二十筆實用成語 734

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二十筆實用成語 734

帖子 royl » 周二 2月 20, 2018 10:08 pm

二十筆實用成語 734

01. make a quick trip to (a place), to
定義: 跑一趟(某處例如廁所或附近店舖), 匆匆來回.
例句: Can you make a quick trip to a computer superstore soon? I need a notebook computer as soon as possible. (你能不能幫我馬上跑一趟電腦超市? 我急需一部筆記本電腦)

02. make a request, to
定義: 提出要求, 請求.
例句: Once you have made a request you will receive an acknowledgement and your request should be answered within 20 working days. (一旦你提出了請求, 你將會收到一份收據, 你的請求應會在二十個工作天之內收到答覆)

03. make a reservation, to
定義: [餐廳用語]預先訂位.
例句: You can always walk in our restaurant but I suggest that you have a reservation to avoid waiting time, specially during weekends. (你永遠都可以走進我們餐館但我建議你預先訂位以避免耗時的等候, 尤其在週末這段時間)

04. make a rod for your own back, to
定義: [英國]給自己留下未來問題的禍根.
例句: You're making a rod for your own back, you know, letting the child into your bed at night. You'll never get her to stay in her own bed now. (晚上讓你小孩來你床上睡, 你要知道, 這是給自己留下未來問題的禍根. 你再也不能讓她睡自己的床了)

05. make a run for it, to
定義: 拔腿衝向..., 迅速逃逸.
例句: As soon as it started raining we made a run for it and tried to get to the shelter. (雨點一開始落下來的一刻我們便拔腿就跑, 試圖衝向避雨的掩蔽之處)

06. make a scene, to; make an uproar, to
定義: 大吵大鬧引人注目令人下不了台; 公眾前出醜令人尷尬.
例句: Oh, Tom, please don't make a scene. Just forget about it. (唉, 湯姆呀, 請別在公眾前出醜. 算了吧, 別去計較了)

07. make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, to
定義: 化腐朽為神奇, 化廢為寶. (注: 把醜陋或低劣的東西變為美麗引人的東西)
例句: What do you want me to do with this tacky dress? I can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! (你要我怎麼處理這件寒磣的衣服? 我可沒辦法化腐朽為神奇!)

08. make a small fortune, to; make a fortune, to
定義: 賺了不少錢.
例句: For almost two years, Hawkins made a small fortune running a cafeteria restaurant. (近兩年來, 霍金斯經營了一家自助餐廳賺了不少錢)

09. make a smart move, to
定義: 做出聰明之舉.
例句: I think Mr. Lin made a smart move when he got you involved in the project from the beginning. (我認為林先生做出了明智之舉當他從一開始就邀請你全程參與這項工程)

10. make a song and dance about something, to
定義: 小題大做, 大驚小怪, 無理取鬧, 把雞毛蒜皮的事當大事.
例句: I only asked her to move her car but she made such a song and dance about it. (我只是要求她把她車子移一移但她小題大做, 無理取鬧)

11. make a spectacle of oneself, to
定義: 公眾前出醜, 出洋相.
例句: He made a spectacle of himself by shouting at the waiter. (他對著服務員大聲呵斥簡直是公眾面前出洋相)

12. make a splash, to
定義: 引起公眾注意, 做出引起轟動的活動.
例句: The news of her arrest made a huge splash. (她被逮捕的新聞引起了社會轟動)

13. make a square circle, to
定義: 做一個方形圓圈, 做不可能的事.
例句: To make a square circle is impossible because the idea of​​ a square circle is contradictory. (做一個方形圓圈是一件不可能的事因為方形圓圈這個概念本身就是相互矛盾的)

14. make a stand, to
定義: 公開表明立場.
例句: All the other kids in the class were too afraid to speak out, but Fong Gong decided to make a stand for what he knew was right. (班上其他小朋友都畏首畏尾地不敢大膽表態, 然而方剛卻決定公開表明他所深信是正確的道理)

15. make a start on ..., to
定義: 開工, 開始做, 開始行動.
例句: I will tr​​y to make a start on the cleaning before I leave today. (在我今天離開之前, 我會設法開始清理工作)

16. make a statement, to
定義: 做出陳述, 聲明; 以非語言方式表達或展現自己. (注: 經常用於以具有特色的服裝表達自己的個性)
例句: She thinks she's making a fashion statement, but I think she looks ridiculous. (她覺得她的衣著展現出大膽時髦的風格, 但是我卻認為她穿得荒唐可笑)

17. make a switch, to
定義: 調包, 轉換, 改變.
例句: If you're not happy in your current job, maybe it's time to make a switch. (如果你不滿意你現有的工作, 或許是你該轉換工作的時候)

18. make a thing (out) of, to
定義: 小題大作, 大驚小怪, 無理取鬧.
例句: It was only a small mistake, but he made a really big thing out of it. (這只是一個小失誤, 然而他卻大驚小怪, 無理取鬧)

19. make a virtue of necessity, to
定義: 既然不能避免, 不如大大方方去做某事; 在不利情形下盡你所能.
例句: When Bill's mother became sick, there was no one but Bill to take care of her, so Bill made a virtue of necessity and resolved to enjoy their time together. (比爾母親生病的時候, 除了比爾之外沒有別人可以照顧她, 因此在別無選擇之下比爾決定好好地享受跟母親相聚的時光)

20. make a/the swap, to
定義: 做交換.
例句: We made a swap: I'll do the dishes tonight and she'll do them for me tomorrow. (我們做了一個交換: 今晚由我來洗碗然後明天換她幫我洗碗)



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