二十笔实用成语 820

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二十笔实用成语 820

帖子 royl » 周六 6月 29, 2019 11:44 pm

二十笔实用成语 820

01. on high
定义: 天上, 天堂, 上级, 权威.
例句: We follow our orders from on high. We don't ask questions. (我们服从上级所下的命令. 我们毫不犹豫地执行命令)

02. on hire
定义: 被雇用或出租.
例句: The hirer is responsible for any fines issued by authorities whilst the boat is on hire to them. (在租用这艘船的期间, 承租人将负责缴纳任何政府当局所发出的罚款)

03. on ice
定义: 肯定会成功; 延后, 暂停; 保留, 保持安全; 坐牢.
例句: The city decided to put the plans for a new stadium on ice until they can raise more money. (市政府决定暂停一座新体育馆计划直到他们能够筹集更多的资金为止)

04. on in years, be
定义: 年纪大的, 年老的.
例句: Your grandfather's getting on in years, so you may need to speak a bit more loudly around him. (你爷爷年事已高, 所以你必须在他身边说话大声点)

05. on intimate terms with ..., be
定义: 与...为密友, 亲密. (注: 意指双方轻松地以名字互相称呼)
例句: We're on intimate terms with him, we like him, let's call him to see if he's interested. (我们是他的密友, 我们喜欢他, 我们打电话给他看看他是否有兴趣)

06. on it, be
定义: 积极着手处理.
例句: "We need to get this done today." "No problem. I'm on it." ("我们今天非得把这件事做好." "没问题. 我这就去办.")

07. on its feet
定义: 站起来, 稳定下来, 恢复健康, 情况改善.
例句: Trying to get this company on its feet is harder than I thought. (设法使这家公司步入正轨比我原先想得还要难)

08. on its knees
定义: 下跪, 趴下; 屈服, 臣服; 受屈辱; 衰退, 衰落.
例句: The country's economy is on its knees. (此国经济衰退不堪)

09. on its last legs
定义: 累趴了; 快完蛋了; 濒临死亡, 失败.
例句: Judging by all that noise coming from her car, I'm pretty sure it's on its last legs. (从她车子发出的所有噪音来判断, 我相当确定这部车快完蛋了. 注: 意指这部老爷车快寿终正寝)

10. on its merits
定义: 基于...本身的品质, 性能, 品德, 本事, 成就.
例句: Who supports it doesn't matter; we have to consider the idea solely on its merits. (谁赞同它并不重要; 我们必须纯粹以它本身有没有价值来考虑这个主意)

11. on leave, be
定义: 请假, 休假.
例句: I've been on leave for the past few months, and I may not go back. (过去几个月我一直在休假中, 我也许不会回去工作了)

12. on loan
定义: 暂时借用.
例句: Some of the workers were on loan as temporary staff. (有些工人是暂时借调过来作为临时工作人员的)

13. on location
定义: [电影术语]出外景, 非摄影棚内的场地作为电影拍摄地点.
例句: I always prefer shooting on location, though the unpredictable weather in this part of the country can make it tricky sometimes. (我总是比较喜欢出外景, 虽然我国这个地区的天气变幻莫测有时候使得情况难以应付)

14. on lunch break
定义: 在午餐休息期间.
例句: I'm on lunch break now, and I'll be back to work in 15 minutes. (我正在午休时间, 再过十五分钟我就回来工作)

15. on medications
定义: 服了药, 受了药物影响.
例句: She's on medications, she's on painkillers because she's pretty painful right now. (她服了药了, 她吃了止痛药因为她现在十分痛苦)

16. on message
定义: 言论符合(政府或政党)官方立场.
例句: The President wants everyone to get back on message when giving interviews. (总统要大家在接受采访的时候发表符合官方立场的言论)

17. on Monday
定义: 在星期一. (注: 这里的Monday只是一个例子, 也可以用在其他的六天上)
例句: Florida texting while driving law to go into effect on Monday. (佛罗里达州驾驶时发短信的法律于星期一生效)

18. on moral grounds
定义: 基于道德的原则(信仰, 行动或辩论).
例句: I wish you all the best, but on moral grounds I cannot be associated with your campaign any longer. (我祝你们一切顺利, 但基于道德的原则, 我不能够再和你们的竞选活动有任何关联)

19. on my account
定义: 为了我的缘故而(做某件事). (注: 经常用在否定口气, 客气地要别人别为了你而麻烦)
例句: I can't believe you organized this surprise party on my account! (我真不敢相信你居然为了我举办了这场惊喜聚会!)

20. on my way
定义: 我去你那儿在路上; 我在进展中.
例句: You can be on your way as soon as the tire is repaired. (等这个轮胎一修好之后, 你便马上可以上路了)



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