二十笔实用成语 738

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二十笔实用成语 738

帖子 royl » 周日 3月 11, 2018 2:44 am

二十笔实用成语 738

01. make hard work of, to
定义: 夸张困难度, 事倍功半, 把简单事当难事做.
例句: I don't know why you have to make such hard work of cooking each night. (我不知道你为什么每个晚上都必须烧饭把事情弄得那么困难. 注: 意指每两天或三天烧一次晚饭就不会这么累)

02. make haste, to
定义: 动作快一点, 赶快. (注: 意指时间短促)
例句: We'll be late if you don't make haste. (你再不动作快一点我们就会迟到)

03. make hay (while the sun shines), to
定义: 抓紧时机, 打铁趁热, 趁机利用良好的环境.
例句: The low housing interest rate loans won't last forever, so you need to make hay while the sun shines. (这时候的低利率房贷不会永不改变, 所以你必须打铁趁热, 借着低利率去购屋)

04. make heads or tails of, to
定义: 了解, 明白.
例句: I can't make heads or tails of that new guy in accounting. Sometimes, he's really friendly, and then other times he acts like he's never met me before. (我真不明白这个会计部新来的职员. 有时候, 他很友善, 但有时候他却摆出从未没见过我们的样子)

05. make headway, to
定义: 取得进展.
例句: They've recently made some headway in their search for a cure. (最近他们在寻求治疗方法上取得一些进展)

06. make heavy weather of something, to
定义: 夸张困难度, 事倍功半, 把简单事当难事做.
例句: You’re making very heavy weather of repairing that bike. (你过度夸张了修理那部脚踏车的困难度)

07. make history, to
定义: 创造历史, 载入史册.
例句: China made history on Saturday by successfully landing its first unmanned spacecraft on the moon. (中国于星期六成功地将其第一艘无人太空船降落在月球上开创了中国航天历史)

08. make inroads into/on, to
定义: 打进了, 侵入, 攻占; 取得成功或进展; 增加影响力.
例句: We are making no inroads into the high-priority project. (我们在这个至关重要的工程项目上碰到了困难, 毫无进展)

09. Make it a cheeseburger.
定义: [餐厅用语]那就点一个起司汉堡吧. (注: 意指决定好了要点起司汉堡)

10. make it all up, to
定义: 全是捏造的谎言.
例句: It never happened, you made it all up! (这事从没发生, 全都是你捏造的!)

11. make it better, to
定义: 改善, 改良; 加强, 加快.
例句: When a child is hurt, sympathy will help to make it better. (当一个小孩受了伤, 给予同情的慰问会帮助他恢复快一点)

12. make it big, to
定义: 名利双收, 功成名就.
例句: I always believe that someday I would make it big. (我一直相信我会有一天功成名就)

13. make (it) clear, to
定义: 说清楚, 讲明白.
例句: One thing I want to make clear to you today: I'm not your servant. (我今天有一件事要把话说清楚: 我不是你的佣人)

14. make it easier for someone, to
定义: 让某人做事情更方便, 容易或轻松; 不刁难某人.
例句: Please be as specific as you can as it'll make it easier for me to help you. (请你把问题说得越清楚越好, 如此使我更方便帮助你)

15. make it go farther, to
定义: 加强, 令其更具成效, 走更远, 更增值.
例句: You can enjoy life a little but put some of your tax refund to work and make it go farther. (你可以稍许享受人生但也要把你一部分的退税款拿去投资并且用小钱滚大钱)

16. make it harder for, to
定义: 刁难, 使其任务更艰难, 令人更痛苦.
例句: You're making it harder for yourself by putting obstacles in front of yourself and then wondering why it's so hard to make progress. (你在自己前面设置了障碍物使自己举步维艰, 然后又在纳闷为什么取得进展是那么困难)

17. make it hot for, to
定义: 刁难, 使其任务更艰难, 令人更痛苦.
例句: Don't make it hot for Tom by needlessly finding fault with him. (不可再没必要地挑剔汤姆的毛病来刁难他)

18. make it look easy, to
定义: 让别人看起来容易, 毫不费力或简单明了.
例句: I always love how you take something that looks so darn complicated and making it look so much easier! (我一直很喜爱你能够把一件看起来非常复杂的事情让人觉得简单明了!)

19. make it official, to
定义: 宣布为正式的.
例句: The Weather Bureau had just made it official we could be in for a long, rough night. (气象局正式宣布今夜将可能成为一个风雨交加的漫长夜晚)

20. make it one's business, to
定义: 一肩扛起, 招揽为自己的工作. 将某事当为自己的职责.
例句: I know you think you shouldn't get involved, but this is serious enough that you need to make it your business to intervene. (我了解你认为你不应当介入这件事, 但这事严重的程度已经到了你必须要将此事视为己任有必要出面干预)



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