二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 5

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二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 5

帖子 royl » 周三 6月 16, 2010 8:37 pm

二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 5

Fill-in-the-blanks Instructions: Select the word listed on the bottom which best fills in each blank.
请选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一个空格内(二十道题目, 二十个选择, 每一选择只许使用一次)

01. John: "What a relief that Brian didn't get hurt." Bob: "You said ________."
02. The town was ________ in arms over the state's plan to allow commercial flights at the air base.
03. What is she referring ________?
04. John's publicity ________ nature is not conducive to results.
05. Just let me know in ________ way I've failed to fulfill any of my promises and I'll refund your last payment.
06. What proposed travel rules would ________ to you?
07. Can you think of a Bible story where somebody changes ________ the better?
08. Bob left New York for the Texas coast and points ________ with a party of eight.
09. Whether you are between jobs or just need a break from the daily ________, taking time off to travel can give you a fresh perspective.
10. His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally did him ________ as a presidential candidate.
11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all ________.
12. Far too often, a proper planning phase is ignored in favor ________ just "getting it done".
13. Are you sick or ________?
14. Often a wrong answer counts ________ double while an omitted answer counts off only one.
15. She lowered her head and began weaving a packet of Equal ________ her fingers.
16. Knowledge once gained casts a light ________ its own immediate boundaries.
17. That would give Edgar a ________ for the money and I'd love for them to get a chance for the belt.
18. I have something to get off my ________. Why is that people are making a big deal of that charge call on LeBron at the end of Game 3.
19. That's quite a ________ idea. What happens if you need to reboot the computer though?
20. We will abide ________ the Geneva Conventions. We will uphold our highest ideals.

(about, beyond, by, chest, for, grind, hound, in, it, mean, neat, of, off, run, something, through, to, up, west, what)

帖子: 1769
注册时间: 周一 12月 14, 2009 9:10 pm

Re: 二十道填充题考试, 明天宣布答案 5

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 18, 2010 4:24 am


请网友注意, 你只能选择考卷底部所列出的最适当单字填写在每一空格(而且每个单字只能使用一次). 我花时间专门寻找出美国人经常使用的成语, 片语/词组, 句型来考验网友希望您经过考试来加强记忆. 我所选出的句子再实用不过了(I mean it), 希望网友不可错过这些学习机会, 也就是说每天抽一点时间来逛逛.

01. John: "What a relief that Brian didn't get hurt." Bob: "You said it."
解说: 约翰: "布来恩没受伤真令人欣慰" 鲍勃: "你说得不错" (You said it)

02. The town was up in arms over the state's plan to allow commercial flights at the air base.
解说: 镇民对州政府要让商用航空使用空军基地的计画竭力反对(be up in arms).

03. What is she referring to?
解说: 她指得是谁/什么事情?

04. John's publicity hound nature is not conducive to results.
解说: 约翰抢风头的天性(publicity hound nature)对结果并不有所助益.

05. Just let me know in what way I've failed to fulfill any of my promises and I'll refund your last payment.
解说: 让我知道在哪个方面(in what way)我未能履行我的任何承诺, 我会退还你的最后付款.

06. What proposed travel rules would mean to you?
解说: 被审议中的旅游法规对你意味着什么?

07. Can you think of a Bible story where somebody changes for the better?
解说: 你能不能想到一个有人变得更好(changes for the better)的圣经故事?

08. Bob left New York for the Texas coast and points west with a party of eight.
解说: 鲍勃与八个成员(with a party of eight)离开纽约到德州及以西的地点(and points west).

09. Whether you are between jobs or just need a break from the daily grind, taking time off to travel can give you a fresh perspective.
解说: 不论你是暂时失业(between jobs)或是在平日枯燥苦工(the daily grind)之余想休息一下, 抽出时间旅游可以给你一个新鲜视野(a fresh perspective).

10. His inability to attract Southern voters is what finally did him in as a presidential candidate.
解说: 他的无能为力吸引南方选民终于使他在总统选举中失败(did … in).

11. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
解说: 别拿自己人生与他人的作比较, 你根本不清楚他们所经历的人生是怎么一回事(what ... is all about).

12. Far too often, a proper planning phase is ignored in favor of just "getting it done".
解说: 太经常, 适当的计画阶段被省略掉而以就直接"把他做完"来取而代之(in favor of).

13. Are you sick or something?
解说: 你是病了还是怎样. 请注意, something在此是个代词, 代表另外一个一时无法定义的选项.

14. Often a wrong answer counts off double while an omitted answer counts off only one.
解说: 经常一个错误答案要扣(counts off)两分, 然而(while)一个未答题目只扣一分.

15. She lowered her head and began weaving a packet of Equal through her fingers.
解说: 她低下头, 将一片Equal人工糖粉在她的手指中交织穿梭(weaving … through her fingers).

16. Knowledge once gained casts a light beyond its own immediate boundaries.
解说: 某个知识一旦取得, 其投射的光明超越它本身临近的疆界(beyond its own immediate boundaries). (意指: 触类旁通, 一旦受到某一知识的启发, 你所得到的了解超越这个知识本身)

17. That would give Edgar a run for the money and I'd love for them to get a chance for the belt.
解说: 那将使埃德加竭尽全力比赛(to give … a run for the money), 我真希望他有机会得到冠军.

18. I have something to get off my chest. Why is that people are making a big deal of that charge call on LeBron at the end of Game 3?
解说: 我有件事要一吐为快(to get off my chest). 为什么有些人对第三场比赛尾声时裁判对LeBron发出的撞人决定小题大作(making a big deal of)?

19. That's quite a neat idea. What happens if you need to reboot the computer though?
解说: 这是一个妙主意(a neat idea). 但是(though)假如你必须要重新启动电脑将会如何?

20. We will abide by the Geneva Conventions. We will uphold our highest ideals.
解说: 我们将会遵守日内瓦公约(abide by the Geneva Conventions). 我们会维护(uphold)崇高理想.

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