二十笔实用成语 772

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二十笔实用成语 772

帖子 royl » 周六 11月 24, 2018 10:47 pm

二十笔实用成语 772

01. Need I say more?
定义: 还要再我说下去吗? (注: 意指我已经供给你足够的证据, 还要听更多证据吗?)
例句: Why do I like him? He's handsome, kind, and rich. Need I say more? (我为什么喜欢他? 他长得帅, 心地善良, 还有他有钱. 还要再我说下去吗?)

02. need more than one pair of hands, to
定义: 需要不止一个人(来帮忙), 需要多个的人手.
例句: If you're hanging a new ceiling molding, bear in mind that plaster can be very heavy, so you will need more than one pair of hands to attach them. (如果你在镶贴一个新天花板装饰条纹的时候,你要记住灰泥会很重, 因此你将需要多个人手来安装)

03. need no introduction, to
定义: (某人物)声誉卓著自然不需要介绍.
例句: I don't know enough about him to give an introduction so I guess it sounds good if I say he needs no introduction. (我对他了解不多没法替他作个介绍因此我估计如果我说他声誉卓著不需要给大家介绍这样听起来会有道理)

04. need not apply, to
定义: 别来申请工作. (注: 意指某种人或不符合某个资格的人不必申请工作, 因为他们一定不会得到工作)
例句: There seems a hidden "Outsiders need not apply" note on the job application. We're told that all are welcome. When it comes the job requirements, they say, "Must have 5 years experience." (工作申请表好像贴了一条隐形的"外人别来申请"的注释. 我们被告知每人都欢迎. 当论及工作条件时他们却说, "必需五年经验.")

05. need some breathing room, to
定义: 需要伸展空间或喘口气的机会, 来发展或重整旗鼓.
例句: He needs some breathing room to develop and we shouldn't set the bar beyond whatever is realistic for this kid. (他需要伸展空间来成长, 我们不应该把要求标准设得超过于这个小孩能够实现能力之上)

06. need someone to lean on, to
定义: 需要有人可以依靠或打气.
例句: I felt so weak, I needed someone to lean on, and the only person I knew that would take me I had pushed away. (我感觉如此软弱, 我需要有个人可以依靠并且给我支持, 还有那位唯一我所认识但被我拒于千里之外的人能够接纳我)

07. need someone's support, to
定义: 需要某人的精神或物质支持.
例句: I need your financial support in helping me to make this mission possible. (我需要你的财务支援来帮助我完成这项任务)

08. need something badly, to
定义: 急需要某物.
例句: He needs help badly, he seems so despondent. But he isn't the only one, and that is what is sad that people go through life feeling depressed as if they are worthless. (他看起来如此沮丧, 他急需要帮助. 由于他不是唯一的沮丧者, 这才是可悲之处因为许多人走过一生, 过得越来越消沉好像他们此生虚渡了)

09. need something like a hole in the head, to
定义: 根本不需要某东西, 唯恐避之不急.
例句: I'm perfectly happy having a cell phone that just makes phone calls – I need a fancy new smartphone like I need a hole in the head. (我完全满意拥有一部只是用来通电话的手机– 我根本不需要一台智能手机)

10. need to have your head examined, to
定义: 糊里糊涂做出愚蠢或怪异之事, 需要检查脑袋.
例句: You spent $400 on a T-shirt? You need to have your head examined. (你竟然花了四百块钱买了一件T恤? 你该去检查一下你的脑袋了)

11. needle in a haystack, a
定义: 大海捞针, 很难或不可能找到某物.
例句: Looking for the lost receipt among the thousands of other receipts is like looking for a needle in a haystack. (在几千张收据里寻找这张遗失的收据无异于大海捞针)

12. needless to say
定义: 明摆着, 显然地. 不言自喻, 自不再话下.
例句: Helen has pneumonia, so, needless to say, we're postponing our vacation. (海伦得了肺炎, 为此, 显然地, 我们将延后我们的渡假)

13. needs must when the devil drives.
定义: [俗语]情势所逼, 只好如此.
例句: We're going to have to get a huge loan to pay for your mother's surgery. I hate to take out a second mortgage on your home, but needs must when the devil drives. (我们将不得不申请一个巨额贷款来支付你母亲的手术费用. 我很不愿意把你们的房子申请一个第二贷款, 但情势所逼, 只好如此做)

14. neither a borrower, nor a lender be
定义: [莎士比亚名言]朋友之间别谈钱. (注: 一个人最好不要涉入借贷金钱以免丧失朋友)
例句: "Could you lend me twenty dollars?" "Sorry, neither a borrower nor a lender be." ("你能不能借我二十块钱?" "对不起, 朋友之间别谈钱.")

15. neither can I
定义: 我也不能.
例句: "Let's get out here. I can't stand the heavy smoke here." "Neither can I." ("我们离开这里吧. 我真受不了这儿的浓烟." "我也受不了." 注: 可能指这里抽烟的人抽得太凶, 弄得一屋子的浓烟)

16. neither do I
定义: 我也不.
例句: "I don't like people eating in my car because I don't want crumbs everywhere." "Neither do I." ("我不喜欢别人在我车子上吃东西因为我不想弄得满车都是食物屑子." "我也不喜欢别人在我车上吃东西.")

17. neither fish nor flesh; neither fish nor fowl; neither fish, flesh. nor fowl
定义: 无法辨认或分辨的; 含糊不清; 既不属这类也不归那类; 不在讨论范围内, 与讨论没关联, 不适于论范.
例句: This proposal is neither fish nor fowl. I can't tell what you're proposing. (这份建议书写得含糊不清. 我不明白你究竟在提议什么)

18. neither good nor bad, be
定义: 既不好也不坏, 普普通通.
例句: This is one of the movies I would call neither good nor bad. (这是一部属于那种既不好也不坏的电影之一)

19. neither here nor there
定义: 不重要, 不相关, 离题或没说到重点.
例句: What you are saying is neither here nor there. We are talking about our plans to move this year, not 5 years in the future. (你说的都是一些不相关的事. 我们说的是我们打算今年搬家的事, 不是五年之后才搬迁的事)

20. neither hide nor hair
定义: 消失得无影无踪, 去向不明.
例句: Where have you been? We could find neither hide nor hair of you. (你去哪儿了? 我们怎么找都找不着你)



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