二十笔实用成语 814

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二十笔实用成语 814

帖子 royl » 周二 5月 21, 2019 1:05 am

二十笔实用成语 814

01. old as Methuselah, be (as)
定义: 年纪很大, 很老的. (注: 在基督教旧约圣经的记载中, 玛土撒拉是亚当的第七代孙, 是最长寿的人, 据说他在世上活了969年)
例句: I know I'll have a long life because my grandparents were as old as Methuselah when they died. (我知道我会长寿因为我祖父母都活到很大年纪才离世)

02. old as the hills, be (as)
定义: 很古老的, 年纪大的, 远久的.
例句: "I like your dress." "Really? It's as old as the hills." ("我喜欢你这件衣服." "真的吗? 这件老旧衣服我穿了许多年了.")

03. old bag, an
定义: [不尊重语]脾气不好, 惹人厌的女人.
例句: Some old bag came in our store complaining that we'd charged her too much. (一个惹人厌的女人跑到我们店里抱怨我们跟她索价过高. 注: 意指她抱怨被我们店员敲了竹杠)

04. old boy
定义: 男性老同学; 老年男性; 老弟; 小圈子的成员.
例句: He slipped a dollar bill into the old boy's palm. (他将一美元纸钞塞进这名老年人的掌心)

05. old boys' club/network, an
定义: 小圈子, 小集团. (注: 意指一个富裕, 具有影响力和排他性的男性团体)
例句: We want to break the old boys network and see women breaking into the technology sector dominated by men. (我们想要打破这个小圈子并确保女性成功地进入这个被男性所垄断的科技行业)

06. old chestnut, an
定义: 老生常谈, 失去新鲜感, 没意思的话题或笑话.
例句: Finally, how do you answer that old job interview chestnut: "Why should I hire you?" (最后, 你该怎么回答这项老生常谈的求职面试问题: "我凭什么要雇用你?")

07. old codger, an
定义: [不尊重语]老怪物.
例句: He's just an old codger who never harmed anyone. (他只是一个人畜无害的老怪物)

08. old enough to know better, be
定义: 已经不是小孩或已经成熟, 应知对错, 进退或拿捏分寸.
例句: There's no excuse for his behavior. He's old enough to know better. (他没有理由做出这种行为. 他已经不是小孩, 应该知道什么是可以做和什么是不可以做的)

09. old fart, an
定义: [不尊重语]老古董, 老古板.
例句: I've fully embraced that I'm going to be an old fart when I get older. (我完全接受一件现实, 也就是当我年纪大了我将会变成一个老古板)

10. old flame, an
定义: 旧情人.
例句: In San Francisco, I met an old flame. We were lovers many years ago. (我在旧金山碰到了一位旧情人. 多年前我们曾是恋人)

11. old fogy/fogey, an
定义: 老古板, 守旧的人.
例句: Ah, don't mind that old fogey. He's just cantankerous because he isn't up to speed with the way of today's youth. (啊, 别理会那个老古板. 他之所以爱争吵就是因为他不了解现今青少年的想法)

12. old girl, the
定义: [英国](私立名校)女性老校友; 老年女性; 妻子或母亲.
例句: The poor old girl doesn't get out much these days. (这位可怜老太太近来很少出门)

13. old goat, an
定义: [不尊重语]老人; 惹人厌的老人; 老色狼.
例句: Henry, that old goat, told the kids to get off his lawn. (那个老头亨利告诉这些小孩别踩他的草坪)

14. old guard, the
定义: 保守派, 反动份子.
例句: The company's old guard is at last stepping aside, making way for a new, more youthful team. (公司的保守派终于从权力核心退下来了, 他们让位给一群有创意, 更年轻的团队)

15. old hand, an
定义: 老手, 有经验的人, 老兵.
例句: With 25 years on the job, Vinnie was the old hand everyone went to with their problems. (拥有二十五年的工作经验, 文尼是那个人人都来寻求协助解决问题的老手)

16. old hat, be
定义: 老套的, 过时的.
例句: People think my flip phone is a bit old hat, but it still works after all these years! (人们认为我的折叠式手机有点过时了, 但是这么多年来它仍旧工作如常!)

17. old head on young shoulders, an
定义: 少年老成. 年轻人思考或谈吐老练.
例句: He's only seventeen, but he has an old head on young shoulders and remains calm under pressure. (他才十七岁, 但他少年老成, 在压力底下仍能保持冷静)

18. old lady, the
定义: 母亲, 妻子, 同居女友.
例句: I'd better not stay for another drink, or my old lady will start to wonder where I am! (我可不想留下来再喝一杯酒了, 我老婆会开始想要知道我现在人在哪里!)

19. old maid, an
定义: 老处女, 老小姐, 守旧的人, 大小事都管之人, 爱挑剔的女人.
例句: She had a few suitors in her youth, but now Edna is an old maid. (她年轻的时候有几个追求她的人, 但现在爱德娜已是一名老小姐)

20. old man, the
定义: [俚语]父亲, 丈夫, 男友, 上司, 老板, 司令官(尤其海军舰艇上).
例句: I used to work with your old man. (我以前和你老爸一起工作过)



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