二十笔实用成语 883

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二十笔实用成语 883

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 24, 2020 1:03 am

二十笔实用成语 883

01. poles apart, be
定义: 完全相反, 完全不一样; 相差得十万八千里.
例句: My sister and I are very close now, but we were poles apart growing up and fought all the time. (我姊姊和我现在走得很亲近, 但是我们在成长过程中两人想法完全不一样, 不时地发生争吵)

02. polish off, to
定义: 迅速彻底地做完或处理好; 制服或除去某人.
例句: I was still hungry after dinner, so I polished off the leftover Chinese food in the fridge. (晚餐之后我肚子还是饿, 因此我把冰箱里剩下的中国饭菜彻底吃光. 注: 许多外国的中国餐馆提供外卖餐食或替堂食客人打包剩下食物, 所以客人的冰箱会有剩下的中国餐食)

03. polish the apple, to
定义: 巴结, 讨得喜爱.
例句: He loves to polish the apple of the teacher to get better marks. (为了拿到好分数他很乐于讨得老师的欢心)

04. political clout, the
定义: 政治影响力.
例句: Firms that make a lot of money and employ a lot of people tend to have more political clout than those who don't. (那些赚了许多钱并且雇用了许多人的公司往往比那些不赚钱的公司拥有更多政治影响力)

05. political discourse, a
定义: 政治对话.
例句: Twitter has emerged as a key platform on which anyone with a smartphone can engage in political discourse. (推特已经脱颖而出成为一个任何有一把手机的人便可以进行政治对话的主要平台)

06. political expediency, a
定义: 政治权宜之计.
例句: The concession was an act of political expediency, not an act of genuine compromise. (这个妥协只是一个政治权宜之计, 并不是一个真诚的相互让步)

07. political football, a
定义: 政治化争议. (注: 意指有些问题并不一定涉及政治但有些人总想把这些问题扯上政治)
例句: It didn't take too long before the issue of property taxes turned into a political football for the candidates. (不需要多久, 房地税问题便成为这群候选人的政治化争议)

08. political stripes, all/every
定义: 各色各样的政治背景.
例句: On Election Day, she'll join thousands more, people of all political stripes, to monitor balloting. (选举日这一天, 她将会加入其他数千人, 具有各色各样政治背景的人, 一起监督投票程序)

09. political ties to ..., to have
定义: 具有与...政治关系或背景.
例句: I have no idea who the whistleblower is and whether he or she has political ties to one party or another. (我不知道这名揭发者是谁, 也不知道他或她是否跟这个党派或另一个党派有密切的政治关系)

10. politically correct, be
定义: 政治正确.
例句: Folks are being asked not to say "Merry Christmas" but rather use the politically correct term "Happy Holidays" in fear of offending some atheist groups. (人们被要求不要说"圣诞快乐"而是要使用政治正确的用语"节日快乐"深怕会得罪某些无神论者团体)

11. pomp and circumstance
定义: 隆重仪式, 排场或活动.
例句: Please, there's no need for all this pomp and circumstance. I'm just an ordinary guest who has come to enjoy the performance like everyone else. (拜托, 这么隆重的排场实在没必要​​. 我只是一名和其他人一样来这里观赏表演的普通客人)

12. pond scum, a
定义: [骂人话]人渣滓; 浮在死水塘上的藻类.
例句: I would never let my daughter date pond scum like you! (我永远不会允许我女儿跟你这种人渣约会!)

13. ponder on/over/about, to
定义: 仔细思考.
例句: Could I ask you to give us just a while longer to ponder on the situation? (我可不可以要求你给我们多一点时间来仔细思考这个情况?)

14. pony up, to
定义: 付钱, 结帐.
例句: It is time to pony up and pay for the equipment that you bought. (现在该为你买的装备器材结帐付清)

15. Ponzi scheme, a
定义: 庞氏骗局. (注: 意指一种诈欺金钱的手法: 以高回报付给早期投资人造成盈利成功的假象来吸引更多投资人参与, 等到后来的投资人无法维系资金给付结构则这个骗局就崩溃而大部份投资人将血本无归)
例句: These 'returns' were actually generated from the principal of members who joined later – a classic Ponzi scheme which uses new money to pay off old 'profits'. (这些所谓的回报其实是从后来加入成员所投资的本金里抽出的– 一个典型的庞氏骗局, 使用新筹集的资金来支付所谓的旧利润)

16. pooch, a
定义: [俚语]狗.
例句: Owners often complain that when they first try anchoring their dogs, the pooches jump on them instead. (狗主人经常抱怨当他们一开始尝试要他们的狗安静坐下来的时候, 这些狗却往他们身上扑过来)

17. poop out, to
定义: [俚语]因疲惫而退出, 最后一刻退出, 抛锚, 失灵.
例句: I thought I would be able to make it to the end of the race, but I pooped out after the fifth mile. (我原以为我可以撑到赛跑的终点, 但是我跑到了第五英哩之后便因疲惫而退出比赛)

18. poop, the
定义: [俚语]内幕消息, 粪便, 令人厌恶者.
例句: She gave me all the poop on the company party. (她把这次的公司派对所发生的内幕消息一古脑地告诉我了)

19. pooped, be
定义: [俚语]疲惫不堪的.
例句: I can't walk any farther. I'm pooped! (我再也走不动了. 我累趴了!)

20. poor air quality, the
定义: 糟糕, 不合格的空气品质.
例句: Poor air quality can aggravate a host of health problems such as asthma, heart conditions and other respiratory conditions. (恶劣的空气品质可以加重许多健康问题, 例如哮喘, 心血管疾病和其他呼吸系统疾病)



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