二十笔实用成语 855

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二十笔实用成语 855

帖子 royl » 周四 12月 12, 2019 7:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 855

01. owing to
定义: 由于某个缘故.
例句: His reading was hesitant owing to a stammer. (由于他的口吃毛病他的朗读念得断断续续的)

02. own up (to), to
定义: 承认某事是真的, 坦白认错.
例句: The suspected murderer finally owned up to the murder of his wife. (这名谋杀嫌犯终于坦白承认他谋杀妻子的罪行)

03. own worst enemy, one's
定义: 自己是自己最大的敌人, 自己制造自己最大的问题, 自己是自己不能成功最大的阻力.
例句: A smoker is his own worst enemy. He's harming himself. (一个吸烟者是他自己最大的敌人. 他在戕害他自己的健康)

04. p.m./P.M./pm/PM
定义: 下午. (注: p.m.是post meridiem的缩写)
例句: The meeting started at exactly 1:00 PM. (这个会议下午一点准时召开. 注: 我之所以把早上和下午列出给读者学习是因为这两个名词我们天天都要使用, 对所有英语使用者自然极为重要)

05. PA system, a
定义: 公共广播系统. (注: PA是public address的缩写; 许多学校或机构以PA发布消息或传唤人)
例句: Every morning the children listened to the latest school information over the PA system. (每天早上小朋友们经由校内公共广播系统听取有关学校最新消息)

06. pace out, to
定义: 步量, 以平稳步子测量长度; 走来走去地踱方步, 一面踱步一面思考.
例句: You might sometimes see the boss walking around the office over and over again – that just means he's pacing out some financial issue and is trying to think of a solution. (你有时候会看到老板在办公室内不停地绕圈子– 那是因为他一面踱步一面思考财务上的问题和试图找出解决方案)

07. Pacific Ring of Fire or Ring of Fire, the
定义: 太平洋周边的地震与火山带.
例句: The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. (太平洋周边的地震与火山带是太平洋盆地上许多地震与火山频频爆发的主要地区)

08. pack 150 mile per hour wind, to
定义: [气象用语]挟带着150英哩时速的暴风. (注: 当然150英哩时速只是一个数字, 你可以使用任何数字来代替)
例句: Packing winds of 150 mph, Hagibis, the super typhoon crashing through the northwest Pacific, could impact Japan this weekend. (挟带着150英哩的时速, 哈吉贝台风, 这场超级台风奔向太平洋西北部,可能在这个周末给予日本带来冲击)

09. pack a punch/wallop, to
定义: 饱以猛拳, 造成冲击与震撼. (注: pack a punch经常在新闻报导中被用来形容某某台风挟着x级风力横扫某城镇, 造成极大冲击)
例句: Here's a word that packs a punch: guilty! (这是一个极具震撼性的字眼: 有罪!)

10. pack a rod, to
定义: [俚语]携带手枪.
例句: The boys knew that one of the students was packing a rod. (这些男生都知道有一个学生携带手枪)

11. pack away, to
定义: 收藏以便以后使用; 大快朵颐, 大吃一顿.
例句: It's time to pack away your winter clothes. (该是把你冬天衣服收起来的时候)

12. pack heat, to
定义: [俚语]携带枪械.
例句: Be careful when you're out late at night – you never know who might be packing heat. (你深夜出门要小心 – 你根本不知道谁可能携带枪械)

13. pack in, to
定义: 塞进; 塞满; 挤满行程; 停止工作, 放弃一个活动.
例句: I'm sorry, I already packed the toothpaste in the suitcase for our trip. Isn't there another tube somewhere? (抱歉, 我已经把这条牙膏塞进了我们旅行的手提箱里. 难道别的地方都没有另一条牙膏吗?)

14. pack into, to
定义: 挤满, 叠满, 涌入, 塞入.
例句: You sure packed a lot into just a week! (你真能把一个星期的行程都排满了!)

15. pack it in, to
定义: 停止工作, 放弃一个活动; 上床睡觉.
例句: "What if you don't get paid?" "I'll pack it in and quit." ("万一你拿不到你的薪酬呢?" "我就停下来, 把工作辞了")

16. pack it up, to
定义: 打包离开.
例句: "Let's pack it up guys." "Pack it up? We don't have anything to pack, so let's hit the road." ("伙计们, 我们该打包了." "打包? 我们没什么东西可以打包, 这样吧我们上路吧.")

17. pack of lies, a
定义: 满嘴瞎话, 一派谎言.
例句: What Gayle is saying about Julie is a pack of lies. It's not true at all! (桂儿所说的有关茱莉的事情都是一派胡言. 全是假话!)

18. pack off, to
定义: 仓促打发某人; 迅速地打包离开.
例句: They packed the children off to bed early. (他们打发这些小朋友提早上床睡觉)

19. pack one's bags, to
定义: 收拾东西准备离开; 辞职; 被辞退.
例句: I told him to shape up or he could pack his bags. (我告诉他, 再不好好的干, 我就请他卷铺盖)

20. pack rat, a
定义: 什么东西都留下来的人; 什么东西都舍不得丢的人; 垃圾收藏者. (注: 意指喜欢留下或搜集不管有没有用东西而不肯扔掉的人)
例句: I'm a terrible pack rat. I never throw anything away. (我是个很糟的垃圾收藏者. 我从不扔掉任何东西)



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