二十笔实用成语 822

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二十笔实用成语 822

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 06, 2019 1:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 822

01. on one's mettle, be
定义: 全力以赴; 决心发奋图强, 激起好胜心.
例句: It was a reality check that you have to be on your mettle at all times. (这是一个展示真实情况的时刻, 你此时必须要每时每刻地全力以赴, 发挥出最好的状态)

02. on one's mind, be
定义: 正在想某事, 正在担心某件事.
例句: "What's on your mind?" "I'm just trying to figure out how I can fit 2 hours of exercise into my busy Thursday schedule." ("你在想什么?" "我正试图想出个办法把两个钟头的健身活动排进我忙碌的星期四行程里.")

03. on one's own account/hook/initiative
定义: 凭自己努力; 代表自己; 由自己负责; 自己独立去做.
例句: Few things impress employers more than implementing business solutions on your own account. (没有比这个更令雇主激赏的是, 凭自己一人之力来落实业务解决方案)

04. on one's own behalf
定义: 代表自己, 以自己名义, 为了自己.
例句: I'm doing it on my own behalf, not for anyone else. (我做这件事是为我自己, 而不是为任何其他人)

05. on one's own ground
定义: 在某人优异的领域, 在自己熟悉场地, 在自己的地盘.
例句: After a string of unsuccessful action films, the director is back on her own ground with a biting new historical drama. (拍了一连串失败的动作片之后, 这名导演又回到她所熟悉的领域并拍了一部令人难过的新历史剧情戏)

06. on one's own terms
定义: 符合自己的喜爱; 依照自己的意思; 依循自己的方式.
例句: Don't just accept this job because it would make your parents happy. You need to act on your own terms for once. (别只为了让你父母满意才接受这份工作. 你总要有一次按照自己的喜爱来决定是否接受这份工作)

07. on one's own time
定义: 下班时间后, 使用自己私人时间.
例句: It's extremely hard to pursue a degree on your own time especially when you're working a full-time job. (利用下班后的时间来攻读一个学位是极为困难的尤其是你做的是一份全职工作)

08. on one's part
定义: 就个人来说, 至于个人, 依个人的意见, 有关个人.
例句: For the employees' part, the merger means that many will be losing their jobs. (就雇员们来说, 这次两家公司的合并意味着许多人将会失业)

09. on one's plate
定义: 在自己待办工作单上.
例句: I have too much on my plate right now. I'm too busy! (我现在自己手边的工作太多. 我很忙!)

10. on one's shoulders
定义: 落在自己身上的责任.
例句: I feel like everyone else's mistakes are being put on my shoulders. (我觉得其他人所犯的错误也赖在我的身上了)

11. on one's toes
定义: 提高警觉, 集中注意, 准备行动.
例句: This attorney is known for using really deceptive and underhanded tactics, so be on your toes. (这名律师在庭上使用极其卑鄙狡猾的手段是出名的, 因此你要提高警觉, 别中了他的诡计)

12. on one's uppers
定义: 在贫困窘况中. (注: 鞋底磨损只剩下鞋面即uppers)
例句: My mother was always slipping money into the hands of our friends she thought were on their uppers. (我母亲一直都是塞钱给我们家那些她觉得穷困的朋友)

13. on one's/the way out
定义: 正要​​出去, 离去, 离职; 快要过时, 不流行, 将成为陈旧; 濒临死亡, 将死.
例句: If your cell phone shuts itself down without any reason, it may be on its way out. (如果你的手机无缘无故地自行关机的话, 它也许快要坏了)

14. on one's/your own responsibility
定义: (未经允许做某事, 后果将由做事者)自行负责.
例句: Whatever you do you do on your own responsibility, and I will in no way be associated with you. (无论你做什么事, 你要为你所做的事负责, 我决不会承认与你有任何关联)

15. on or before
定义: (论日期)在某一天或之前.
例句: Don't forget to pay this bill on or before next Tuesday. (别忘了在下星期二或之前把这张账单付清)

16. on order
定义: 正在运来(的路途中); 已订购但尚未收到货品.
例句: We just ran out, but we have another shipment on order. (我们才卖光, 但是我们还有另一批货品在运来的路上)

17. on pain of ...
定义: 违反命令将要受...惩罚.
例句: On pain of having our pay docked, we were told we had to come in every Saturday until further notice to take care of the backlog of work. (除非另行通知之外, 我们必须每个星期六来上班把积压的工作做完, 否则我们薪资将会被扣克)

18. on paper
定义: 白纸黑字地, 理论上地, 仍在计划中地.
例句: This system looks good on paper but it is expensive and, in my view, still of very limited value. (这套系统在理论上看起来不错但它的价格昂贵, 依我的看法, 依然是性价比不高, 不值得购买)

19. on parade
定义: 显示, 炫耀, 引人注目; 在游行或阅兵中站或走.
例句: Her new diamond engagement ring was on parade for all her friends to stare at. (她的新订婚戒指被她拿出炫耀让她所有的朋友盯着看)

20. on parole
定义: (出狱)假释中.
例句: You're on parole, Ah-Dan, if you get caught stealing, they'll send you straight back to prison! (阿丹, 你在假释中, 如果你因偷窃被逮捕的话, 他们将会把你直接送回监狱!)



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