二十笔实用成语 893

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二十笔实用成语 893

帖子 royl » 周日 5月 31, 2020 12:40 am

二十笔实用成语 893

01. prying eyes, the
定义: 窥视的眼睛, 别人暗中的注意.
例句: As we moved into our new home, we could sense that there were prying eyes watching us. (搬进新房子的时候, 我们能够察觉到窥视的眼睛正在注意我们)

02. psych out, to
定义: 恐吓, 打击别人信心; 了解, 掌握或摸熟某人的想法, 习性或脾气.
例句: Don't waste time trying to psych me out. I am an enigma. (别浪费时间想要摸熟我的习性. 我是个迷样的人)

03. psych up, to
定义: 激励, 鼓舞.
例句: I was pretty nervous before the test, so I took a few minutes to psych myself up before I started. (考前我很紧张, 因此我花了几分钟激励自己才开始回答试题)

04. public knowledge, a
定义: 众所周知的事情. (注: 意指这个消息已经被传媒报导过了)
例句: Not only is the entire incident a matter of public knowledge, but society has an interest in knowing how a publicly funded university deals with a star quarterback accused of rape. (除了这整件事情是个众所周知的事情, 而且社会上也有人想知道一所公立大学该怎么来处理一名被指控强奸罪的明星四分卫球员)

05. publicity stunt, a
定义: 做秀, 宣传噱头, 引起大家注意手法.
例句: But now it seems that your protest is nothing more than a publicity stunt. (但是现在看来, 你的抗议只不过是一个引起大家注意的噱头)

06. pucker up, to
定义: 嘟起嘴. (注: 意指将嘴唇向前嘟起, 准备要亲吻)
例句: She puckered up and gave her dad a big smooch. (她把嘴嘟起, 给他爸爸一个大吻)

07. pull a boner, to
定义: [俚语]犯大错, 出丑.
例句: Boy, I really pulled a boner! I feel so dumb. (哎呀, 我犯了一个大错误! 我觉得好蠢)

08. pull a face, to
定义: 扮鬼脸; 摆出脸色表情; 板着脸; 表情严肃.
例句: Zack is 14 now, but he's still a boy. He pulls a face when he's upset. (柴克今年14岁, 但他还是一个小孩. 每当他生气的时候他就会板着脸)

09. pull a fast one, to; pull a swifty, to
定义: 欺骗, 使诡计, 蒙人; 诈欺, 占便宜; 恶作剧.
例句: They pulled a fast one on me when they sold me the used car. (他们卖给我这部二手车的时候, 他们欺骗了我, 害得我多付了一些钱)

10. pull a gun on someone, to
定义: 拔枪对准人.
例句: A 67-year-old Tennessee woman was arrested after pulling a gun on a black man when he approached her asking for a cigarette lighter. (一名六十七岁女子由于一名黑人走近她并问她借用打火机而拔枪对准黑人为此她被逮捕)

11. pull/wear/draw a long face, to; put on a long face, to
定义: 板着脸, 愁容, 不痛快, 表情严肃.
例句: Jason wore a long face after being denied a promotion. (被老板拒绝了升职要求之后, 杰森一脸不痛快)

12. pull a muscle, to
定义: 拉伤肌肉.
例句: I pulled a muscle in my back and can't play pool today. (我拉伤了背部肌肉, 今天不能打台球了)

13. pull a prank, to
定义: 搞恶作剧.
例句: It turns out that the supposed alien visitors that people had been seeing were just a bunch of teenagers pulling a prank on the town. (原来那些人们所看见的所谓外来星际访客只是一群青少年捉弄镇上居民的一出恶作剧)

14. pull a rabbit out of a hat, to
定义: 施出看似不可能的巧技; 制造魔术般效果.
例句: Unless someone can pull a rabbit out of a hat, we're out of solutions. (除非有人能够成就不可能的奇迹, 我们便束手无策, 无计可施)

15. pull a stunt, to
定义: 耍花样, 耍花招; 做出愚蠢或危险的行为.
例句: Don't you ever pull a stunt on me! (你以后再也不可以跟我耍花样!)

16. pull a trick, to
定义: 耍花样, 耍花招, 捉弄; 施出巧技以吸引人注意.
例句: Mother Nature pulled a trick on us when we were in Nashville in January with some cool weather and rain showers. (我们一月份去纳什维尔的时候, 大自然以清凉和阵雨天气来捉弄我们)

17. pull ahead, to
定义: (比赛中)超越, 超前.
例句: I need to follow behind you to know where we're going, so please don't pull too far ahead of us in traffic. (我必须要紧跟在你后面才能知道我们要往哪走, 所以请你别冲得太前面让我们跟不上)

18. pull an all-nighter, to
定义: 赶夜车, 晚上赶工.
例句: I was a bit of a procrastinator in college, so I tended to pull a lot of all-nighters. (大学时代, 我有点做事拖拖拉拉的, 因此我经常会通宵赶作业)

19. pull apart, to
定义: 拆卸, 拆开; 撕开, 撕裂; 隔离, 分开, 使两人或两物不再纠缠; 造成痛苦与折磨; 将某物拆解成零件以便了解.
例句: You'll have to pull apart the table if you want to fit it inside the van. (你必须要拆卸这张桌子如果你想要把它放进这部货车里面的话)

20. pull at/on someone's heartstrings, to tear at/on someone's heartstrings, to tug at/on someone's heartstrings, to
定义: 拨动某人心弦, 触动感情深处, 感动某人, 激起某人的怜悯心.
例句: Advertisers often use babies and children to tug at your heartstrings. (广告商经常利用婴儿和儿童来激起人们的怜悯心)



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