下结论)
例句: When the police saw the knife in Barry's hand, they jumped to the conclusion that he was about to stab someone. (当警察看见白瑞手持这把刀子, 他们误以为他准备要刺伤某人)

13. jump to it, to
定义: [命令语气]快点! 赶紧做!
例句: We don't have much time, we better jump to it! (我们没有多少时间了, 我们还是赶紧做吧!)

14. jump to someone's defense, to
定义: 迅速地保护或辩护某人.
例句: Whenever someone accuses John of any wrongdoing, Mary always steps in and immediately jumps to his defense. (每当有人指控约翰做了任何坏事, 玛莉总是会毫不迟疑地介入替他辩护)

15. jump/leap off the page, to
定义: (论及写作, 艺术作品)栩栩如生, 栩栩如绘, 跃然纸上, 令人有身历其境的感觉.
例句: This 3D calligraphy looks so real that it virtually leaps off the page. (这幅立体书法看起来跟真的一样, 它几乎跃然纸上)

16. jump/leap to conclusions, to
定义: 误以为, 太早下结论, 仓促地下结论.
例句: I think we should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he's to blame. (我觉得我们别太早下结论把责任归咎于他, 我们应当先听听他的解释再说)

17. Jumping Jehoshaphat!
定义: [惊叹语]表达惊讶, 喜悦, 沮丧.
例句: "Your new VISA balance is $63,756." "Jumping Jehoshaphat! Is it?" ("你VISA信用卡最新负债余额是$63,756." "天啊! 有那么多吗?")

18. jump up and down, to
定义: 激动地上蹿下跳. (注: 意指有可能高兴地雀跃三尺也有可能忿怒地暴跳如雷)
例句: Everybody in the office is jumping up and down about being rid of Tom. (对于汤姆被解雇一事, 整间办公室的人都兴奋地雀跃三尺)

19. junk food, the
定义: 垃圾食物. (注: 意指看起来诱人, 高热量, 低营养价值的食物)
例句: We sometimes eat junk food for snack - chips, candy bars and soda pop. (我们有时候吃垃圾食物零嘴 - 马铃薯片, 糖果棒以及汽水)

20. junk it, to
定义: 丢弃, 丢到垃圾桶.
例句: That pen is leaking, junk it. (那只笔漏水, 丢了吧)



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