二十笔实用成语 909

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二十笔实用成语 909

帖子 royl » 周日 8月 09, 2020 11:26 pm

二十笔实用成语 909

01. put/set the cat among the pigeons, to
定义: 弄得鸡犬不宁, 人心惶惶; 制造麻烦, 激怒大家.
例句: We didn't want to put the cat among the pigeons, so we decided not to mention the bomb threat until we knew for certain that it was legitimate. (我们不想弄得大家人心惶惶, 因此我们决定不提这桩炸弹威胁事件直到我们确定这个威胁是真实的才会发出警告)

02. put the children to bed, to
定义: 安顿小朋友上床睡觉.
例句: If there are two parents in a home, both need to be capable of putting the children to bed, not just mom. (如果双亲皆在的话, 父母皆需要具有安顿小朋友上床睡觉的能力, 不能只把责任推给母亲)

03. put the clamps on, to
定义: 严加管制, 强行压制, 禁止.
例句: Fred had to put the clamps on Tony, who was rushing his work too much. (弗莱德不得不严加管制东尼的工作速度, 因为他太急于仓促完工)

04. put/set the clock back, to
定义: 把钟倒拨; 走回历史; 走历史倒车; 复古; 时光倒流.
例句: Sometimes I wish I could turn the clock back to my days as a student. (有时候我真希望时光能够倒流回到我作学生的日子)

05. put the fear of God into someone, to
定义: 将畏惧加诸某人, 吓坏某人.
例句: Nearly getting hit by that car really put the fear of God in me. I'll never drive when I'm so tired ever again! (几乎被那部车子撞上真把我给吓坏了. 我再也不敢身心疲惫的时候驾驶车辆!)

06. put the finger on, to
定义: [俚语]指控; 指认(某人为凶手或嫌犯).
例句: Don't you dare put the finger on me! I had nothing to do with the deal going sour. (你最好别指控我! 这笔没做成的生意跟我没有任何关系)

07. put the finishing touches on, to
定义: 加上最后的细节及调整, 准备完工.
例句: He's been putting the finishing touches on that painting for so long now, I'm starting to think he'll never be satisfied with it. (他一直不停地把最后的细节和调整加在那幅画上做了老半天, 我开始觉得他对这幅画永远都不会满意)

08. put the fire out, to
定义: 灭火.
例句: I ran over with the fire extinguisher and put the fire out. (我拿着灭火器冲过去把火给灭熄掉)

09. put the genie back in the bottle, to
定义: 遏止制造祸患的根源; 出了大乱后解决根本问题. (注: 如果此成与变为否定语气的话则意指无法遏止某个一发不可收拾的问题或类似力挽狂澜的不可能使命)
例句: Many people lament the ubiquity and pervasive nature of social media, but no one will be able to put that genie back in the bottle. (许多人们哀叹着社交媒体无所不在的普及性, 但是没有人能够遏止这个一发不可收拾的趋势)

10. put the hammer down, to
定义: [俚语]猛踩加速器, 高速行驶; 加紧步调.
例句: If we're going from New York to LA in two days, you got to put de hammer down. (如果我们要在两天内从纽约市开到洛杉矶的话, 你一定要加速行驶)

11. put the heat on, to
定义: 施加压力.
例句: We need to put the heat on those guys so that they pay their debt to us. (我们需要对那些家伙施加压力如此他们才会把欠我们的债还给我们)

12. put the kibosh on, to
定义: 破坏, 妨碍, 阻挠.
例句: News of unrest in the area really put the kibosh on our plans to vacation there. (当地的骚乱新闻的确破坏了我们去那儿渡假的计划)

13. put the make/move on someone, to
定义: 勾引某人, 挑逗异性.
例句: Did she put the make on you, Joe? I should have warned you. (她是不是勾引你, 乔伊? 我应该先警告你就好了)

14. put the mockers on, to
定义: 阻止某人成功, 破坏某人的努力, 咒诅别人.
例句: You would think the rise of cheap electric cars would put the mockers on Big Oil's profits, but they actually seem to be embracing the change. (你也许会认为廉价电动车的崛起会破坏大型石油公司的营利, 但他们其实似乎接受了这个情势变化)

15. put the pedal to the metal, to
定义: 猛踩加速器, 高速行驶; 使出全力加速办理.
例句: Put the pedal to the metal, boys. We need to get these packages shipped by the end of the day. (要快马加鞭呀, 孩儿们. 我们需要把这些包裹在今天结束之前寄出去. 注: 请注意shipped是把包裹寄送出去但因为路上需要时间因此它跟运到目的地的arrived意义不一样)

16. put the phone down on someone, to
定义: 在某人讲话中把电话挂掉.
例句: Why did you put the phone down on me when I asked you why you wished me to have a heart attack? (当我问你为什么希望我心脏病发作, 你为什么挂了我的电话?)

17. put/set the record straight, to
定义: 澄清谣传, 以正视听.
例句: Let me set the record straight about what really happened last week. (让我澄清一下上个礼拜所发生事情的真相)

18. put the right spin on it, to
定义: 以巧妙的说法令人信服; 找些理由来做出对自己有利的解释.
例句: Don't say it's lost. Say it's been misplaced. Put the right spin on it! (别说那个东西遗失了. 就说是放错了地方. 拿个巧妙说法令人信服不就得了!)

19. put the screws on/to, to
定义: 向某人施压.
例句: The electricity company is really putting the screws on me. We've got a week to pay before our supply is cut off! (这家电力公司确实给我施加了不少压力. 在切断供电之前我们还有一个星期付清电费)

20. put the skids on, to
定义: 造成停止下来; 造成失败.
例句: His criminal record has so far put the skids on every job he's applied for. (他的犯罪前科到目前为止造成他每一个求职申请都以失败告终)



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