二十笔实用成语 771

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二十笔实用成语 771

帖子 royl » 周五 11月 09, 2018 2:48 pm

二十笔实用成语 771

01. nature abhors a vacuum.
定义: 大自然不允许真空; 有了空位自然会有人来填补. (注: 意指不论极寒或极干之地如南北极或沙漠都有动植物生长)
例句: "As soon as the beggar who used to work that corner left, another one showed up." "Nature abhors a vacuum." ("过去一直在那个角落乞讨的人一旦离开了, 另一个乞讨人就出现在那个角落." "有了空位自然会有人来填补.")

02. nature calls
定义: 自然的需要也就是要上厕所.
例句: When nature calls, just say you have an important appointment. (如果你想要上厕所的话, 你就说你有一个重要的约会要赴)

03. nay
定义: 不.
例句: "Want to go out and get something to eat?" "Nay, I'm not hungry. Maybe later." ("要不要出去吃点东西?" "不了, 我肚子不饿. 过一会儿再说吧. ")

04. near and dear to one's heart, be
定义: 自己珍爱的, 珍重的, 珍惜的.
例句: The little girl who came to visit the elderly woman every weekend was very dear to her heart. (那个每个周末来探望这位老太太的小女孩很受她老人家的珍爱)

05. near at hand, be
定义: 几乎到手; 近在咫尺; 就在手边的; 即将到来.
例句: If there is a grocery store near at hand I will buy some milk. (如果这附近有一家超市的话, 我要买些牛奶)

06. near miss, a
定义: 炸弹差一点击中; 功亏一篑; 差一点空中相撞; 侥幸脱险.
例句: It was a near miss when that deer jumped out in front of my car! Luckily, I swerved in time and managed to avoid hitting it. (那只鹿从林子跳出来冲到我的车前面我差一点就撞上它! 所幸的是, 我及时转向才总算避免撞到它)

07. near relations, one's
定义: 近亲, 父母兄弟姊妹.
例句: All my near relations live abroad. (我所有的近亲都住在国外)

08. near the knuckle, be
定义: 几近于下流低俗的. (注: 尤其是讲下流黄色笑话快令人无法忍受)
例句: "What did you think of the awards ceremony last night?" "I found the presenter's jokes to be too near the knuckle for my taste." ("昨晚的颁奖典礼你觉得如何?" "我觉得那个节目主持人的笑话对我的品味来说太过低俗.")

09. near thing, a
定义: 侥幸脱险; 势均力敌; 功亏一篑或差一点就失败; 差一点就相撞.
例句: No one was hurt in the accident, but it was a near thing. If the fuel tank had been hit, we all would have died. (虽然这场车祸没人受伤, 但差一点就相撞. 如果燃油箱被撞上的话, 我们都会死亡)

10. nearest and dearest, one's
定义: 亲近的家人, 亲密的爱人或友人.
例句: Some people do not like to show their feelings, even to their nearest and dearest. (有些人不喜欢展现出他们的情绪, 即使在他们亲近人的面前也是如此)

11. nearing 80 years of age, be
定义: 将近八十岁.
例句: He's nearing eighty years of age but fit and energetic. (他虽然已经将近八十岁但他仍然健壮和精力充沛)

12. nearing completion, be
定义: 将要完成, 几乎完工.
例句: Your website is nearing completion and likely to be completed by November. (你的网站几乎完工了, 很有可能十一月以前完成)

13. nearly fall off your chair, to
定义: 很吃惊, 吓一跳, 差点从椅上摔下来.
例句: I nearly fell off my chair when Justin offered to do the dishes after dinner! (当贾斯丁表示他愿意在晚餐后洗碗盘, 听了这话我吓了一跳. 注: 因为贾斯丁从不帮忙洗碗盘所以没有人指望他洗但居然反常地提议自愿餐后洗碗盘)

14. neat as a pin, be (as)
定义: 整齐的, 干净的, 清爽的.
例句: Brad is such a good housekeeper; his apartment is always as neat as a pin. (布莱德真是个好管家; 他的公寓永远是干净清爽的)

15. neat trick, a
定义: 令人佩服, 高难度的技艺; 巧妙花招; 神奇的把戏. (注: 主要用来娱乐别人)
例句: Folding it was a pretty neat trick, and it has been done without a wrinkle showing. (折叠它是个高难度的技艺, 它被折叠出来完全不露一丝皱纹)

16. neato
定义: [俚语]好棒, 值得赞扬的, 极好的. (注: neato就是neat的俚语)
例句: Oh neato! My car is fixed. (啊呀好棒! 我车子修好了)

17. neck and neck
定义: (竞争)平分秋色, 不相上下, 旗鼓相当.
例句: The two horses were running neck and neck until the end of the race. (这两匹马一直跑得不相上下直到竞赛结束之时才分胜负)

18. necktie party, a
定义: [俚语]非法迫害, 绞刑, 吊死( 尤指私刑); 施加私刑的团体尤其是美国南方种族仇恨者把黑人吊死.
例句: If the men catch the outlaw, they want to have a necktie party. (如果这些人抓到那名逃犯的话, 他们想要对他施加私刑把他吊死)

19. Need a hand?
定义: 你需要帮忙吗?
例句: Need a hand with your yard work? The neighbors are willing to lend a hand. (你整理院子需要帮手吗? 这里的邻居都乐于助你一臂之力)

20. need cash, to
定义: 需要现金.
例句: We need cash for various purchases but don't want to make a trip to the bank or pay charges at a cash machine. (我们需要现金购买各种东西但不想专程去银行提款或者到提款机提现而付手续费)



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