二十笔实用成语 931

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二十笔实用成语 931

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 30, 2020 10:07 pm

二十笔实用成语 931

01. right away
定义: 马上, 立刻.
例句: I forgot to bring the book today but I will go home and get it right away. (我忘了带那本书了但是我会马上回家把它拿过来)

02. right back, be
定义: 马上就回来.
例句: I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back. (我非得要上厕所了. 我马上就回来)

03. right before my eyes
定义: 就在我眼前, 我看得清清楚楚.
例句: There, right before my eyes, was the Eiffel Tower! I had finally arrived in Paris. (你看, 就在我眼前, 便是埃菲尔铁塔! 我终于到达了巴黎)

04. right enough
定义: 肯定地; 毫无疑问地; 完全正确地.
例句: "She deserves to be compensated for all that work she's done." "Right enough!" ("她所做的所有工作都应该得到补偿." "那是肯定地!")

05. right now
定义: 马上; 现在.
例句: I can't talk to you right now, I am in a meeting. (现在不能跟你说话, 我正在开会)

06. right off
定义: 马上, 立刻, 没多久.
例句: Right off, you could tell he disliked this lady. (没多久, 你就能够看出他不喜欢这位女士. 注: 这里的lady大部分情况都是对女性礼貌性的尊称但也可以作为疾言厉色的称呼: Hey lady, you have the wrong number – 喂女士, 你打错电话啦)

07. right off the bat
定义: 马上, 立刻, 没多久.
例句: I learned right off the bat that you can't rely on anyone else in this business. (没多久我便明白了在这个行业你不能依赖别人)

08. right on time
定义: 正好准时的.
例句: "Sorry everyone, I'm late." "Nope, you're right on time." ("对不起大家, 我迟到了. " "没迟到, 你正好准时.")

09. right on
定义: [俚语及惊叹语]太棒了; 完全正确. (注: 意指表达鼓励, 支持, 热心的同意)
例句: "I got the job!" "Hey, right on, man! That's great news." ("我拿到了这个工作了!" "嘿, 太棒了, 伙计! 真是个好消息.")

10. right out
定义: [副词]直爽坦诚地, 直言不讳地.
例句: When Janet told us she wanted to study medicine, Dad said straight out that he couldn't afford medical school. (当珍奈特告诉我们她想要学医的时候, 父亲直言不讳地说他没钱供她上医学院)

11. right out, be
定义: [形容词]马上出来.
例句: Wait here, I'll be right out in a second. (在这儿等等, 我马上就出来)

12. right royal
定义: [英国]很好, 令人愉悦好玩, 绝对的, 完全的, 十足的.
例句: I can't wait for Friday; we're going to have a right royal night out on the town. (我真等不及星期五了; 我们准备要在这个城里渡过一个痛快美好的夜晚. 注:这里的town并不一定是指乡镇, 它也可以指大城市, 例如美国第三大城市芝加哥的昵称是Chi-Town, 第四大城市休士顿的昵称是H-town)

13. right side of the tracks, the
定义: 城市中较富裕的区域.
例句: His mother only wanted him dating girls from the right side of the tracks. (他母亲只想要他跟那些出身于富裕家庭的女孩交往)

14. right side up
定义: 正面朝上; 态度或姿势正确.
例句: Keep this box right side up, or the contents will be crushed. (把这个盒子正面朝上地摆着否则里面的东西会被压坏)

15. right stuff, the
定义: 成功必要素质. (注: 意指在某领域成功必要的基本的品质例如自信, 可靠性及知识)
例句: Harry is persuasive. He has the right stuff to become a salesman. (哈利真会说话. 他具备了成为销售员的成功必要素质)

16. right this minute/second
定义: 就在这个时刻, 就是现在.
例句: It doesn't have to be done right this minute, but it does need to be finished this week. (这事不必现在就要做好, 但它必须在这个星期内完成)

17. right up someone's arse
定义: [不雅语]紧钉其后, 紧追不舍. (注: 这里的arse就是屁股之意, 与ass或buttock是同义字)
例句: Why is this guy right up my arse when I'm already going over the speed limit? (我都已经超速驾驶, 为什么这家伙还一直紧钉着我不放?)

18. right you are!
定义: 说得对! 说得好! 好的!
例句: "Two teas, please." "Right you are!" ("请你给我两杯茶." "好的! ")

19. right-hand man/woman, one's
定义: 左右手, 得力助手.
例句: I'm her right-hand man. There's not one place I don't go with her. (我是她的左右手. 不管她去哪儿我都跟着她)

20. Righto!
定义: [惊叹语]对啊! 好啊! (注: 意指欣然同意或了解)
例句: "Come pick up your paycheck." "Righto! I'll be there in half an hour." ("快来拿你的薪水支票." "好啊! 我半个钟头就到.")



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