二十笔实用成语 915

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二十笔实用成语 915

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 06, 2020 9:23 am

二十笔实用成语 915

01. quite a scene
定义: 真是一个(激烈, 壮观, 尴尬或悲哀的)场面.
例句: The spoiled child made quite a scene in the store when his mother refused to buy him the toy he wanted. (当他母亲拒绝帮他买他想要的玩具, 这个被宠坏的小孩便大哭大闹弄得场面令人异常尴尬)

02. quite something
定义: 不简单, 难能可贵, 大事.
例句: It was quite something for a small-town boy to be interviewed for the national news! (一个小镇小男孩接受全国性的新闻采访可以说是一件大事啊!)

03. quite the opposite
定义: 正好相反.
例句: "Was he angry?" "No, quite the opposite – he invited me to have dinner with him." ("他生气了吗?" "没有, 正好相反– 他还邀请我跟他一起吃晚餐." )

04. quote, unquote
定义: 引述某人话语作为代表引号所使用的词组.
例句: So I said to her, quote, unquote, it's time we had a talk. (因此我跟她说, "我们该好好地谈谈了.")

05. R and R
定义: 休憩与娱乐, 休养与康复. (注: R and R是rest and relaxation或rest and recuperation的缩写)
例句: Yeah, I could use a little R & R myself. And a stiff drink too. (是的, 我自己也需要一点休憩与娱乐. 还有一杯烈酒. 注: 在美国one drink, 一杯酒是有讲究的, 一杯烈酒的份量是1.5液体盎司; 一杯葡萄酒是四至五液体盎司; 一杯啤酒是十二液体盎司)
one drink一杯标准酒类份量图

06. rabbit died, the
定义: 怀孕. (注: 古老传说, 将女子尿注入母兔子如它死亡则女子是怀孕, 否则此女子没有怀孕)
例句: I saw Linda shopping for maternity clothes in the mall the other day. I guess the rabbit died! (前几天我看见琳达在购物中心购买孕妇服装. 我猜想她怀孕了!)

07. rabbit food, the
定义: 生蔬菜, 沙拉.
例句: I don't know how you can eat a whole plate of rabbit food like that. I would need some meat and potatoes on my plate, at least! (我真不知道你是怎么能够就这样吃下一整盘的生蔬菜. 最起码, 我可是需要一些肉和马铃薯在我的盘子里! 注: 请参照meat and potatoes条目, 因为在美国它还有更深层意义)

08. race against the clock, a
定义: 分秒必争, 尽快地完成工作, 在截止时间前完成.
例句: After repairing a flat tire, it was a race against the clock to make it to the airport in time. (修好了一个爆胎之后, 我分秒必争地在路上冲刺赶路才及时到达了飞机场)

09. race against time, to
定义: 分秒必争, 尽快地完成工作, 在截止时间前完成.
例句: You don't need to race against time. Take all the time you want. (你不须急着完成工作. 你想要花多少时间做完都可以)

10. racial discrimination, the
定义: 种族岐视.
例句: Racial discrimination in the workplace can rear its ugly head in a variety of forms, some of which can be overt or obvious. (工作场合中的种族岐视能够以多种形式出现, 有些形式是公然的或显而易见的)

11. racial epithet/slur, a
定义: 种族歧视或种族羞辱性的用语.
例句: "Ching Chong" is an offensive racial slur that has raised considerable controversy, for example when used by comedian Rosie O'Donnell. ("清呛"是一个种族羞辱性用语, 它曾引起了相当大的争议, 譬如它曾被喜剧演员萝西•欧唐纳所使用)

12. racist hate speech, a
定义: 种族仇恨言论.
例句: Since social networks have become an instrument to spread xenophobia, hate, and abuse against minorities, the need to combat racist hate speech online is increasing. (由于社交网路已经成为一个散播仇外情绪和仇恨, 以及糟蹋少数民族的工具, 网上打击种族仇恨言论的需求日益增加)

13. rack one's brains, to
定义: 绞尽脑汁.
例句: I've been racking my brain, but I still can't remember what Lydia's husband's name is. (我一直在绞尽脑汁回想, 但我还是想不出莉迪亚先生的名字是什么)

14. rack out, to
定义: [俚语]睡觉.
例句: I just need to rack out for a few hours, and I'll feel as good as new! (我只需小憩几个钟头, 我便会感觉有如新生一般!)

15. rack up, to
定义: 累积, 获得; 把台球摆成三角形或排好; 撞坏或损坏; 喝酒.
例句: You have to rack customer reward points up for years before you can actually use them for something worthwhile. (你必须累积酬谢客户积分好多年才能够真正地利用它们去兑换有价值的东西)

16. rack your brains vs. wrack your brains
定义: [易混淆字或片语]rack your brains绞尽脑汁是正确的成语, wrack your brains是摧毁自己脑袋, 所以不是正确的成语.

17. rad, be
定义: [青少年俚语]很棒, 很酷, 很好. (注: rad是radical的缩写)
例句: The party last night was totally rad! (昨晚的派对真是棒极了!)

18. ragtag and bobtail, the
定义: 平民百姓; 社会底层的人.
例句: You must be joking – a person of my social status can't eat with the ragtag and bobtail at a fast food place! (你开什么玩笑– 像我这种身份的人不可能跟社会底层的人在快餐店一起用餐!)

19. ragtop, a
定义: [俚语]敞篷汽车. (注: 尤其是指帆布料做的敞篷)
例句: There's nothing like a ragtop with the top down for cruising around town on a warm evening. (没有一件事比在温暖的夜晚把敞篷放下来在城内兜风那么舒畅惬意)

20. rail against/at/about, to
定义: 抗议; 痛骂; 严厉批评; 语言攻击.
例句: My girlfriend is always railing against me for my car being loud and she says I have an obsession problem. (我女朋友总是抗议我的车子噪音太吵人, 她说我心理上患有强迫症)



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