二十笔实用成语 811

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二十笔实用成语 811

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 08, 2019 9:58 pm

二十笔实用成语 811

01. off the bat
定义: 从一开始; 立即地; 马上地; 毫不拖延.
例句: Right off the bat, I could tell that the plan had no chance of success. (从一开始我就看出这个计划不会成功)

02. off the beam
定义: 脱离正确方向, 走错路, 错误, 失实.
例句: What he said about the incident was right off the beam and should be ignored by everyone. (他对这次的事件的描述完全是失实的, 大家不必理会他的说法)

03. off the beaten path/track
定义: 人烟稀少地方, 偏僻地方, 偏冷之领域.
例句: We'll definitely be able to get a table at that restaurant, it's really off the beaten path. (我们肯定会在那家餐厅找到空桌因为它座落在相当偏僻地方)

04. off the bone
定义: 不带骨. (注: 意指被端上的肉食是不带骨的)
例句: Meat cooked on the bone has more flavor than meat cooked off the bone. (烹调好的带骨肉比烹调好的去骨肉要香浓可口多了)

05. off the books
定义: 不登在帐面上(开支或付款).
例句: It's no secret that many migrant workers are kept off the books at major agricultural and construction operations around the country. (全国的大型农耕和营建企业都雇用许多外国工人但他们的工资却不登录在帐面上, 这已经不是什么秘密)

06. off the cuff
定义: 未经准备地; 未加思索地; 临时即兴地.
例句: He made a few remarks off the cuff but he has never really explained in full what he wants to do. (他未加思索地说了一些话但是他从未确实地仔细说明他想要做什么)

07. off the deep end
定义: 跳入深池; 冲动地不顾后果; 情绪激动或失控; 愤愤不平.
例句: Just because you like her looks doesn't mean you should go off the deep end and propose. (就因为你喜欢她的容貌并不表示你必须冲动地不顾后果向她求婚)

08. off the grid, be
定义: 不属或脱离电网; 暂时失去电网服务; 不在政府监视或控制下.
例句: I just need to get enough solar panels installed to disconnect from the city's electricity supply and my house will be completely off the grid. (我只须把足够的太阳能面板安装好之后我就可以切断城市供电, 我的房子将完全脱离电网)

09. off the hook
定义: 逃避掉责备或不喜欢的工作或责任; 由于(传统的)电话没挂好造成还在使用中.
例句: "I thought you had that big work event tonight." "No, it got canceled, so I'm off the hook." ("我以为你今晚有个大型工作活动." "没了, 它被取消了, 因此我也逃过了一劫.")

10. off the mark
定义: 不正确; 不精准; 效果不佳.
例句: I've never said that! Your friend's account is completely off the mark. (我从没说过那句话! 你朋友的说法完全不正确)

11. off the pace
定义: [运动术语]落后, 分数落后.
例句: The winner finished in 4 minutes, 30 seconds, and the next runner was three seconds off the pace. (这名获胜者在四分三十秒内跑完全程, 第二名赛跑选手落后三秒钟)

12. off the peg/rack
定义: 已经制好成品的; 商店买来的; 标准大小的. (注: 意指并非请裁缝师父量身订做的)
例句: You can find really stylish clothes off the peg, if you look hard enough. (如果你好好地找的话, 你真的可以找到流行入时的成品衣服)

13. off the premises; off premises
定义: 离开或不进入某个建筑物或场地. (注: 常用在贴告示牌警告闲人莫入)
例句: The policeman escorted her off the premises. (这名警员陪同她一起走出这栋楼. 注: 这句话是指她被人下逐客令并由警员陪同她走出这栋楼)

14. off the radar
定义: 避开别人注意; 隐居; 隐匿行踪; 低调行事.
例句: Mr. Chen has gone off the radar since his wife died, so I'm going to stop by his house this afternoon and check on him. (自从他妻子过逝之后, 陈先生就低调地生活, 因此我今天下午要去他家探望他)

15. go off the rails, to
定义: 脱轨; 出纰漏; 混乱不堪; 步入歧途; 过着放荡生活; 叛道离经; 疯疯癫癫; 神经错乱.
例句: His youngest son started going off the rails shortly after getting into drugs in high school. (自从他小儿子在高中沾上了吸毒恶习不久之后, 他便过着放荡生活)

16. off the record
定义: 私下的, 不公开的, 不准具名的.
例句: Our official position is that Tom decided to change careers, but, off the record, he was fired for making inappropriate comments to his staff. (我们的官方说法是汤姆决定要改变生涯, 但是私底下他是因为对他的职员说了些不得体的话才被解雇)

17. off the scale
定义: 远远超过标准; 极为过份.
例句: Meteorologists warned that sultry weather conditions would be brutal, with soaring temperatures and humidity off the scale. (气象专家警告这个闷热天气状况将会很残酷, 届时会出现飙升的高温以及远远超常的湿度)

18. off the straight and narrow
定义: 步入歧途; 不学好; 过着放荡或叛道离经生活.
例句: Life can take violent turns if we veer off the straight and narrow, only for a moment. (即使我们只是短暂地过着叛道离经生活, 人生仍可能产生摧毁性的转变)

19. off the top of one's head
定义: 眼下能想出来; 一时所能想到的.
例句: "How much can we expect to earn this quarter?" "Off the top of my head, it should be around $200,000, but I'll have to check the figures when I get to the office." ("我们这一季能指望赚多少钱?" "我眼下能想出来的应该是大约二十万元, 但等我回到办公室之后, 我将必须核实这些数字.")

20. off the topic
定义: 离题, 跑题, 扯远了.
例句: You keep drifting off the topic, and as a result confusing the argument. Please stay on topic. (你一直不停地跑题, 因此混淆了论点. 请你严守主题)



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