二十笔实用成语 832

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二十笔实用成语 832

帖子 royl » 周四 8月 29, 2019 10:17 am

二十笔实用成语 832

01. on the square, be
定义: 正好直角; 直率的, 诚实的.
例句: I know everyone distrusts car mechanics, but I feel like the guy I go to has always been on the square with me. (我知道大家都不信任修车工人, 我倒是觉得我送车去修理的那个人一直对我诚实无欺的. 注: 美国人不信任修车厂是因为许多修车厂利用消费者的无知而推荐不必要的维修, 或者不修理骗说修好算钱)

02. on the stage
定义: 上台表演.
例句: I love being on the stage. The audience's applause makes me feel so alive! (我喜欢在舞台上表演. 那些观众给我的掌声和喝采让我深受鼓舞!)

03. on the stand
定义: (在法庭)证人出庭作证.
例句: Jack was on the stand today. He told the court what he saw. (杰克今天出庭作证. 他在庭上说出他所亲见的事证)

04. on the straight and narrow, be
定义: 奉公守法, 循规蹈矩.
例句: He led a wild life when he was young, but he's been on the straight and narrow for some years. (年轻时, 他过着狂野不拘的生活, 但是这些年来他则过着循规蹈矩的生活)

05. on the street
定义: 吸毒, 贩毒; 卖淫; 人尽皆知; 华尔街; 街头, 路边摊; 无事可做的, 失业的; 无家可归的, 流浪, 飘泊; 出狱的, 自由的; 上街头(抗议) .
例句: After they fired him, Tom was on the street for two years. (自从他们解雇了汤姆之后, 他失业有两年了)

06. on the strength of
定义: 受影响; 凭实力; 凭借.
例句: I can't help but feel like I was hired for my looks and not on the strength of my skills. (我不得不感觉到我之所以被雇用是因为我的容貌而不是我的能力)

07. on the stump
定义: 选前政客拜访各处, 发表演讲争取选民支持.
例句: Despite his falling popularity, the president braved it on the stump today on behalf of his fellow Republicans. (尽管他的支持率的下降, 这位总统仍愿意代表他的共和党同僚们无惧地发表演讲争取选民支持)

08. on the subject of ...
定义: 有关于...的事, 谈到...事.
例句: While we're on the subject of money, do you have the $10 you owe me? (正好趁着我们谈论金钱这个话题的时候, 你身上有没有带着你还欠我的十块钱?)

09. on the sunny side of ...
定义: 比所提出的年龄较小或年轻.
例句: He's still on the sunny side of forty. (他还在四十岁以下)

10. on the surface
定义: 从外表看; 从已知的表面来说.
例句: On the surface she can be very pleasant and helpful, but underneath she's a broken girl. (表面上她能够摆出很愉快和乐于助人的样子, 但是私底下, 她是个心灵受创的女孩)

11. on the table
定义: 提条件出来考虑, 交涉, 妥协或摊牌.
例句: Our offer is on the table: a 7% increase in salary for everyone. (我们提出的条件是: 每人都给予百分之七的加薪)

12. on the take
定义: 受贿或收贿; 非法图利他人.
例句: A week after he got out of jail, he was on the take again. (才出狱一个星期, 他又干起收贿和非法图利他人的勾当)

13. on the tarmac
定义: 在停机坪上.
例句: We were stuck on the tarmac for 3 hours yesterday trying to get from LaGuardia back to Austin. (昨天本来想从拉瓜迪亚机场飞回奥斯丁, 而我们却被困在停机坪上三个钟头)
位于皇后区, 纽约市的三大机场之一的拉瓜迪亚机场

14. on the/a television program
定义: 在某个电视节目上.
例句: I had seen it on a television program, but could not remember the program name. (我曾经在某个电视节目上看过它, 但我记不起来那个节目名字)

15. on the threshold of
定义: 即将开始, 在...的前夕.
例句: We're on the threshold of a major breakthrough in cancer research. (我们即将取得一个癌症研究的重大突破)

16. on the throne
定义: (国王或皇帝)在位; 坐在马桶上; 在上厕所.
例句: Archie's on the throne. He'll be down in a few minutes. (阿奇正在上厕所. 他等一下就下来)

17. on the tip of one's tongue
定义: 话到舌尖. 准备要说出来但一时想不出来.
例句: I had the answer on the tip of my tongue, but when Professor Bentley called on me, I couldn't remember it. (我正准备要说出这个答案, 但是当班特利教授叫我回答这个问题的时候, 我却不记得答案了)

18. at/on the top of the/(one's) agenda
定义: 列为(某人)的第一要务.
例句: This issue is on the top of the agenda of the upcoming meeting. (这个议题在即将要开的会议上被列为首要讨论的事项)

19. on the trail/track of
定义: 寻找, 紧跟, 紧追, 追赶.
例句: Police are on the trail of two armed men who held up a liquor store late last night. (警方正在寻找那两名携带武器的嫌疑男子, 他们昨夜持械抢劫一家烈酒商店)

20. on the trot
定义: [英国俚语]马不停蹄, 一路奔波, 忙得不可开交.
例句: Working full-time and raising children keeps her on the trot from morning till night. (全职工作又要养儿育女令她从早到晚忙得不可开交)



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