二十笔实用成语 810

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二十笔实用成语 810

帖子 royl » 周一 5月 06, 2019 1:07 am

二十笔实用成语 810

01. off coast
定义: 海岸外, 外海, 朝向外海.
例句: Tom was rescued after his boat went down 11 miles off coast of Padre Island when heavy waves sank his boat. (汤姆在他的船距离帕德雷岛岸边十一哩的外海被巨浪击沉之时获救)

02. off course
定义: [副词片语]偏离了行动方针, 既定路线, 或既定政策; 偏离话题.
例句: Could you check the map? I think we're a bit off course. (你能查一下地图吗? 我觉得我们有点偏离了方向)

03. have an off day, to
定义: 休息日, 不上班日; 倒楣, 不顺利的一天.
例句: His work isn't usually this bad – he must have had an off day. (他的工作品质通常没有这么差 – 他肯定是碰上了不顺利的一天)

04. off form; out of form, be
定义: [英国](情况或表现)不良或失常.
例句: I was a little off form in last night's game. (昨晚的比赛我有点失常)

05. off (one's) guard
定义: 失去警觉性; 没有提防; 措手不及; 冷不防地.
例句: You're trying to confuse me and put me off my guard, aren't you? (你是不是想要弄得我昏头转向, 放松了警觉性?)

06. off like a dirty shirt, be
定义: 匆匆地离开.
例句: We're off like a dirty shirt again, and my dad would say when the car started to move. (每当我们的车子开始移动的时候我老爸总会说我们又匆匆地离开)

07. off message
定义: 偏离了某政党或政治团体的官方立场.
例句: A few Cabinet members seem off message on government policy. (几名内阁成员似乎偏离了政府的政策)

08. off of
定义: 离开, 从...拿开或移开.
例句: I can't take my eyes off of you. (我的眼睛离不开你. 注: 意指失了魂盯着某人看)

09. off on a trip/vacation, be
定义: 开始外出旅游/休假.
例句: We're off on a trip around the world! We leave tomorrow. (我们将开始环游世界的旅行! 我们明天启程)

10. off one's beat, be
定义: 外行, 非本行, 不熟悉.
例句: They are honest, know how to listen and explain things so I can understand even though cars are off my beat. (他们是坦诚的, 知道如何倾听和解释一些让我能够了解的事情即使我对车子外行. 注: 意指某家汽车经销商的售车员对买车客人的的坦诚服务)

11. off one's feed, be
定义: 失去食欲.
例句: Even though Mom's gone only for a week, her absence puts Dad off his feed. (即使妈妈只离开一个礼拜, 由于她的不在家造成爸爸失去了食欲)

12. stay off one's feet, to
定义: 坐着, 躺卧. (注: 意指别站着, 走路或跑步, 让腿休息)
例句: The doctor told me to stay off my feet for a few days. (这位医生叮咛我未来几天坐着或躺着. 注: 意指让腿休息几天)

13. off one's gourd, be
定义: 发疯.
例句: After yet another sleepless night, I'm starting to feel like I'm off my gourd. (又是一个彻夜不眠的夜晚, 我开始觉得要发疯了)

14. off one's hands
定义: 消除自己的责任, 工作或负担.
例句: She's trying to find a way to get some of that extra work off her hands. (她正在想办法卸下一些额外的工作)

15. off one's head
定义: 疯狂; 怪里怪气; 脑子有问题; 醉醺醺.
例句: I think you're off your head for changing careers this late in life, but, hey, follow your dreams. (我认为你这么大的年龄才转行是脑子有问题, 但是, 嘿, 追求你的梦想吧)

16. off one's nut/rocker/trolley/chump, be
定义: [俚语]疯了.
例句: You gave away your piano? You're off your rocker! (你把你的钢琴送人了? 你简直疯了!)

17. off one's own bat
定义: 自动自发; 经由自己的努力.
例句: Shu-in didn't wait for her parents to tell her to take out the garbage, she did it off her own bat. (淑英没等她的父母告诉她把垃圾拿出去, 她自动自发地做了它)

18. off plumb, be
定义: 歪斜的; 不是垂直的; 不是真的.
例句: I think we need to call the builder again because that wall is definitely off plumb. (我觉得我们应该再给建商打个电话因为那面墙明显是歪的)

19. off someone's back/case
定义: 放过某人; 不再念叨或敦促某人; 不再烦扰某人.
例句: To be honest, it's a bit of relief having all that fame off my back. (老实说, 摆脱了那一切的盛名之累令人感觉如释重负, 轻松自在)

20. off the air
定义: [广播电视]停播; 不在播放时; 演播室外或播音室外.
例句: The radio audience won't hear what you say when you're off the air. (在播音室外你说的那些话广播听众听不见)



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