What has happened to me the last four days?

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帖子: 1775
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

What has happened to me the last four days?

帖子 royl » 周二 5月 25, 2010 10:49 pm

What has happened to me the last four days?

Well, everyone, I'm back in business. I'm so glad to see you again. No, I did not take a vacation; I was just not able to get on the Internet, that's all. Please read on if you care to listen to my story.

About 7:30pm, I was working my heart out on my English forum material as usual, suddenly, I heard a loud boom sound; I ran to my backyard and saw a plume of smoke came out of my transformer (a big green box). I called the utility company hot line and reported the incident. Straight and simple, isn't it? Well, the utility company responded quickly, and sent their crew on the scene within an hour. One funny thing is their crew force is cut to the bone; the gentleman who drove the truck and heavy equipments in tow is the same one who operated the equipments. This is what you call cost-cutting and one man army. Anyway, they got the power restored by 4:00am Saturday. Quite a feat, isn't it?

Late Saturday morning, I found out that my internet connection was dead. I then called my ISP (Internet Service Provider), Comcast, for help. As you all know, if you need some help, you would have to answer several questions before you can get a chance to talk to a real person. An hour after the first appointment was scheduled, I received a phone call, the Comcast's automated confirmation call that is, as soon as I selected the language choice (1 for English, 2 for Spanish), I was told that my appointment was cancelled. I later tried two more times and the problems were still the same. Like I was so stupid and I kept cancelling my own appointments.

Sunday, I told the Comcast customer account rep my problems with their automated confirmation system and asked him any suggestions that will help me to keep my requested appointment. The kind gentleman told me he was sorry for all these inconveniences and personally guaranteed the repairman would show up on the next scheduled appointment – Monday morning.

Monday afternoon, I called Comcast again and told them that no one had responded to the service call as promised by the kind gentleman. I also told the lady that my appointments had been cancelled three times by now, I had had enough trouble with their confirmation calls, and I just needed to get this thing over with. The smart lady said the only solution is to have a supervisor call me and take it from there. Sadly, while I was on the phone talking with someone else, the Comcast supervisor called and left an unintelligible message. I called back and talked to another lady trying to get things resolved. This lady, who showed little sympathy, said she has to reschedule another time for me. I told her it's not going to work because this dreadful automated confirmation system would cancel my appointment again. This go-by-the-book lady said she can not stop it. Sure enough, my next appointment was cancelled as I had predicted. Now, was I at the end of rope? You bet! For the last time, I called and talked to another gentleman, he said he understood my situation because some other customers also had the same problems. He said he will have another supervisor call me immediately. Five minutes later I talked to the supervisor and repeated the same story, and she said she will have someone over next day no matter what. Did I see the light at the end of tunnel? I could only hope, if you know what I mean.

Tuesday morning, a young man called and told me he was coming in to fix my problem. Was I getting somewhere? Heck yes! The young technician took a look at the problem and told me the problem was that the junction box was sending no signals and that was the problem. He also told me he had made a request to have a maintenance guy over since he is a cable man and he can't work on the junction box. Well, the maintenance man came over later as promised, and got the problem fixed.

Whew! I can finally get on the Internet.

You know, my neighbor used a cell phone with the same carrier (the cell phone service provider) to report problems and to respond to the confirmation calls just like what I did, but he has never experienced any trouble. Therefore, my hardship with the confirmation calls still remains a mystery. By the way, if anyone of you knows what caused my problem, please let me know. Thank you for your time.

帖子: 32
注册时间: 周三 3月 17, 2010 5:01 pm

Re: What has happened to me the last four days?

帖子 suyu » 周三 5月 26, 2010 12:37 pm

I believe that the real "problem" is you did not ask to speak with a supervisor, and the manager (yes, that one is who you need to talk) earlier.

I had a problem with a large refrigerator in our home that we bought for about 2 years (with extended product protection). Here is what happened:

When the large refrigerator suddenly stopped working (first stopped providing cold drinking water, and later, the 4 oC part failed), I also called as much as you just did.

What did I get? ---- A couple of local service teams.

What did they do? -----Checking, repairing, making new visiting schedules.....

This time I phoned again, asked only the manager to answer my phone. Still, it was a supervisor that they found to answer me. The supervisor said that he can "100% handle this issue".

"Very good." I said, then told him to find a calculator. He got lost right away, asked: "A calculator? Why? "

I said: " See? A manager does not ask such kind of question, ---please, go get your manager and save everybody's time."

-------Once you talk with their manager, very nice and clam, he will know what is the right thing for him to do.

The result?

Well, we did not use calculator, just made an agreement: they will pay $500 for our food lost (corresponds to a twice-lost issue, the food lost limit is $249); they will let me to buy a small refrigerator (payment and shipping fee on their cost) right after the phone call. Here comes the last part of that agreement, the real solution to "handle this issue", they will send to me a check as the full refund of that large refrigerator in 5 working days.
上次由 suyu 在 周三 5月 26, 2010 5:37 pm,总共编辑 2 次。

帖子: 1775
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: What has happened to me the last four days?

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 26, 2010 1:56 pm

Hey, that's a good idea. Thanks.



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