二十笔实用成语 779

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二十笔实用成语 779

帖子 royl » 周六 12月 22, 2018 2:42 pm

二十笔实用成语 779

01. no end (in sight), be
定义: 没完没了, 前景不明, 看不出未来有何改变.
例句: March is nearly upon us, but still there seems to be no end in sight to cold weather and snow. (三月即将来临, 但寒天和冰雪似乎仍旧没有消停的趋势)

02. no end of
定义: 层出不穷; 无边无止; 没完没了; 无穷无尽.
例句: I've got no end of trouble ever since I bought this car. (自从我买了这部汽车之后, 它给我带来了层出不穷的问题)

03. no end to
定义: 层出不穷; 无边无止; 没完没了; 无穷无尽.
例句: There is no end to the junk mail we get everyday. (我们每天收到无穷无尽的垃圾邮件. 注: 这里的垃圾邮件是指乱发的广告传单, 邮购目录或捐款要求等等不请自来的邮件)

04. no fair, be
定义: 不公平的. (注: 遭到待遇或比赛的一方有优势)
例句: You have six players and we have five. No fair! (你们有六名赛手而我们这边只有五名赛手. 不公平!)

05. no fan of, be
定义: 不喜欢.
例句: I'm no fan of living with a man before you marry him. A woman loses too much control that way. (我不喜欢在婚前就跟一个男人同居. 那样一个女人就会损失太多的支配权)

06. no fear
定义: [英国]别担心, 别怕.
例句: "Are you going to tell her the truth?" "No fear, mate. She won't hear a thing from me!" ("你是否打算告诉她真相?" "别担心, 兄弟. 我决不会告诉她任何事!")

07. no fewer than
定义: 起码.
例句: There are no fewer than 20 customers in the store but it's not crowded at all. (这家店里起码有二十名顾客但它一点都不拥挤)

08. no flies on one
定义: 工作干练; 动作迅速毫不拖泥带水; 很清醒; 能干的.
例句: There are certainly no flies on Judy. She works so fast that the rest of her team can't keep up with her. (毫无疑问地, 茱蒂工作干练毫不拖泥带水. 她工作速度这么快让其他的工作伙伴们没法跟得上她的步调)

09. no fly tipping
定义: [英国]不准非法乱丢垃圾.
例句: The area is a known hot-spot for waste offenses, where there is a 'no fly tipping' sign warning people of the offense's penalties. (这地区是个著名的非法垃圾倾倒的热点, 那里还有个'不准乱丢垃圾'的告示牌警告那些人们这种非法行为的惩治条文)

10. no fool like an old fool, there's
定义: 没有比老傻瓜更傻的.
例句: Tom's grandfather got caught trying to buy weed from some kids in his neighborhood. No fool like an old fool, eh? (汤姆的爷爷在他家附近跟几个毛头小孩购买大麻. 没有比老傻瓜更傻的人, 是不是?)

11. no fool, be
定义: 精明; 不傻; 不易上当的.
例句: He's no fool, and he'll see through any attempt to pull the wool over his eyes. (他很精明, 他会看穿任何欺骗他的企图)

12. no-go area, a
定义: 禁区, 不能进入区域; 忌讳, 不​​可谈论的话题.
例句: One of the biggest challenges for parents in talking to their kids about drugs and alcohol is overcoming the idea that this topic is a no-go area. (父母亲和他们子女谈论吸毒和喝酒最大的挑战是要消除这是禁忌话题的观念. 注: 意指消除了不能谈论吸毒和喝酒之禁忌之后, 父母和子女就可以畅所欲言)

13. no good at, be
定义: 没不善于..., 不擅长...
例句: I'm no good at speaking in public. (我不善于在公众面前讲话)

14. no good deed goes unpunished
定义: 好人没好报.​​ (注: 意指人生并不公平, 行善有恶报之事经常发生)
例句: "Yesterday, I helped George clean out his gutters, but now he's got me doing all sorts of repairs around the house!" "I guess no good deed goes unpunished, eh?" ("昨天我帮乔治清理他排雨管道, 但现在他还要我修理房子各处的各种问题!" "我是这么想, 好人没好报, 不是吗?")

15. no good would come out of it
定义: 不会有什么好结果.
例句: I spent three hours with him and urged him not to do it because no good would come out of it. (我花了三个钟头敦促他别做这件事因为做了它不会有什么好结果)

16. no good
定义: 没用, 没效, 没意思, 没希望.
例句: I tried to appeal to his sense of generosity, but it did no good. (我试图激起他的宽大胸怀, 但还是没用)

17. no great shakes, be
定义: 不怎么样, 不怎么好, 不怎么行.
例句: The hotel was no great shakes. I wouldn't recommend that you stay there if you go to Hawaii. (这家旅馆不怎么好. 我不会推荐你去那儿住如果你去夏威夷的话)

18. no guff
定义: 是真的, 不是胡扯的.
例句: I swam across the lake. No guff! (我游泳横渡了这片湖. 真的!)

19. no guts, no glory.
定义: 不入虎穴焉得虎子, 敢拼才会赢.
例句: I was certainly nervous to start playing again after such a bad injury, but no guts, no glory, right? (重伤之后又再度比赛, 我肯定是紧张不安, 但是敢拼才会赢, 不是吗?)

20. no hard feelings
定义: 不存芥蒂, 不怀憎恨或愤愤不平的心.
例句: After the argument, Bill said, "I hope there are no hard feelings." (经过激烈地争论之后, 比尔说, "我希望我们之间不心存芥蒂.")



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