二十笔实用成语 819

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二十笔实用成语 819

帖子 royl » 周一 6月 24, 2019 1:33 am

二十笔实用成语 819

01. on easy street
定义: 进入了顺境, 衣食无缺, 无忧无虑.
例句: He has been on easy street since he sold his house and made smart investments. (自从他卖了他的房子并且做了明智投资之后, 他生活优裕, 富足无虞)

02. on edge
定义: 焦虑不堪, 紧张不安, 容易发怒.
例句: He has really been on edge lately because of the final exam. (由于这场期末考, 他最近变得非常焦虑不安)

03. on end
定义: 持续地, 不停地; 没完没了, 永无休止.
例句: We worked for hours on end last night but we still never finished the job. (昨夜我们不停地工作好几个小时但我们仍旧没法做完这件工作)

04. on equal terms with; on the same terms with
定义: 与...平等地位, 与...条件相等; 势均力敌, 不相上下.
例句: Can our company compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals? (我们公司有没有办法跟海外对手以平等地位一较长短?)

05. on even terms
定义: (两者)状况相似, (两者)技术或能力相同, 势均力敌, 不相上下.
例句: When we play chess, we're on even terms. We're both average. (每当我们下棋的时候, 我们两人旗鼓相当. 我们两人棋力都普通)

06. on every hand
定义: 每个人, 大家, 到处, 四处皆是, 环绕四周.
例句: Coming from the countryside, I find Shanghai quite claustrophobic, with huge masses of people on every hand. (我是乡下来的人, 我觉得上海市让我产生被包围透不过气的恐惧, 到处都是大量的人群)

07. on exhibit
定义: 被公开展示.
例句: The great Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton is on exhibit in the museum's main hall. (那只巨大的霸王龙骨架在这间博物馆的大厅公开展示)

08. on faith
定义: 不需质疑, 无条件信任.
例句: I took it on faith that he would help me when I had a lot of extra work to do. (我毫不怀疑他会帮助我如果我有许多额外工作要做的话)

09. on file
定义: 存档, 记录于档案里.
例句: When recruiters tell you they'll keep your resume on file, what it often means is your resume will be logged in their system, never to be looked at again. (当招聘人员告诉你他们会把你的履历表存档的时候, 它经常意味的是你的履历表会被记录在他们的系统里, 再也没有人会看一眼)

10. on fire
定义: 着火, 充满热忱, 兴奋.
例句: When he started his new job, he was on fire – very enthusiastic. (当他开始他的新工作, 他充满热忱 – 热火朝天地干活)

11. on firm footing/ground
定义: 有事实根据; 基础扎实; 立场坚定.
例句: He believes that his argument is on firm ground. (他相信他的论点是有凭有据的)

12. on first-name terms
定义: 很熟稔, 不拘束; 习惯了.
例句: I'm on first-name terms with adversity. (我对逆境已经相当习惯了)

13. on foot
定义: [副词]行走地.
例句: When I was a kid, we went to and from school on foot every single day! (我小的时候, 我们每一天都是走路上下学的!)

14. on form, be
定义: [英国](情况)尚佳, (表现)良好.
例句: He's been playing poorly in recent months, but now he's back on form. (最近几个月的比赛里他的表现不佳, 但现在他又回复良好的状况)

15. on full lock
定义: (交通工具)车轮转到底或打到底; 锁死.
例句: I had the steering wheel on full lock. (我把方向盘打到底了)

16. on good terms
定义: (与某人)具有良好关系.
例句: Steve is on good terms with all his co-workers. They like him. (斯蒂夫跟他所有的同事们都处得融洽. 他们喜欢他)

17. on grounds of
定义: 以为理由, 原因或依据.
例句: She is suing the company on grounds of unfair dismissal. (她以不公平解雇为由控告这家公司)

18. on guard; on one's guard
定义: 警觉, 警惕, 防范.
例句: He's got a lot of tricky moves, so be on your guard! (他诡计多端, 所以你要提防他!)

19. on hand
定义: 库存, 手边拥有, 可以马上使用; 马上要发生, 即将要到来; 在场, 出席.
例句: Quick, how much cash do you have on hand? (快, 你身上带了多少现金?)

20. on heat, be
定义: [英国](母动物)发情. (注: 意指动物在排卵之前所表现出的发情兴奋)
例句: The cat is on heat. (那只猫正在发情)



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