二十笔实用成语 849

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二十笔实用成语 849

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 25, 2019 7:53 pm

二十笔实用成语 849

01. out of pocket
定义: 由个人支出(费用); 亏损状况; 缺钱.
例句: When choosing your deductible, think about how much you're willing to pay out of pocket if you need to make a claim. (当你选择保险自付额数目的时候, 想一想如果当你有必要提出索赔的时候, 你自己愿意付出多少钱. 注: 保险理赔时, 除了保险公司支付大部分开销, 你自己也要支付一小部分的自付额)

02. out of practice
定义: 好久没做某事, 生疏, 不纯熟某技巧.
例句: I used to be able to play the piano very well, but now I'm out of practice. (我以前钢琴可是弹得非常好, 但是现在我的技巧生疏了)

03. out of print
定义: (书籍或资料)不再印刷发行或绝版了.
例句: That paperback edition is out of print. (那批平装版已经绝版了)

04. out of range
定义: 在范围之外, 火炮射程外, 在电讯发射范围外.
例句: The FM music station is out of range of my radio. The signal is weak. (这家调频音乐台在我的收音机收听范围之外. 它的讯号微弱)

05. out of reach
定义: 无法达到, 无法取得.
例句: Stretch a little, but don't make your goal out of reach or you'll risk becoming disappointed and quitting. (给自己一点弹性, 但别把自的目标设得过高而无法达成否则你将给自己带来失望和放弃努力的后果)

06. out of season
定义: 不是当令的, 不是节令的, 不合时宜的.
例句: The restaurant only uses local produce, so their menu changes if something is out of season. (这间餐厅只使用本地蔬果, 因此如果某批蔬果过了时令的话他们的菜单也跟着改变)

07. out of shape
定义: 变形; 身体状况不佳.
例句: The bike's rim was all out of shape. (这只脚踏车轮圈变形了)

08. out of sight
定义: 不在视野之内, 看不见; 不能比; 不合理, 太过份; 卓越的, 非凡的.
例句: He watched the plane until it was a speck. Then it was out of sight. (他远望着那架飞机直到它成为空中一颗斑点为止. 然后它就消失在视野之外)

09. out of sight, out of mind.
定义: [谚语]眼不见, 心不想; 眼不见, 心不烦.
例句: When I broke up with Jennie, I was heartbroken. But since she moved away, I hardly ever think about her. Out of sight, out of mind! (当我跟珍妮分手的时候, 我伤心不已. 然而她后来搬走了, 我几乎再也不想她. 眼不见, 心不想!)

10. out of someone's good graces
定义: 被某人嫌恶, 不喜欢.
例句: I'm out of her good graces so I don't want to be the one to ask her. (她很不喜欢我, 因此我不想成为去请求她的那个人)

11. out of someone's hair
定义: 不再烦扰某人.
例句: Once these auditors from the IRS are out of our hair, we can get back to business as usual. (一旦这些国税局的查帐员不再烦扰我们之后, 我们便可以回归到正常的业务工作上)

12. out of one's hands
定义: 不属于某人掌握之内, 某人无能为力.
例句: I submitted my application, so it's out of my hands now. (我已经把我的申请表交出了, 因此我现在只有听由别人的决定了)

13. out of one's sight
定义: 不在某人视野之内, 某人看不见.
例句: Get that hideous painting out of my sight! (把那幅丑陋的画拿走, 我不想看到它!)

14. out of someone's way
定义: 不挡别人的路; 不去妨碍别人; 不顺路; 做完了, 处理好.
例句: I'm sorry, but I can't give you a ride home. It's out of my way. (对不起, 但我不能载你回家. 它不是我的顺路. 注: 虽然你诚心地向人致歉, 这里的but是许多英语使用者作为替自己行为免责辩护的转折语, 因为回你家的路跟我要去的地方不顺路)

15. out of something, be
定义: 缺乏, 用光, 没有了.
例句: I'm sorry, I'm all out of ideas. Let's just do it the way everyone else does it. (对不起, 我已经没有主意了. 我们干脆跟别人一样, 他们怎么做我们就怎么做吧)

16. out of sorts, be
定义: 身体不舒服, 心情不好, 易怒的.
例句: He is a little out of sorts today so maybe you should wait until tomorrow to speak to him. (他今天心情不好, 所以你也许应该等到明天再跟他说吧)

17. out of spite
定义: 有意要伤害某人或破坏某事.
例句: That was not an accident! You did it out of spite! (那才不是个意外事故! 你是为了泄恨才这么做的!)

18. out of step
定义: 与他人不同步; 落伍, 脱节; 不与时俱进地; 分歧或冲突, 相处不融洽和谐地.
例句: The chairman is out of step with the rest of the committee. That's why they want to oust him. (这位董事长跟其他的董事经常发生冲突. 所以他们想要赶走他)

19. out of stock
定义: 无货可卖, 没存货, 卖光了.
例句: Site visitors can also check inventory in real time, so they know immediately whether a product is available or out of stock. (网站访客也可以即时地查寻存货状态, 因此他们可以立即知道一项产品是否有货或卖光了)

20. out of sympathy with
定义: 不同意, 不了解; 不同情, 不支持.
例句: The vast majority of local people are now out of sympathy with the cause of the protesters, as the demonstration has done nothing but inconvenience them. (绝大多数的本地民众现在都不支持这些抗议者的诉求, 因为他们的示威不但一事无成反而给民众带来不方便)



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