二十笔实用成语 887

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二十笔实用成语 887

帖子 royl » 周六 5月 02, 2020 7:28 am

二十笔实用成语 887

01. power play, a
定义: 展示或炫耀权力以图增加影响力或权力; [运动术语]把多数球员集中在某一区域的强势攻击.
例句: It's just a power play. He's moving the shifts around purely to show that he's the one who can do it. (这只是一个权力的炫耀. 他之所以调动员工的日夜班纯粹是为了展示他有这个权力)

02. power trip, a
定义: 满足权力欲, 驾驭别人以满足权力欲望.
例句: She's been on a power trip ever since she was promoted to manager. (自从她被提升为经理之后, 她便一直颐指气使, 驾驭别人来满足她的权力欲望)

03. power up, to
定义: 启动, 开机, 供电, 供应动力.
例句: I always sit down at my desk and have a cup of coffee before I power up my computer and start work for the day. (我总是先坐在我的办公桌前喝完一杯咖啡之后才启动我的电脑, 开始一天的工作)

04. power vacuum, a
定义: [政治术语]权力或实力真空. (注: 意指政府没有一个可以确认的中央权威)
例句: By decimating Iraq we left a power vacuum in the region. In fact, the most effective opposing force to Iran was eliminated by this war. (摧毁了伊拉克, 我们在该地区留下了一个实力真空. 事实上, 最有效的反制伊朗势力在这场战争被消灭了. 注: 意指原本还能制衡伊朗的伊拉克军事力量被美国消灭了)

05. powers of persuasion
定义: 深具说服力; 能言善道的能力.
例句: She used her powers of persuasion to convince them to buy the house. (她展现了她的能言善道能力, 说服了他们买下这栋房子)

06. powers that be, the
定义: 当权者, 有决定权的当局.
例句: The students wanted to have a big party, but the powers that be didn't approve. (这群学生想要举办一场盛大派对, 但是被校方否决了)

07. pox on someone, a
定义: 诅咒某人, 要他倒大霉.
例句: I'm so mad. A pox on all who don't believe me! (真是气死我了. 诅咒那些不相信我的人, 希望他们倒大霉!)

08. practicable vs. practical
定义: [易混淆字或片语]practicable(形容词)可实行的, 可用的, 可做的; practical(形容词)实际的, 实用性的, 现实的.

09. practical joke, a
定义: 恶作剧.
例句: The two brothers are notorious for playing practical jokes and getting into trouble. (这对兄弟以玩恶作剧臭名昭彰, 经常闯祸)

10. practically speaking
定义: 事实上, 实际上.
例句: I am so tempted to move it myself, but practically speaking, it's too big and bulky for me. (我很想要自己移动它, 但事实上, 它对我来说既体积巨大又笨重的要命)

11. practice makes perfect
定义: [谚语]熟能生巧. (注: 意指练习越多, 技巧越臻至完美)
例句: You see how quickly you are getting better at the piano! Practice makes perfect! (你看你钢琴弹得进步有多快! 这就是熟能生巧!)

12. practice what you preach
定义: [谚语]言行合一, 言行一致. (注: 意指以行动来证明一个人的信念, 不要说一套做一套)
例句: You want to hear truth, tell the truth. Practice what you preach. (你想要听实话, 那你就说实话. 言行要一致)

13. praise someone to the skies, to
定义: 对某人赞不绝口, 将某人捧上天.
例句: Your previous boss praised you to the skies in his letter of recommendation, so we have high hopes for you here. (你前任老板在推荐函里对你赞不绝口, 把你捧上天, 所以我们这里也对你抱着很高的期望)

14. pray at the porcelain altar, to
定义: 趴在马桶上呕吐.
例句: If Tommy doesn't stop drinking, he's going to be praying at the porcelain altar all night. (如果汤米还要喝下去的, 他就准备整个晚上趴在马桶上呕吐)

15. pray for, to
定义: 向神祷告, 祈求, 期望某事或物.
例句: We've all been praying for you after the car accident. (那次车祸之后, 我们都向神祷告, 祈求你的早日康复)

16. pray tell, to
定义: 请告诉我, 请你解释.
例句: Pray tell, will your lovely wife be accompanying you to the gala this evening? (请告诉我, 你可爱妻子会不会跟你一起参加今晚的盛会?)
每年央视主办的春节联欢晚会也可称Chinese New Year Gala

17. preach to the choir/converted, to
定义: 说服想法跟你一样的人. (注: 意指浪费精力或时间试图说服想法跟你一样的人)
例句: Don't waste your time telling us about the problem. You're preaching to the choir. (别浪费你的时间告诉我们这个问题. 你在说服想法跟你一样的人)

18. precedence vs. precedent
定义: [易混淆字或片语]precedence(名词)优先, 居先; precedent(名词)先例, 前例.

19. precious few/little, a
定义: 稀少的, 极少数的.
例句: I've had precious few job offers since I got out of college. (自从我大学毕业之后, 我得到极少数的工作邀请)

20. precipitate vs. precipitous
定义: [易混淆字或片语]precipitate(形容词)突如其来的, 贸然轻率的, 陡然下降的; precipitous(形容词)陡峭的, 突如其来的.



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