二十笔实用成语 914

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二十笔实用成语 914

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 02, 2020 3:12 am

二十笔实用成语 914

01. quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
定义: 几乎同时, 一瞬间.
例句: Once I'm finished with high school, I'll be out of this two-bit town quicker than you can say Jack Robinson! (一旦我高中毕业, 我马上就离开这个没什么盼头的小镇!)

02. quid pro quo
定义: 互惠; 互相利用; 利益交换; 条件交换.
例句: Behind the scenes, the tacitly understood tradeoffs amount to quid pro quos. (在幕后, 这个双方都谅解但不言明的妥协便意味着双方的利益交换)

03. quids in, be
定义: [英国]获暴利.
例句: In areas where high college student numbers keep rents high, parents will be quids in by subsidizing their child through higher education if they buy a house to let out to others. (这个大学生充斥的地区, 父母亲可以赚取暴利来补贴他们儿女的大学教育费用如果他们买下一栋房子并且租给其他大学生的话)

04. quiet as a mouse, be (as)
定义: 不出声音的, 轻手轻脚的.
例句: We remained as quiet as mice to avoid being detected by the guards. (我们保持安静以避免被警卫员们发现)

05. quiet before the storm, the
定义: 暴风雨前的宁静.
例句: It feels like the quiet before the storm. Life is filled with uncertainty, especially at times like this. (它感觉就像似暴风雨前的宁静. 人生充满了不确定, 尤其在这样的时候)

06. quirk of fate/nature
定义: 命运的作弄; 命运的巧妙安排; 某个巧妙机缘.
例句: By a quirk of fate we had booked into the same hotel. (由于某个巧妙机缘, 我们居然住进同一间酒店)

07. quit a job, to
定义: 辞职.
例句: My daughter just quit the job that made her feel frustrated nearly every day for two years. I couldn't be prouder of her. (我女儿刚刚辞去一份长达两年令她几乎每天都受到挫折感的工作. 我极为以她为傲)

08. quit it, to
定义: [命令语]别再烦扰别人; 停止骚扰别人.
例句: The little boy was kicking the back of her seat until she finally told him to quit it. (这个小孩一直踢她的椅背直到她终于叫他停止踢她椅背他才停下来)

09. quit joking around, to
定义: [命令语]别再嬉闹; 别再开玩笑.
例句: This is a serious business, and you need to quit joking around and get serious. (这是件严肃的事情, 你别在嬉闹了, 该要认真面对它了)

10. quit smoking, to
定义: 戒烟.
例句: Many people who smoke become addicted to nicotine, a drug that is found naturally in tobacco. This chemical substance makes it hard to quit smoking. (许多抽烟的人对尼古丁上瘾, 它是一种天然存在烟草中的药物. 这种化学物质才是使人戒烟困难的原因)

11. Quit talking about me!
定义: [命令语]别再谈论我!
例句: Hey I heard that. Quit talking about me! (嘿, 我听到你在说什么. 不准再谈论我!)

12. quit this place, to
定义: 离开这地方.
例句: If you think you can just quit this town and walk away from your debts, you've got another think coming. (如果你认为你可以离开这个城市, 摆脱你欠得债务的话, 你就大错特错)

13. quit while you're ahead, to
定义: 见好就收, 趁你还赢或你的情况还不错的时候停下来. (注: 意指别再硬闯下去因为情势可能会转变为不妙)
例句: As soon as I made a bit of a profit playing poker, I decided to quit while I was ahead – no sense ending the night worse off than I began. (一旦我玩扑克牌赢了一些钱, 我决定见好就收– 到晚上结束的时候手上的钱比开始的钱还少那就没意思了)

14. quit whining and get moving, to
定义: 别再发牢骚, 赶快动手吧.
例句: Andy, quit whining and get moving. We have important things to do here. (安迪别再发牢骚, 赶快工作吧. 我们还有重要的事情要做)

15. quite a bit
定义: 相当的数量.
例句: Do you need help parking? You seem to have quite a bit of trouble getting into that space. (你需要帮忙停车吗? 你似乎碰到了不少困难停进这个车位)

16. quite a challenge
定义: 相当棘手的挑战.
例句: The fact that these mosquitoes breed in such small and hard to find containers poses quite a challenge for controlling them. (这些蚊子在这样狭小和难找到的容器里孳生的事实给防治它们带来了相当棘手的挑战)

17. quite a coup/feat
定义: 不简单, 真不赖, 难能可贵, 令人佩服的成就或技艺.
例句: It was quite a coup to keep the plane from stalling and quickly find a suitable place to land. (又要防止飞机引擎停机又要迅速找一处适当的地点降落可不简单, 真是难能可贵)

18. quite a few
定义: 很多, 真不少.
例句: It's no biggie. Quite a few people can do it. (这没什了不起. 许多人都可以做到)

19. quite a lot
定义: 很多, 真不少.
例句: The weather report said we should expect quite a lot of rain this weekend. (这份天气预报说这个周末我们应该会碰到大量降雨)

20. quite a performance
定义: 精彩的表演. (注: 这条片语本来是称赞语, 有时也用来讥讽某人虚情假意, 表演得跟真的一样)
例句: That tearful apology was quite a performance. I almost believed you really were sorry. (那个泪流满面的道歉真是个精彩表演. 我还真以为你忏悔了)



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