二十笔实用成语 736

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二十笔实用成语 736

帖子 royl » 周六 3月 03, 2018 1:45 pm

二十笔实用成语 736

01. make an identification, to
定义: 指认, 确定.
例句: The police have made a positive identification of the suspect. (警方已经确认了这名嫌犯的身份)

02. make an illegal left/right turn, to
定义: (开车时)做一个非法的左转或右转.
例句: The 17-year-old cigarette truck driver made an illegal left turn on Route 33 after his GPS told him to turn left and caused a four-car collision. (在他的全球定位系统指引他左转之后, 这名17岁运送香烟的卡车司机便于33号公路做非法左转并且造成了四部车辆的连环车祸)

03. make an impression, to
定义: 造成深刻印象.
例句: You'll have to do better than that if you really want to make an impression. (如果你真想要给别人造成深刻印象的话, 你必须要做得更好)

04. make an issue of something, to
定义: 借题发挥; 小题大作; 挑起争端.
例句: I knew they'd made a mistake, but I was too tired to make an issue of it. (我知道他们犯了错了, 但我已经精疲力尽不想再挑起争端)

05. make an offer, to
定义: 开价, 出价; (雇主)提出招募请求; 求婚; 提出条件.
例句: "Your price is too high." "Well, make an offer. What do you think the car is worth?" ("你的价钱太高了." "好吧, 你出个价. 你认为这部车该值多少钱?")

06. make arrangements for, to
定义: 为...做好安排.
例句: I'm making arrangements for you to fly back with us tomorrow. (我在安排你明天跟我们一起飞回去)

07. make as if to do something, to
定义: 装模作样, 假装做某事的样子.
例句: I didn't get up only because you made as if to answer the door. (我之所以没有起身去应门就是因为我以为你要去开门的, 哪知道你只是装个样子)

08. make as though, to
定义: 装模作样, 装作, 假装, 假装做某事的样子.
例句: Mark always makes as though he cares deeply about other people's problems, but he's never willing to actually help. (马克总是摆出他深切关怀别人遭遇困难的样子, 但他从不愿意实际地协助别人)

09. make away with, to
定义: 顺手牵羊, 拿走, 偷窃; 用光; 杀, 摧毁.
例句: The cat made away with the fish that was sitting on top of the kitchen counter. (这只猫把厨房台子上放的鱼叼走了)

10. make bold, to; make so bold as to, to
定义: 胆敢, 冒昧.
例句: I will not make so bold as to criticize a well-respected scholar. (我不敢冒昧地批评一位饱受尊重的学者)

11. make book, to
定义: 接受赌注; 对某人或某事有信心; 认为某人或某事会发生.
例句: No one's making book on the local team. (没有人认为本地球队会赢的)

12. make (both) ends meet, to
定义: 维持生计, 足以糊口, 收支平衡, 勉强够用.
例句: To make ends meet, Phil picked up a second job delivering pizzas. (为了维持生计, 菲尔找了一个送比萨饼的兼职工作)

13. make bricks without straw, to
定义: 原料不全所做出产品; 急就章, 不能持久; 计划不周全.
例句: I don't know how you expect me to cook dinner when there's hardly any food in the fridge. You can't make bricks without straw, you know. (当你的冰箱里什么食物都没有, 我不知道你如何指望我烧晚餐. 你知道, 巧妇难为无米之炊)

14. make capital out of, to
定义: 充分利用资源来创造利润.
例句: Prosecutors are making capital out of the defendant's conflicting stories. (检察官正在利用被告所发出的相互矛盾的叙述来创造对检方有利的情势)

15. make change for a twenty, to
定义: 以二十元来换零钱. (注: 这里的二十元只是一个例子, 我们可以其他的数额来取代)
例句: Can you make change for a five? (你能不能帮我换五块钱的零钱?)

16. make concessions, to
定义: 做出让步或妥协.
例句: I won't take an easy way out and make concessions. (我才不会为了贪图一时的方便, 做出让步)

17. make contact, to
定义: 接触, 相撞, 与...联络.
例句: She's been trying to make contact with distant relatives. (她一直试图在联络一些远房亲戚)

18. make conversation, to
定义: 纯粹为了聊天而聊天, 找话题聊天.
例句: We sat together, trying somewhat awkwardly to make conversation. (我们坐在一起有些别扭地试图找话题聊天)

19. make decisions on your own, to
定义: 你自行做决定.
例句: By not having your parents around you have to make decisions on your own, and do everything for yourself. (由于你父母双亲不在身边, 你必须要自行做决定, 每件事都要自己亲力而为)

20. make demands on/of, to
定义: 提出要求.
例句: Normally, I don't make demands of other people. I don't expect to receive demands from people. (通常我不对别人提出要求. 我也不期待接受人们的要求)



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