二十笔实用成语 850

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二十笔实用成语 850

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 28, 2019 9:24 pm

二十笔实用成语 850

01. out of sync
定义: 不同步, 不协同, 不一致, 不和谐, 互不相关联.
例句: His actions are completely out of sync with our goals. (他的行动跟我们的目标完全不一致)

02. out of the ballpark
定义: 超乎预估或所提议的数量或范畴; 非常成功或极佳.
例句: They said the repairs should only cost a few hundred dollars, but the final bill was way, way out of the ballpark! (他们说这些修理的费用应该只要几百块钱, 但是最后的帐单却远远超出原来的预估数目!)

03. out of the box
定义: 不拘泥于传统, 具有创造性; [电脑术语]现成硬体, 软体从包装盒拿出并安装在电脑上.
例句: You can't teach a child to think out of the box. You have to encourage the student whenever he comes up with a creative idea. (你没法教导一名儿童如何富有创新性地思考. 每当这名学生提出创意性想法的时候你必须要给予他鼓励)

04. out of the corner of one's eye
定义: 不正眼看, 侧目而视, 从眼角余光瞄到.
例句: Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. It was the cat. (从我的眼角余光, 我瞄到有东西在动. 原来是一只猫)

05. out of the frame
定义: 出局; 不再被选上或被考虑.
例句: With Steve out of the frame, I knew I had a chance with Sarah. (有了史蒂夫的出局, 我便知道我追求莎拉有机会了)

06. out of the goodness of my heart
定义: 出于我自己的善意或善心.
例句: I help her out of the goodness of my heart. I don't want to be paid! (我帮助她乃是出于我自己的善心. 我才不要报酬!)

07. out of the gutter
定义: 脱贫; 脱离卑鄙, 粗俗下流, 低品格的(心理)状态.
例句: That joke was quite innocent; get your mind out of the gutter. (那个笑话相当纯真无邪; 你可别往下流的方面去想)

08. out of the hole
定义: 打破零分; 有得分; 不再负债; 不再有麻烦.
例句: She can't seem to get out of the hole. She keeps spending more money than she earns. (她总似乎没法脱出债务的羁绊. 她一直是入不敷出)

09. out of the jaws of death
定义: 千钧一发之间脱离险境; 从死神手中夺回生命.
例句: Thankfully, the EMTs arrived to the crash in time to snatch the woman and her child out of the jaws of death. (幸好的是, 这些急救医护人员及时赶到车祸现场, 将这名女子和她的小孩从死神手中夺回他们的生命. 注: 这里的EMT是Emergency Medical Technician的缩写, 其意为: 急救医护人员)

10. out of the loop
定义: 搞不清楚状况, 不知情, 未参与决策, 不在决策圈内.
例句: They tried to keep the boss out of the loop about their scheme, but she found out about it anyway. (他们试图不让这位老板知道他们的密谋, 但她还是发现了他们的阴谋)

11. out of the mouths of babes
定义: 幼儿经常会说出智慧话语.
例句: We're in this museum and my five-year-old says to this guy, "Hey, mister! No touching! Can't you read the sign?" Out of the mouths of babes, huh? (我们在这间博物馆参观, 我家五岁大的孩子对这名男子说, "嘿, 先生! 别碰! 你看不懂这个告示牌吗?" 幼儿经常会说出智慧话语, 不是吗?)

12. out of the norm
定义: 异常, 不寻常, 反常.
例句: The weather has been out of the norm these past few years. Snow, thunder and lightning happened at same time. Floods, tsunamis and God knows what else. (这几年来的天气一直反常. 下雪, 打雷, 和闪电同时发生. 水灾, 海啸, 以及天知道还会发生什么灾害)

13. out of the ordinary
定义: 不寻常, 反常, 例外.
例句: We need to investigate the warehouse to figure out what's tripping the security alarms. Just keep your eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. (我们需要调查这间仓库, 找出是什么东西触动了安全警报器. 你们要提高警觉, 注意任何不寻常的情况)

14. out of the picture
定义: 不知情的; 不是一个因素的; 未参与决策; 与某事无关; 离开, 不在场.
例句: I can't ask her out until her disapproving brother is out of the picture, so let me know when he leaves the party. (在她那个对我反感的哥哥没离开之前, 我是没法邀她出来约会, 所以等他离开派对之后, 通知我一声)

15. out of the question
定义: 不可能, 不值得考虑的.
例句: Because of the snow storm, traveling by car is out of the question. (由于这场暴风雪的原故, 驾车旅游是不可能了)
暴风雪能见度很低并且路面滑溜, 驾车旅游是不可能了

16. out of the running
定义: 退出或被排除竞赛, 没机会赢.
例句: Everyone assumed she was out of the running after the scandal broke, but she went on to win the election regardless. (丑闻暴发之后每个人都以为她会退出选战, 但她无视其面临的劣势, 仍然继续参选并且赢得选举. 注: 这句话的regardless是个副词其义为: 无视其面临的当时情况, 也有人翻译为: 不顾一切)

17. out of the way
定义: 偏远; 做完, 处理完成; 不寻常, 显著; 不再阻碍或挡路.
例句: Would you please get your foot out of the way? (麻烦你把你的脚挪开? 注: 这句话是指要求此人把脚挪开不再挡别人的路)

18. out of the window
定义: 丢弃, 扔掉, 抛到脑后, 消失, 被摧毁, 不存在.
例句: One member of the audience started shouting at the speaker during the presentation, and all sense of decorum went right out of the window. (在演讲时候, 一名观众向演讲者大声喊叫, 这一下所有温文有礼的气氛通通消失不见)

19. out of the woods
定义: 脱离困难, 危险或麻烦. (注: 经常使用于否定语气例如"你还没脱离危险")
例句: His injury was very serious and I don't think he is out of the woods yet. (他的伤势非常严重, 我不认为他已经脱离险境)

20. out of thin air
定义: 凭空出现, 从一个无人知晓的地方或来源出现.
例句: For his final trick, the magician pulled a bouquet of flowers out of thin air. (作为他最后的戏法, 这名魔术师凭空抽出一束花)



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