二十笔实用成语 876

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二十笔实用成语 876

帖子 royl » 周四 3月 26, 2020 2:49 am

二十笔实用成语 876

01. play God, to
定义: 扮演上帝. 自认自己有权决定别人的命运, 健康或幸福.
例句: Many of these investment bankers love the idea of​​ playing God, having the power to make or break the lives of those whose finances they control. (许多投资银行家喜爱扮演上帝的想法, 拥有决定那些资金被他们控制的人们成败命运的权力)

02. play gooseberry, to
定义: [英国]当电灯泡, 逗留于一对恋人中间.
例句: I didn't want to play gooseberry with you and Beverly so I left early. (我不想充当你和贝芙莉的电灯泡所以我便早早离开)

03. play hard to get, to
定义: 表现出矜持冷淡, 欲擒故纵, 故作姿态. (注: 常指某女子假装不在乎某男子追求, 表现出矜持冷淡, 其实并非厌恶该男子)
例句: Why won't you call him back? Are you playing hard to get? (妳为什么不回他电话? 你是不是在故作矜持之态?)

04. play hardball, to
定义: 来硬的; 不择手段, 亳不留情; 残忍斗争; [棒球术语]打硬式棒球.
例句: If he wants to play hardball with us, we can play that way too. (如果他要跟我们来硬的话, 我们也可以来硬的奉陪到底)

05. play hell with, to
定义: 造成问题, 破坏, 伤害, 摧毁.
例句: These storms play merry hell with our TV reception. (这场风暴造成我们电视机无法接收讯号)

06. play hide-and-seek/play hide-and-go-seek, to
定义: (儿童)玩躲猫猫游戏, 躲避某人, 不想被某人找到.
例句: Lao-Tien is hard to pin down – he's always playing hide-and-seek. (找老田很难 – 他总是东躲西藏地不想被人找到)

07. play hob with, to
定义: 破坏, 恶作剧, 捣蛋.
例句: The nasty weather played hob with our plans for the weekend. (这个烂天气破坏了我们的周末计划)

08. play hookey/hooky, to
定义: 逃学或逃避责任.
例句: Hey, Jim and I are playing hooky from school on Friday, do you want to come with us? (嘿, 吉姆和我要星期五逃课, 你要不要跟我们一起开溜?)

09. play in Peoria, to
定义: 符合主流民意或被主流消费者接受.
例句: Film studios lately have been so obsessed with the question "Will it play in Peoria?" that they forget to make a good film first and foremost. (最近电影制片厂一直一门心思地想"这部电影会不会被主流民众接受?"的问题, 他们却忘了制作一部优良电影乃是他们的首要目标)

10. play into someone's hands/scheme, to; play into the hands of someone, to
定义: 中了对手的计谋; 做出对手称心如意的事.
例句: You're only playing into your accusers' hands by making accusations in return. (你若是提出指控反击回去则无异于中了你的指控者计谋)

11. play it cool, to
定义: 沉着冷静.
例句: Bill played it cool during the hurricane, calmly directing people to safety and finding extra food and water for everyone. (比尔在台风肆虐期间沉着冷静, 镇定地指挥人们进入安全避难所, 为大家寻找额外的食物和水)

12. play it for all it's worth, to
定义: 把不利情况转为对自己有利; 充分地利用.
例句: He injured his hand before the examination and he played it for all it was worth in order to get the exam delayed. (他在考试之前伤了他的手, 因此他充分利用这个借口以便推迟这场考试的日期)

13. play it off-the-cuff, to
定义: 即兴表演, 临场行事, 随机应付.
例句: We've all played it off-the-cuff and made do as we've encountered the situation. (我们都随机应付, 当我们遇到了状况则凑合着过下去)

14. play it safe, to
定义: 谨慎行事, 保守不冒险.
例句: I decided to play it safe and leave early so that I would be sure to arrive on time. (我决定要保守不冒险, 早一点离开, 如此一来我便肯定会准时到达)

15. play it smart, to
定义: 机警聪敏行事或应付.
例句: We are going to play it smart with grace under fire and cool under pressure. (我们决计要以临危不乱, 以沉着冷静的心态来机警行事)

16. play it up, to
定义: 夸张, 小题大作, 无理取闹.
例句: If there's an argument, he plays it up. He makes it worse. (一旦有了争论的话, 他总是小题大作, 无理取闹. 不把事情弄得更糟不甘心)

17. play itself out, to
定义: 发生; 过时; 进行到底; 进行或发展到结束为止. (注: 常用在"让某事自行发展到底, 别去干预")
例句: We're not in a hurry to figure it out. We'll let it play itself out through the course of the situation. (我们并不急着要把它弄明白. 我们会在这件事态整个过程中任由它发展直到结束为止)

18. play musical chairs, to
定义: 抢座位游戏; 换汤不换药; 轮流换工作. (注: 意指把组织里的人轮流调换职位)
例句: People on the top are just playing musical chairs, swapping roles. The management has rarely been responsible for any bad decision they have made. (上层大员只是在轮流换工作, 互换角色. 这些管理阶层极少曾为他们做出任何错误决定负起责任)

19. play off, to
定义: 利用对手的弱点反击; 制造别人对立图利自己; 产生对比; 完成被打断的比赛; 打破平手延长比赛.
例句: A good tennis player plays off every move the opponent makes. (一名优秀的网球运动员总是善于从其对手每个动作中找出弱点来加以反击)

20. play on someone's heartstrings, to
定义: 让人感动; 利用某人同情心或热忱取得同情.
例句: I don't know why, but that piece of music always plays on my heartstrings. (我不知道为什么, 那首曲子总是让我感动不已)



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