二十笔实用成语 781

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二十笔实用成语 781

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 30, 2018 7:15 pm

二十笔实用成语 781

01. no/little love lost
定义: 两者心存芥蒂; 互相敌视或交恶; 互不喜欢; 两人关系不好.
例句: There is no love lost between my father and our next door neighbor. (我父亲和隔壁邻居两人关系弄得很僵, 相互敌视)

02. no luck so far
定义: 到现在还没进展.
例句: I tried to scan for any viruses on my computer that may cause this, but I've had no luck so far. (我试图扫瞄我的电脑寻找任何造成这个情况的病毒, 但我到现在还没有进展)

03. no man is an island
定义: 只手不能撑天; 没有人是完全独立于这个世界. (注: 意指人们必须要互相帮助, 依赖)
例句: You can't manage this corporation all by yourself; no man is an island. (你不可能一个人单独经营这家大公司; 没有人是完全独立于这个世界)

04. no match for ..., be
定义: 不是...的对手; 不如; 比不上.
例句: They've only won twice this season, so of course they're no match for their championship-caliber opponent. (这个球季他们只赢了两场, 他们当然比不上他们那个具有冠军水平的对手)

05. no matter
定义: 无论如何; 不管; 不重要.
例句: We'll get her the very best education available, no matter the cost! (不论要花多少钱我们都会设法供给她最好的教育!)

06. no matter how you slice it
定义: 不管你怎么看这件事; 不论你以哪个角度去检视这件事. (注: 意指事实仍是铁一般的事实不论你的看法如何)
例句: No matter how you slice it, he's still guilty of perjury. (不管你怎么看这件事, 他还是犯下了伪证罪)

07. no matter what
定义: 无论如何, 不管是什么情况.
例句: I don't care if it's raining, I'm going to see her no matter what. (即使外面下雨我也不在乎, 无论如何我非去看她不可)

08. no matter what it might cost
定义: 无论付出多少代价, 不管要多少钱.
例句: The only thing that did matter was keeping you safe, no matter what it might cost me. (我唯一在意的是维护你的安全, 无论要付出多少代价)

09. no mean/small/easy feat, be
定义: 优秀非凡的, (能做到这点)真不简单或真不容易.
例句: Well done, John. Getting an A+ on that exam was no mean feat! (干得漂亮, 约翰. 能在那场考试拿到A+分数真不简单!)

10. no more funny business
定义: 不再耍花样; 不再搞暧昧.
例句: From now on, there will be no more funny business. I promise. (从今以后​​, 不再跟你耍花样. 我向你保证)

11. no more Mr. Nice Guy
定义: 不再对某人客气. (注: 意指不再对别人作好好先生, 忍气吞声)
例句: OK, no more Mr. Nice Guy. The next student to speak out of turn gets detention. (够了, 我不再对你们客气了. 再有一个乱讲话的学生放学后留下来)

12. no more questions, please
定义: 请你不要再问问题了.
例句: No more questions please. I don't want to get myself or someone else in trouble. (请你不要再问问题了. 我不想给自己或给别人惹麻烦)

13. no names, no pack-drill.
定义: 如果肇事者找不到, 就不会有人受惩罚.
例句: There is a group of employees – no names, no pack drills – who figured out a way to manipulate the company's overtime policy. (有一群员工, 但找不到肇事者就没人受惩罚, 他们想出一个办法来玩弄这家公司的加班费政策)

14. no need
定义: 不必要; 不需要去做或说.
例句: "I'll get someone to help you." "No need. I can do it myself." ("我去找个人帮你忙." "不用了. 我自己一个人做就可以了.")

15. no need to panic, there's
定义: 没必要紧张或惊慌.
例句: It is normal to feel overwhelmed when starting a new job, no need to panic over that. (当你开始一份新工作的时候你感受到工作压力大到难以承受是正常的, 没必要为此惊慌)

16. no news is good news
定义: 没消息就是好消息. (注: 意指没有坏消息就是好消息)
例句: My son has been living abroad for nearly 10 years now. At first I used to get anxious when I didn't hear from him, but now I know that no news is good news. (我儿子在国外生活了近十年了. 起初当我没听到他消息的时候我变得非常担心, 但现在我了解到没消息就是好消息)

17. no objection, I have
定义: 我不反对.
例句: I've looked at your site, and I have no objection to the excerpt from my essay that is presented there. (我已经察看过你的网站, 我不反对你把我的论文摘要展示在那儿)

18. no offence
定义: 请勿介意, 无冒犯之意.
例句: No offense, but I was here first. I hope you understand. (请你别介意, 是我先来这里的. 我希望你能谅解. 注: 意指你告诉某人别插队因为你比他/她先来)

19. no oil painting, be
定义: 不美丽的, 不帅气的, 不吸引人的.
例句: He's no oil painting but he's a marvelous actor. (他虽然不够帅但他是一位出色不凡的演员)

20. no one can deny the fact that ...
定义: 没有人能否认...的事实.
例句: No one can deny the fact that hard work always pays off. (没有人能否认努力工作总是有回报的事实)



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