二十笔实用成语 944

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二十笔实用成语 944

帖子 royl » 周四 2月 25, 2021 4:22 am

二十笔实用成语 944

01. run riot/wild, to
定义: 横行霸道, 失去控制, 到处流窜.
例句: They allow their children to run riot. It's not surprising that their house is always in such a mess. (他们居然放任他们的小孩到处乱闯. 难怪他们家永远都是乱糟糟的)

02. run roughshod over, to
定义: 横行霸道, 粗暴待人, 不顾虑其他人的感觉或利益.
例句: The foreman is mean. Be careful, he'll tr​​y to run roughshod over you. (这个工头凶霸霸的. 你要小心, 他会试图粗暴对待你)

03. run scared, to
定义: 变为提心吊胆, 战战兢兢.
例句: I was running scared then and the stress was unbearable. (我那时候胆战心惊, 心里压力快让我崩溃)

04. run short (of something), to
定义: 用尽某物; 提早结束.
例句: I always keep enough drinking water so I will never run short. (我总是储存着足够的饮用水, 所以我永远都不缺水)

05. run smack into, to
定义: 猛烈直接撞上; 撞见.
例句: The bank robber ran smack into a policemen as he was fleeing the bank. (当他逃离银行的时候, 这名抢匪撞见了一名警察)

06. run a check/test/experiment, to
定义: 做检查, 做(病理)测验, 或做实验.
例句: My doctor has decided to run some tests on the me first. (我的医生决定先给我做一些病理试验)

07. run someone in, to
定义: 逮捕某人(通常是因轻微触法).
例句: The police ran the three boys in for questioning about the robbery. (这名警察逮捕了这三个男孩带回警局来讯问他们有关这件抢劫的案情)

08. run someone off the road, to
定义: 将某人或某人和他的车子逼出道路. (注: 大部分是出自公路暴怒的行为)
例句: Some kid in a new muscle car tried to run me off the road tonight on I45. (在45号州际高速公路上, 有个开着崭新跑车的年轻人试图要把我逼出道路)
这部车被别人逼出道路, 跌进了路边沟渠

09. run someone off their feet, to
定义: 令某人疲于奔命, 精疲力尽; 敦促施压于某人.
例句: With the recent reductions in staff, my boss has been running me off my feet! (由于近来的裁员, 我的老板交给我大量工作整得我精疲力尽!)

10. run someone out (of town), to
定义: 把某人赶走; 把某人赶出某地方.
例句: They keep trying to run Dennis out of town, even though he's gotten his team to the playoffs in seven of his eight seasons. (他们一直想要把丹尼斯赶走, 虽然他已经在过去的八个球季里把他的球队送进了七个球季的决赛)

11. run to earth/ground, to
定义: (费力找了很久才终于)追查到, 找到, 搜寻到.
例句: Lisa finally ran her long-lost cousin to earth in New York City. (丽莎终于在纽约市找到了她多年来失联的表妹)

12. run that by me again.
定义: 跟我再说一遍.
例句: You were talking too quickly for me to understand you. Could you possibly run that by me again? (你说话速度太快我没法听得懂你. 能不能请你再跟我说一遍? 注: 第二句话中的possibly只是用来表达礼貌性的请求, 没有其他的意义)

13. run the gamut, to
定义: 涵盖整个范围; 包涵各式各样.
例句: We ran the whole gamut of colors but she didn't like any of them. (我们逐一地展示了所有的颜色给她看但她都不喜欢它们中的任何一项)

14. run the gauntlet, to
定义: 遭到危险, 批评, 劫难或威胁.
例句: I had to run the gauntlet of many interviews before I got the job. (我不得不历经了许多的面试劫难才取得了这份工作)

15. run the risk of doing something, to
定义: 冒着险去做某事.
例句: We'd better give them what they want. I don't want to run the risk of losing their business. (我们最好还是给他们所要求的货品. 我可不想冒着失去他们生意的风险)

16. run the show, to
定义: 主导, 掌控全局.
例句: Talk to Lisa if you want to change anything. She's running the show now. (你必须跟丽莎去说如果你想要作任何改变的话. 现在是由她在主掌全局)

17. run through one's mind, to
定义: 掠过脑际; 有某个念头; 想到, 思考.
例句: It did run through my mind, but I thought better of it. (我确实有过这个想法, 但我 还是决定不做这件事)

18. run through, to
定义: 贯穿, 刺穿; 出现于全身; 某人的特质; 进行迅速; 全面复查或演练; 全面阐述或指导或讲解一遍; 流过; 弥漫, 遍布; 很快用完; 全面地练习, 复习,排练; 经过...处理.
例句: Can you run me through the plan one more time? (你能不能再跟我全面地讲解一遍这套计划?)

19. run to form, to
定义: 跟往常一样, 老是这样子(一点不让人惊奇), 就是这个样子的.
例句: She ran to form, arriving an hour late. (她还是那个老样子, 迟到一个钟头)

20. run to seed, to
定义: 花谢结子; 风华不再; 衰老; 失去生气; 低效率; 萎靡; 老旧或破旧.
例句: I went back to visit my old elementary school, and sadly, it has really run to seed. (我回到我过去上的小学, 让人遗憾的是, 它已经老旧不堪)



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