二十笔实用成语 929

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二十笔实用成语 929

帖子 royl » 周四 11月 19, 2020 9:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 929

01. Revenge is a dish best eaten/served cold.
定义: [谚语]君子报仇, 十年不晚; 复仇时要冷酷无情.
例句: I don't mind waiting to get revenge on Tim; I'll wait ten years if I have to. Revenge is a dish best served cold! (我不在乎等一段时间再来报复提姆; 如果有必要的话我会等个十年. 君子报仇, 十年不晚!)

02. revenge is sweet
定义: 报复是很痛快, 尤其证明你是对的.
例句: "Remember Tom left me for another woman? Well, she just left him, and he asked me out on a date. I told him I had better things to do." "Revenge is sweet, huh?" ("你还记得汤姆扔下我跟别的女人跑了的事吗? 这下可好了, 她才跟他分手, 他就约我出去. 我告诉他我才没闲功夫跟他出去." "报复得很痛快, 嗯?")

03. revenge yourself on, to
定义: 报复; 复仇.
例句: There is no need for you to revenge yourself on Walter. It was purely an accident. (你实在没必要​​向华尔特报复. 那件事纯属意外. 注: 意指华尔特并不是有意要伤害你的)

04. revolve around, to
定义: 围绕一个中心.
例句: Do you think that the whole world revolves around you? (你以为全世界都围绕着你为中心吗?)
哎呀! 我忘了. 全世界都以你为中心! 我怎么这么笨!

05. rewrite the record books, to
定义: 重写新记录, 刷新纪录.
例句: The team has been on a winning streak this season, and it has a chance to rewrite the record books by not only making the playoffs, but winning the whole championship. (本队在这一球季取得了一连串胜利, 它不但有机会打进决赛还有可能赢得总冠军并且刷新历史纪录)

06. rhetorical question, a
定义: 修辞性问句. (注: 意指为了达到修辞性的效果所做的疑问, 既非真的疑问也不期望别人回答)
例句: You don't have to answer this, Alan, as it's only a rhetorical question. (艾伦你不必回答这个问题, 因为它只是一个修辞性问句)

07. rhyme with, to
定义: 与...押韵; 谐音; 发音一样; 字尾发音相同.
例句: Many Chinese consider the number eight to be lucky because it rhymes with the Chinese word for getting rich. (许多中国人认为数字八是幸运号码因为它跟中国字发财的发谐音. 注: 编者不知道其他的方言, 但广东话的八和发这两字发音相似)

08. rich as Croesus, be (as)
定义: 富可敌国的, 极为富裕.
例句: I hear her father is rich as Croesus, so I wouldn't be too worried about her future. (我听说她父亲富甲一方, 所以我不太担心她的未来)

09. rich in ..., be
定义: 带有丰富的...; 含有大量的...
例句: Baby spinach is rich in vitamin K and magnesium, two very important nutrients for bone health. (菠菜苗含有大量的维生素K和矿物质镁, 两样对骨骼健康很重要的养分)

10. rich man's family, a
定义: 拥有一儿一女的(典型富裕)家庭.
例句: It was shortly after our daughter, Lisa Marie, was born that someone congratulated me and said, "Now, you have a rich man's family." (我女儿丽莎玛莉出生之后没多久有人向我恭贺说, "现在, 你拥有了一儿一女的家庭")

11. rid of, be
定义: 摆脱, 除去, 拔除, 抛弃.
例句: I was glad to be rid of the car – changing the oil filter was a nightmare! (我很高兴除去了这部车 – 换它的机油简直是个恶梦!)

12. rid someone or something of someone or something, to
定义: 造成...摆脱, 除去, 拔除, 抛弃某人, 事或物.
例句: He came to me in despair and begged me to rid him of the nasty habit of drinking by hypnosis. (他沮丧地来找我, 恳求我使用催眠术来帮他摆脱酗酒的恶习)

13. riddle with, to
定义: 充满, 布满; 打得到处都是穿孔.
例句: Attackers riddled the detective's house with bullets as a warning to stop his investigation. (行凶者将警探家打得到处都是弹孔以作为要胁他停止调查的警告)

14. ride hell-for-leather, to
定义: 极速驾驶, 疯狂驾驶.
例句: He rode hell-for-leather to catch up with his wife's car. (他一路疯狂驾驶为得就是要追上他妻子的车子)

15. ride herd on, to
定义: 负责看管团体及其行动, 严加管理.
例句: He has been riding herd on his employees so that he can get the job done in time. (为了他能够及时将工作完成, 他一直严加敦促着他员工的工作)

16. ride high, to
定义: 意气风发, 诸事顺利成功.
例句: She's been riding high ever since she got that promotion. (自从她被升职之后, 她一直诸事顺利, 意气风发)

17. ride off into the sunset, to
定义: 功成身退; 得到完美的结局.
例句: I'm tired of comedies that see everyone just ride into the sunset at the end. (我厌倦了那些到剧终看到每个人都得到完美结局的喜剧)

18. ride on, to
定义: 骑着或坐汽车或火车; 凭借着某个助力; 依据某事而定; 继续不间断地往前行.
例句: Whether or not I go to college rides on my getting a scholarship. (我是否能上大学乃是要看我能不能够得到一份奖学金)

19. ride on the back of, to
定义: 利用现有的优势去成就某事.
例句: They have carried on their new business operations by riding on the back of established firms. (他们一直借着现有的营运稳定企业的优势来继续开展他们新的商业运作)

20. ride on the wave, to
定义: 享受着意气风发或名声大噪的光荣一刻或一段黄金时期.
例句: Johnny has been riding the wave of his sister's celebrity ever since Tiffany was cast in that blockbuster film series. (自从蒂芬尼被选为那一系列巨型电影的演员之后, 强尼一直在享受着他姊姊的红星身份所带来的优惠待遇)



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