二十笔实用成语 937

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二十笔实用成语 937

帖子 royl » 周五 12月 25, 2020 6:28 pm

二十笔实用成语 937

01. rough edge of one's tongue, the
定义: 痛斥, 怒责.
例句: I know you feel they deserve the rough edge of your tongue at times, but you need to show some restraint or you're going to lose their respect. (我知道你有时候觉得他们应该要好好地痛斥一顿,但是你也需要表现出一些克制否则你将会失去他们的尊重)

02. rough guess, a
定义: 粗略估计.
例句: I made a rough guess as to how many people would come to the party. (我作了一个粗略估计有关会有多少人来这个聚会)

03. rough in, to
定义: 初步安装, 初步准备, 粗略形成.
例句: Just rough in an introduction for now and come back to it once you know exactly where your argument is going to go. (你现在只要准备一个初步引言, 一旦你确切地知道你的论点将往哪个方向发展, 你可以再回来填补主要内容)

04. rough it, to
定义: 简陋地生活.
例句: I love going camping – roughing it for a few days is exhilarating, and it makes you appreciate your things all the more when you get back. (我喜爱在野外露营– 过上几天简陋生活令人欢欣振奋, 当你回家之后它也更让你感激那些给你带来生活方便的家电用品)

05. rough on, be
定义: 严厉的, 会造成伤害的, 困难的, 粗暴的.
例句: You don't need to be so rough on the kids when they misbehave. (当这些小孩儿调皮捣蛋的时候, 你没必要对他们那么严厉)

06. rough out, to
定义: 准备计划, 初步安装, 粗略形成.
例句: They said they wanted to hear what I had in mind for the direction of the company, so I roughed out a few ideas ahead of the board meeting. (他们说想要听听我对这家公司未来的走向有什么看法, 因此我在开董事会之前准备了一些初步想法)

07. rough patch, a
定义: 困难时期, 难关.
例句: Almost every new business experiences a rough patch at some point or another. (几乎每一家公司在某种程度上都经历了一段困难时期)

08. rough ride, a
定义: 颠簸不顺遂的旅程或时期; 困难时期, 难关.
例句: If you think going to graduate school while working a full-time job is easy, you're in for a rough ride! (如你认为一面读研究所同时也拥有一份全职工作是轻松愉快的, 你肯定会经历一段不顺遂的困难时期!)

09. rough stuff, a
定义: 残酷地暴力攻击, 虐待, 折磨; (在比赛中)无端的暴力或犯规; 凶言恶语.
例句: I don't mind you kids being boisterous when you play together, but no more rough stuff, OK? (我不在乎你们这群小朋友在一起玩的时候吵闹喧哗, 但是我不允许你们发出凶言恶语, 好吗?)

10. rough time, a
定义: 困难时期, 难关; 不顺利; 时运不济.
例句: John went through a rough time after losing both his job and his wife during the same year. (在一年内他失去工作和他的妻子之后, 约翰渡过了一段困难时期)

11. rough up, to
定义: 动粗, 动手打, 虐待, 进行恫吓.
例句: The mob boss sent around a couple of goons to rough up Thomas for not paying them protection money. (这个黑帮头子派了两个喽啰对汤马斯动粗和进行恫吓因为汤马斯拒绝交付他们保护费)

12. Roughly about 15 dollars.

13. round about
定义: 周边, 迂回, 围绕, 大约.
例句: "How long will it take to get there?" "Round about 3 hours, I expect." ("到那儿需要多久时间?" "大约三个钟头, 我估计.")

14. round and round
定义: 绕圈子地, 没完没了地.
例句: You've gone round and round with the same argument and we still have no solution. (你已经绕圈子重复同一个论点许多遍了, 然而我们还是没找到解决办法)

15. round down, to
定义: 四舍五入, 凑整数.
例句: You can round this figure down if you want. It won't affect the total all that much. (如果你愿意的话, 你可以把这个数量凑成整数. 它对总数的影响不大)

16. round off, to
定义: 做成圆形, 使其圆融; 完美洗练地完工, 圆满结束; 四舍五入, 凑整数.
例句: After a highly enjoyable day sightseeing, we decided to round things off with a pub meal before going home. (经过极为愉快的一天观光旅游之后, 我们决定在回家之前去酒吧吃一顿饭给今天画一个完美句点)

17. round on, to
定义: 敌对, 攻击.
例句: The guilty will defend by rounding on the accuser, and for that reason I expect to be chastised for the audacity to doubt their story. (这些有罪者将会以攻击他们的控诉者作为防卫, 为了这个原因, 我估计我会被他们斥责为居然胆敢怀疑他们的说法)

18. round out, to
定义: 完美洗练地完工, 圆满结束; 增多, 增全; 四舍五入, 凑整数; 做成圆形, 使其圆融.
例句: Let's round out the evening with a sunset walk on the beach. (让我们在夕阳西下的美景之下去海滩散步来圆满结束这个傍晚. 注: 许多人想知道英语的evening这个傍晚时段到底从哪个时候到哪个时候, 笔者利用了Google搜寻引擎所得的答案是, 下午五点到八点或者在夕阳西下那段时间)

19. round the bend, be
定义: 就在附近; 疯狂的, 精神失常的; 酩酊大醉或吸毒而精神失常.
例句: Do you remember last night at all? You were really round the bend! (你还记得昨晚吗? 你那时正是喝得酩酊大醉, 不省人事)

20. round the twist
定义: 发疯, 恼怒.
例句: Her constant complaining is driving me round the twist. (她那个没完没了的抱怨快要把我逼疯了)



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