二十笔实用成语 705

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二十笔实用成语 705

帖子 royl » 周二 9月 26, 2017 2:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 705

01. light-years ahead of ..., be
定义: 远胜过..., 远超越...
例句: The alien spacecraft seemed to be light years ahead of earth technology. (这艘外星飞船所使用的科技似乎远超过地球的科技)

02. light-years away, be
定义: (距离)极为遥远; 距现在很遥远的过去或未来.
例句: It all happened when I was at college, which seems light years away now that I'm over 50. (这事发生的时候我在大学读书, 由于我现在已经五十多岁它好像发生在很遥远的过去)

03. like a bat out of hell
定义: 飞速地.
例句: He left here like a bat out of hell. I don't know why he was in such a hurry. (他飞快地离开这里. 我不知道他为什么这么仓促)

04. like a bear with a sore head
定义: 暴躁易怒, 脾气暴躁.
例句: Tom is always like a bear with a sore head first thing in the morning. It's best not to even talk to him until he's had his coffee. (汤姆一清早总是脾气暴躁. 在他喝他的咖啡之前最好连话都别跟他说)

05. like a blue streak
定义: 风驰电掣地, 疾快地.
例句: He climbed that ladder like a blue streak. (他风驰电掣地爬上那个梯子)

06. like a bull at a gate
定义: 火速地, 仓促地, 莽撞地, 狂怒地.
例句: Al wants to finish mowing the front lawn before dark so he's going at them like a bull at a gate. (艾尔想要在天黑之前把前院草坪剪完因此他就火速地干活)

07. like a bump on a log
定义: 懒散不想动地; 木愣地; 不声不响地.
例句: Don't just sit there like a bump on a log; give me a hand! (别光在那儿木愣地坐着; 给我搭把手呀!)

08. like a cat on a hot tin roof; like a cat on hot bricks
定义: 忧心忡忡地; 紧张地; 焦虑不安地.
例句: "Why is Carrie pacing back and forth like a cat on a hot tin roof all day?" "She's waiting for the doctor to call with her test results." ("为什么凯莉焦虑不安地来回踱步?" "她正在等待医生打电话来告诉她化验的结果")

09. like a champ
定义: 做得非常漂亮, 非常成功. (注: champ就是champion即为勇士, 冠军的缩写)
例句: Little Oliver had his second eye surgery today and came through like a champ. (今天小奥利佛做了他第二次眼睛手术, 手术极为成功顺利)

10. like a chicken on a June bug
定义: 一瞬间; 动作非常快.
例句: If you leave a chocolate bar on the table, Kate will be on it - like a chicken on a June bug! (如果你留下一只巧克力棒在桌上, 凯特会迅速地把它处理掉– 瞬息之间就解决了! 注: 这句话翻译里的"把它处理掉"其实就是说凯特把巧克力棒迅速吃掉)

11. like a chicken with its head cut off
定义: 抓狂; 像无头苍蝇似地慌张乱窜.
例句: Instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off, make a list of items you need to finish and then work on them in order. (与其像无头苍蝇似地慌张乱窜, 还不如列出一张你该要完成的事项清单然而再按顺序一一去执行)

12. like a dog with two tails
定义: 兴高采烈.
例句: I can't believe you're here to see me. I'm like a dog with two tails. (我真不敢相信你来这儿看我. 我喜乐得无语形容)

13. like a dose of salts
定义: 迅速轻易地.
例句: The medicine went through me like a dose of salts. (这服药马上在我身上产生药效)

14. like a dream
定义: 漂亮, 真棒, 具有奇效, 很灵验的, 极为令人满意. (注: 请参考work like a dream)
例句: The suit only cost $100 and it fits like a dream. (这套西装只要一百块钱而且极为合身好像专门为我订制似的. 注: 意指这这套西装不只便宜而且极为合身令人满意)

15. like a drowned rat
定义: 全身湿透, 狼狈不堪地.
例句: I had to cycle home in the rain and came in looking like a drowned rat. (我不得不在雨中骑着脚踏车, 进来时全身湿透)

16. like a duck to water
定义: 如鱼得水; 天生就会, 一学就会; 做得轻松顺利也其乐融融.
例句: I have taken to the new rural life like a duck to water. (我对这个最近才开始的乡村生活方式很快就适应下来并且过得其乐融融)

17. like a family, be
定义: 像一个家庭般温馨, 融洽.
例句: My teammates made me feel like a family. I adjusted better than I thought I would. (我的队友让我感觉我们在一起像一个家庭般温馨. 我对我们队伍的适应比我原先期望的情况要好许多)

18. like a fish needs a bicycle
定义: 根本不需要. (注: 意指鱼要脚踏车有何用?)
例句: An independent woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. (身为一名独立自主的女人根本不需要一个男人的扶持)

19. like a fish out of water
定义: 离水之鱼, 离开了熟悉环境感到不自在, 不能融入某场合, 与某群人相处感到格格不入.
例句: Whenever I am with your friends, I feel like a fish out of water. (每当我跟你的朋友在一起的时候, 我总是感觉跟他们格格不入)

20. like a frog on a log
定义: 枯燥乏味, 一动也不动.
例句: I sat next to her like a frog on a log. She concentrated on navigating the crowded parking area and searched for that hard-to-find empty spot. (我坐在她的身边一动也不动. 她正专心地驾驶在拥挤的停车场, 寻找一位难求的停车空位)



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