二十笔实用成语 757

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二十笔实用成语 757

帖子 royl » 周二 7月 17, 2018 5:14 am

二十笔实用成语 757

01. million-in-one chance, a
定义: 百万分之一的机会, 微乎其微的成功率.
例句: He's doing something obviously very shady and it's natural for people to not trust him even if there's a million in one chance he's honest. (他显然正在做一件见不得人的事情, 即使有微乎其微的机会他确实在干正经事, 人们自然还是不信任他)

02. million-dollar wound, a
定义: 千金难买的创伤, 战斗受伤并不致命也不使士兵残障但严重的足以送离战场.
例句: For many soldiers in World War II, the best thing that could happen in combat was the "million-dollar wound" — one that didn't maim for life, but sent them home. (在二次世界大战期间对许多战士来说, 战斗中发生最幸运的事是"千金难买的创伤" — 一名士兵没有受到终身残废却被遣返回家)

03. millions upon millions
定义: 大量的, 数百万又加上数百万的.
例句: We can save millions upon millions of dollars spent on rockets by making them reusable and self-landing. (把火箭做成可以重复使用以及可以自行着陆, 我们可以省下投资在火箭上的大量金钱)

04. mills of the gods grind slowly, the
定义: 命中注定; 善恶到头终有报, 只是来早或来迟. (注: 意指命中注定, 该发生的迟早要发生)
例句: I'm sure he'll be wealthy one day, though the mills of the gods grind slowly. (我坚信他总有一天会发财, 虽然迟来但该发生的事还是应验了)

05. millstone around one's neck, a
定义: 背负的重担.
例句: I wish I hadn't bought that house. The monthly mortgage payment is a millstone around my neck. (我真希望我当初没买那栋房子. 这些每月房贷附款对我来说是个重担)

06. mince matters/words, to
定义: 吞吞吐吐, 不愿得罪人.
例句: I hate to watch debates, which are really just two-hour marathons of talking heads mincing words. (我很不喜欢观看别人辩论, 它不过是两个电视名人花了两个钟头马拉松式地相互吞吞吐吐, 不愿说真话怕得罪对方)

07. mind games, to play
定义: 智力游戏, 斗智, 耍心机, 玩弄或操控对方心理, 迷惑或恐吓对手使其就范.
例句: He's playing mind games with me. He tries to manipulate my feelings. (他是跟我耍心机. 他想要玩弄我的感情)

08. mind goes blank, one's
定义: 脑子出现一片空白, 记不起来, 一时不知该说什么或回答.
例句: Even though I'd been preparing for the interview for days, my mind went blank as soon as they started asking questions. (尽管我准备了这次面试好几天了, 但他一开始提问的时候我的脑子出现一片空白, 一时不知该如何回答)

09. mind in neutral, with one's
定义: 脑子进入空档, 什么事都不去想.
例句: When I play that piece, I try to put my mind in neutral, and I try to clear my mind. (当我演奏这支曲子的时候, 我尽量什么都不去想, 我尽量让脑中一片空白)

10. mind is a blank, one's
定义: 脑子出现一片空白, 记不起来, 一时不知该说什么或回答.
例句: When I read that question on the test, my mind was a blank. (当我看了考卷上那个问题的时候, 我脑子出现一片空白, 一时不知如何回答)

11. mind one's eye, to
定义: [提醒语]小心, 保持警觉.
例句: Mind your eye that no scamp hangs about here! (你要保持警觉别让任何一个小混混来这里厮混!)

12. mind one's manners, to
定义: [提醒语]言行谨慎, 注意自己态度.
例句: Make sure you mind your manners while you are with your Aunt Josephine. I don't want to hear about you giving her any trouble while I'm away! (你跟约瑟芬阿姨在一起的时候你一定要注意自己言行. 我不希望听到我不在的时候你给她带来麻烦!)

13. mind one's own beeswax/business, to
定义: [提醒语]别多管闲事. 注意自己的事就好了. (注: beeswax在此并不是蜂腊而是business之意因为发音相近)
例句: Mind your own business, will you? I can take care of my problems just fine. (别多管闲事情, 好吗? 我还能够解决自己的问题)

14. mind one's p's and q's, to
定义: [提醒语]言行谨慎, 注意自己态度.
例句: We'd better mind our p's and q's for this new teacher. I hear he's very strict. (对这位新来的老师, 我们最好注意自己的态度. 我听说他很严格)

15. mind one's/the step, to
定义: [警告语]注意台阶, 走路要小心, 当心别摔着了.
例句: This trail hasn't been maintained very well by the park, so mind your step. (这条小路没有受到公园方面维护得很好, 走路要小心, 当心别摔着了)

16. mind out, to
定义: 提醒别人小心.
例句: Mind out—one of the steps is missing! (小心—有一片阶梯不见了!)

17. mind over matter
定义: 精神战胜物质; 意志力可以克服身体的障碍.
例句: I know you're scared, but if you're determined to drive, you'll be able to do it. It's mind over matter. (我知道你害怕, 但是如果你决心要开车, 你可以做得到.这就是精神可以战胜物质)

18. mind the store/shop, to
定义: 暂时代人照顾店面.
例句: Dana, please mind the store while I go to the post office. (丹娜, 在我去邮局这段时间, 麻烦你帮我照顾店面)

19. mind you.
定义: [提醒语]注意, 留心仔细听.
例句: I don't want to work any more overtime. Mind you, if there is an emergency I will be able to work extra. (我不想再加班工作. 但请你注意, 如果有紧急状况的话, 我就会来加班工作)

20. mind one's tongue/language, to
定义: 注意自己的言语! (注: 意指别讲脏话或不得体的话)
例句: We've been trying to mind our language around the kids. They're at the age now where they'll start repeating everything we say. (有小朋友在身边的时候, 我们一直在注意自己的言语. 他们正处于开始重复我们大人说的每句话的年龄)



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