二十笔实用成语 947

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二十笔实用成语 947

帖子 royl » 周二 3月 09, 2021 1:27 am

二十笔实用成语 947

01. safe/secure in the knowledge
定义: 感到安心; 心中有谱. (注: 意指你感到安心, 因为你已知某件事一定会被照顾好)
例句: We went on vacation, safe in the knowledge that our house would be well cared for while we were away. (我们度假去了, 感到安心的是在我们这次远行的期间, 我们的房子将会受到悉心的照顾)

02. safety-deposit box vs. safe-deposit box
[易混淆字或片语]这两个名词片语都是贵重物品保险箱; 许多人使用safety-deposit box, 实际它的正确名称是safe-deposit box.

03. sail close/near to the wind, to
定义: 航行接近顺风方向; 生活节俭; 游走法律边缘; 接近允许极限.
例句: The company was sailing close to the wind, but it's not clear if they were breaking the law or not. (这家公司在法律边缘游走, 但不清楚他们是否做出了违法的事)

04. sail into, to
定义: (船舶)驶入; 从容地进入; (船舶)撞上; 猛烈地攻击或批评.
例句: The teacher, at her wits' end, sailed into the student when he made the rude noise. (这位老师在她被整得无计可施的时刻, 痛斥这个发出粗鲁噪音的学生)

05. sail through, to
定义: 迅速用光; 顺利做完; 顺利通过; 驾驶或乘坐船只通过.
例句: My proposal sailed through the committee with no debate. (我的计划书顺利地通过了该委员会毫无异议的审核)

06. sail under false colors, to
定义: 诈欺; 冒充, 伪装, 假冒伪善. (注: 意指海盗船在抢劫之前伪装成普通船只使受害船只无法逃避或事先准备)
例句: I don't want to be accused of flying under false colors, so let me say straight away that I'm being paid to give a review of this product today. (我不想被人指控为诈欺者, 因此让我实话实说吧, 我今天是收了别人的钱来做这项产品的评审)

07. salad days
定义: 年轻, 少不更事的时代.
例句: Whenever I ask my grandfather the meaning of a word I hear on TV, he always laughs and says he'll tell me when I'm no longer in my salad days. (每当我询问我爷爷一个我在电视上听到的生字是什么意思的时候, 他总是笑一笑说他会等我长大一点再告诉我这个字的意义)

08. salaried employees
定义: 领固定薪水的员工. (注: 每次发的薪水是基于年薪的数目除以每年发给的数次. 大部分美国公司每两周发一次薪水, 再来是一个月发两次,再来是一个月发一次. 其他的频率较少)
例句: I'm a salaried employee who puts in many overtime hours but they're treated as exempt. Can my employer deduct wages from my salary if I work fewer than 40 hours a week? (我是个固定薪水职员, 我投入了许多超时小时数但它们都被当成不须付钱的工时. 我雇主可不可以扣除我薪水假如我一周做不到40个小时?)

09. sales pitch/spiel, a
定义: 推销辞令, 推销宣传.
例句: It's not clear if voters liked the governor's sales pitch enough to reelect her. (选民是否喜欢这位州长的宣传辞令达到一个满意程度以致选她连任我们还不清楚)

10. salsa sauce vs. salsa
[易混淆字或片语]salsa已经是西班牙语的沾酱, 调味酱(sauce)之意, 所以不必再多余地将sauce加在salsa其后.

11. salt away, to
定义: 储存以后再用, 保存; 储藏某物或金钱以后再用.
例句: You'd be wise to salt some of your paycheck away each month. (你最好明智地每个月把你薪资的一部分钱储蓄起来)

12. salt of the earth, the
定义: 社会中坚; 优秀公民.
例句: Mrs. Jones is the salt of the earth. She is the first to help anyone in trouble. (琼斯太太是一位社会中坚女士. 她总是先去帮助任何遇上困难的人)

13. salty dog, a
定义: 老水手; 经验老到的水手.
例句: The bar was packed with old salty dogs who'd traveled all across the world, sharing stories of their adventures. (这间酒吧挤满了那些跑遍全世界的老水手, 在互相交流他们所经历的冒险事迹)

14. salvage the relationship, to
定义: 挽回已破碎或破裂的关系或感情.
例句: Should I try to salvage our relationship or cut him off since he doesn't seem to realize how much he hurts me? (我是应该挽回我们已破碎的关系还是跟他恩断义绝既然他还似乎不明白他伤害我有多深?)

15. same difference
定义: 没差别; 同一样的人, 事或物.
例句: "I told you to wear a white shirt, not a cream-colored one." "White, cream – same difference." ("我告诉你穿一件白衬衫, 不是一件奶油色衬衫." "白色, 奶油色 – 都没差别.")

16. same here
定义: 同意, 同感; 我也是.
例句: "Money's going to be tight this month." "Same here. I think I'll just have enough to pay my bills." ("这个月钱将会紧一些." "我也是. 我想我会只有足够的钱付我账单.")

17. same old story, the
定义: 老话, 老问题.
例句: Whenever I bring up the idea of​​ renovating the house to her, it's always the same old story about not having enough money. (每当我跟她提出重新装修房子想法的时候, 她总是提出没有足够资金作为搪塞我的老借口)

18. same old thing, the
定义: 老套; 还是那个(枯燥无味)老样子.
例句: We always sit around and do the same old thing on Fridays. Let's go out this week. (每个星期五我们总是无所事事地打发时间, 还是那个老样子. 我们这个星期出去逛逛好了)

19. same old, same old.
定义: 还是那个老样子.
例句: "What are you doing this summer?" "Same old same old – loading up the car and heading to the beach." ("你这个夏天打算要做什么?" "还不是那个老套– 把东西装上车就直奔海滩去玩.")

20. same to you
定义: 同样祝福你. 你也一样. (注: 有时也可用于回敬某人羞辱话)
例句: "Have a lovely evening." "Same to you, Mary." ("祝你有一个愉快的夜晚." "也同样祝福妳, 玛莉.")



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